Friday, January 30, 2015

Len Lazarick Delegates want voters to fill vacancies in legislature, but GOP wants to keep party role | The news site for government and politics in the Free State

Len Lazarick Delegates want voters to
fill vacancies in legislature, but GOP wants to keep party role

By Len Lazarick

Two freshman delegates from each party are working on
legislation to give voters a greater role in filling legislative seats that
become vacant.

At the same time, Republican Party officials are working on
ways to establish statewide party rules that will maintain the strong role of
party central committees in the process and avoid the special elections the
delegates are proposing.

The issue is a hot one in Annapolis as three counties must
fill seats held by senators and a delegate who have now become part of the
Hogan administration.

The Maryland Constitution gives the local party committees a
key role in selecting a replacement for senators and delegates from their own
party. But it does not specify a process for how they select a name to send to
the governor, who makes the final appointment.

The Republican Central Committees in Carroll, Frederick and
Washington counties all used different methods to select replacements for Sen.
Joe Getty, Del. Kelly Schulz and Sen. Chris Shank. Carroll had the most
secretive process, voting in closed meetings on names of applicants the
committee would not reveal.


Be sure to also read:

'via Blog this'
Carroll County Md Commissioners vote for legislative initiative to fill vacancies with special election

Carroll County Times article by Wiley Hayes: Late legislative initiative to limit central committee's responsibilities

The Carroll County Board of Commissioners will be submitting a late addition to their legislative package to take away the power of the Carroll County Republican Central Committee to select the replacement of a county commissioner in the event of an opening.

This legislation is in part due to the controversial decision by the committee to only recommend former Commissioner Robin Bartlett Frazier to replace Sen. Joe Getty. The Republican Central Committee has since reversed course and recommended three names to Gov. Larry Hogan for the seat.

The commissioners voted 3-2 on Thursday to send this legislation to the Carroll County delegation. Commissioners Stephen Wantz, R-District 1, and Richard Rothschild R-District 4, were the opposing votes.

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