Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Reading ‘Office of G.W. Bush’ and ‘G.W.B Presidential Ctr’ websites

Reading ‘Office of G.W. Bush’ and ‘G.W.B Presidential Ctr’ websites


Office of George W. Bush http://www.georgewbush.com/

January 13, 2015

KED January 13, 2015 - -I was doing some file maintenance on some old electronic records that I have not revisited since - maybe as far back as 1999.

And I came across this address URL for President George W. Bush, http://www.georgewbush.com/, from December 14, 1999. I tried it – what the heck. And guess what – not only does it still work, but it is a great site for our past president.

It was a link in my files from the days in which I was writing about now-President Bush before he won the presidential election and took office.

I had naturally assumed that it would have either been abandoned many years ago or it would redirect to the George W. Bush Presidential Center, which, by the way, may be found here: http://www.bushcenter.org/

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