Monday, March 09, 2015

Some parents across the country are revolting against standardized testing - The Washington Post

Some parents across the country are revolting against standardized testing - The Washington Post

 March 7, 2015

"A growing number of parents are refusing to let their children take standardized tests this year, arguing that civil disobedience is the best way to change what they say is a destructive overemphasis on tests in the nation’s public schools. 

The resistance comes as most states roll out new tests aligned to the Common Core academic standards and as Congress struggles to rewrite the federal law that has defined the role of testing in schools for the past decade.


 “What I’m hearing from the opt-out parents is maybe this is the last chance to get the legislature’s attention,” said Mark Neal, an Ohio superintendent who is an outspoken critic of the new Common Core tests. 

 Neal pulled his son, a third-grader, out of PARCC testing this year — one of the Common Core exams — as did the parents of about 20 percent of students who were supposed to take tests in his small district east of Columbus.

“We’ve never had anything like this before,” Neal said. “We’ve never had this many tests, we’ve never spent this much time testing.”

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