Friday, April 10, 2015

India leads rescue of foreign nationals, including Americans, trapped in Yemen - The Washington Post #YemenEvacuation

India leads rescue of foreign nationals, including Americans, trapped in Yemen - The Washington Post By Ishaan Tharoor April 8, 2015 

Yemen is in the midst of a spiraling crisis. A Saudi-led bombing campaign against the country's Houthi rebels has led to stark warnings of a looming humanitarian disaster. Food is running out, the water supply is dwindling, and hundreds of Yemeni civilians have perished.

Things are also tough for foreign nationals trapped in the escalating conflict. The Saudi-led offensive has virtually caused all flights in and out of the country to be canceled; main seaports are either blockaded or in the midst of battles between rival militias. Embassies have been shuttered.

More so than any other nation, India has taken the lead in the rescue of foreigners trapped in Yemen, evacuating more than 550 foreigners from 32 countries, including a dozen Americans and three Pakistanis.

Read more:


The scale of the Indian effort has spurred a fair amount of pride and triumphalism among Indians on social media, which you can find under the #YemenEvacuation hashtag.
It's also led to a moment of bonhomie between India and archrival Pakistan. On Wednesday, Indian officials acknowledged that authorities in Islamabad had arranged for the evacuation of 11 Indians aboard a Pakistani naval vessel and flew them on a special plane from Karachi to India.
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