Thursday, April 09, 2015

Secret Service-sexual misconduct: High-ranking supervisor suspended after allegations of misconduct and potential criminal activity.

Secret Service-sexual misconduct: High-ranking supervisor suspended after allegations of misconduct and potential criminal activity.:

By Josh Voorhees

The Secret Service has yet another party problem on its hands.
The agency confirmed Wednesday evening that it had placed a high-ranking supervisor on administrative leave and suspended his security clearance as a result of what a spokesman called “allegations of misconduct and potential criminal activity.”

The Washington Post, citing a pair of law enforcement officials in the know, filled in the details: A female agent is accusing her married boss, Xavier Morales, of making “unwanted sexual advances” and grabbing her at the agency headquarters after they returned to the office following a party at a downtown brewpub on the night of March 31: 
'via Blog this'


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