Wednesday, April 08, 2015

This day in history: Maryland State Police remembers a Fallen Hero: Officer Kuhn, motorcycle accident on April 8, 1934

MSP remembers a Fallen Hero who ended his watch with the Maryland State Police 81 years ago today.

Officer Kuhn, 26 years old, was operating his motorcycle, equipped with a sidecar on April 8, 1934 when he was killed.

He crashed into the rear of a wagon without regulation rear lights. Believed to have been blinded by the bright headlights of an oncoming vehicle, Kuhn's sidecar hit a wheel of the wagon. He was thrown from the motorcycle onto the concrete roadway near Mardela Springs outside of Salisbury.

This day in history: Maryland State Police remembers a Fallen Hero: Officer Kuhn, motorcycle accident on April 8, 1934

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