Friday, May 01, 2015

What we know, don't know about Freddie Gray's death - By Ashley Fantz and Greg Botelho, CNN Wed April 29, 2015

What we know, don't know about Freddie Gray's death - By Ashley Fantz and Greg Botelho, CNN Wed April 29, 2015

What we know, don't know about Freddie Gray's death

By Ashley Fantz and Greg Botelho, CNN

Updated 10:52 AM ET, Wed April 29, 2015

Story highlights

Freddie Gray was arrested on a weapons charge April 12; he was dead seven days later

He was put in a police van after his arrest; it's unclear what happened inside the van

Gray has a criminal history but it's not known if that had anything to do with his arrest or death

(CNN) The arrest and death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore has sparked protests and accusations of police brutality. But it's unclear how Gray, who was arrested on a weapons charge April 12, suffered a severe spinal cord injury that led to his death seven days later.

Here are the big questions surrounding this controversial case:

Update: A new digest of articles in the Baltimore Sun on the recent unrest and other related events

Just trying to catch-up after being away for a while.... May 4, 2015 at 6 a.m....

After more than a week of angry protests over the death of Freddie Gray, marred at times by violence and rioting, hundreds rejoiced and sang outside City Hall on Sunday.

Mary Jackson was watching CNN when the rioting broke out in West Baltimore last Monday, and she couldn't take her eyes off the screen.

Dr. Ben Carson, the celebrated pediatric neurosurgeon who spent his career at Johns Hopkins Hospital before becoming a darling of conservative voters, said Sunday he will seek the Republican nomination for president next year.

A message of hope was delivered by Baltimore elected officials and clergy at Southern Baptist Church Sunday afternoon, nearly a week after the Mary Harvin Transformation Center (a project of the church) and senior apartments were destroyed by a fire nearby during riots last Monday.

Mark Dantzler arrived home from a party early Sunday morning to find his neighborhood blocked off and his street saturated with blue police lights.
Baltimore began to move beyond unrest Sunday when Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake lifted a citywide curfew, the Maryland National Guard began withdrawing its forces and shoppers returned to Mondawmin Mall, which had been shuttered after looting.

Baltimore could be set to host a blockbuster sequel with Kentucky Derby champion American Pharoah and top rivals Firing Line and Dortmund all pointed toward the May 16 Preakness.

Pushing back against criticism of his own policing strategies in Baltimore, former Gov. Martin O'Malley said the tensions that erupted into riots last week would be central to his presidential campaign if he decides to run.

Baltimore City officials estimate the 39 hours an employee spent watching pornography on the job during a two-week period equated to about $1,166 in salary. They fired him in January after monitoring and documenting the employee's porn viewing.

One man is dead after two separate overnight shootings Saturday, Baltimore police said.

Rep. Elijah E. Cummings said Sunday he was "comfortable" with State's Attorney Marilyn J. Mosby's decision to charge six police officers in the death of Freddie Gray.

Gov. Larry Hogan attended mass at a Catholic church in the Sandtown-Winchester community Sunday, part of a "day of prayer and peace" he had declared in the wake of a tense week that saw looting and violence following the death of Freddie Gray.

As the 10 p.m. curfew went into effect Saturday night, police detained one man at Pennsylvania and North avenues, the site of a riot and looting earlier this week. The handcuffed man had been pepper-sprayed and police were pouring water into the man's eyes to try to ease the effects of the spray....

A group of about 50 mostly white protesters stood on a corner in Hampden on Saturday just as the citywide 10 p.m. curfew went into effect because, they said, they knew they'd be treated differently than black protesters in poorer parts of the city.

In a fourth-floor conference room at Baltimore police headquarters, two training officers in blue T-shirts and blue pants lowered themselves onto the carpeted floor to demonstrate the leg hold officers used to restrain Freddie Gray the day he was arrested — and sustained a fatal spine injury.

It was part dance party, and part angry cry for justice.

James Henderson grabbed his daughter Kya's tiny hand and reminded his youngest, Kendall, to hold on to him as the family joined a crowd of about 100 Saturday on a march to City Hall.

Unrest in Baltimore put on display the widely different leadership styles that Gov. Larry Hogan and Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake brought to a crisis that could come to define their administrations.

As more than a dozen pharmacies remained closed after fires and looting in Baltimore, city health officials on Saturday urged people who can't get their medicines to call 311 for help.

After riots overtook West Baltimore on Monday, a hashtag began to appear on Twitter and other social media — #BALTIMORELOOTCREW — linking together posts that depicted pilfered prescription drugs and demolished store shelves.

Tonight's Floyd Mayweather vs. Manny Pacquiao bout may be the fight of the century, but for some Baltimore bar and club owners, it's just another way the city's ongoing curfew is costing them and their employees money.

As arson investigators from the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives dug through the charred rubble of a West Baltimore pawn shop Saturday, the bureau put out a call for citizen-captured videos of fires that erupted during Monday's riots. Anyone with fire videos can upload...

Baltimore City's top prosecutor, State's Attorney Marilyn J. Mosby, charged all six officers who had been suspended in connection with Freddie Gray's death. The highest charge, second-degree depraved heart murder, went to the driver of the van.

Baltimore police arrested at least 53 people during peaceful protests Friday, the day charges were brought against the six officers involved in the arrest of Freddie Gray.

A popular fundraising website has disallowed contributions for the Baltimore officers charged in the death of Freddie Gray.

The obstacles the Orioles have faced through the first four weeks of the season – several untimely injuries, an inconsistent pitching staff and this week's forced scheduling twist – pales in comparison to what has been going on in Baltimore over the past seven days.

Two men were arrested amid the ongoing unrest in Baltimore on Tuesday night after stealing a Maryland Transit Administration mobility van that police then tracked through GPS, a MTA spokesman confirmed.

A 49-year-old Highlandtown corner store employee was fatally shot at his business on Friday morning, one of two shootings reported in Southeast Baltimore.

Amid a cacophony of people shouting and car horns honking, Baltimoreans pulled each other into close hugs and joyful handshakes Friday as word spread that State's Attorney Marilyn J. Mosby was charging six police officers involved in the arrest of Freddie Gray.

All six police officers charged in the death of Freddie Gray were released from the Central Booking and Intake Center downtown Friday night after posting bail, court records show.

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