Monday, June 15, 2015

How a devastating loss in Florida taught Jeb Bush what it takes to win - The Washington Post

How a devastating loss in Florida taught Jeb Bush what it takes to win - The Washington Post: "By Karen Tumulty June 14, 2015


That was late spring of 1997, a time in his life that Bush now refers to as “wandering around.”
But he was far from aimless.
In that period, Bush retooled himself and his image from that of a sometimes cartoonish ideologue into what he is today. Indeed, as he prepares to formally announce his bid for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, the question being asked is whether he is strident enough.
Humbled by defeat the first time he ran for office, Bush spent the mid-1990s broadening and deepening his knowledge of how his state worked, forging relationships that softened his profile and striving to talk about what he believed in a way that would bring people together.
I learned tone,” Bush said in an interview. “You can say the same thing that represents your core beliefs in a way that draws people toward your message, rather than pushes people away.

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