Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Thanks to the state trooper who went beyond the call of duty - Opinion - The Cumberland Times-News

Thanks to the state trooper who went beyond the call of duty - Opinion - The Cumberland Times-News: "Letter to the Editor | Posted Yesterday [Retrieved August 25, 2015]


 I was at the house of an elderly couple I work for, and while I was there they came home followed by a Maryland state trooper.

I thought maybe she had made a wrong -lane change or something of this nature. I made my way up from behind the house to see what was going on.

I was very surprised to see the trooper helping the elderly wife get her husband and into a wheelchair."

Read more: http://m.times-news.com/opinion/thanks-to-the-state-trooper-who-went-beyond-the-call/article_cadbbddc-4830-11e5-8cfe-c3351e316371.html?mode=jqm

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