Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Worth repeating: November 02, 1990 The Obits and the News By Ernest B. Furgurson

Worth repeating: November 02, 1990 The Obits and the News By Ernest B. Furgurson http://kevindayhoff.blogspot.com/1990/11/november-02-1990-obits-and-news-by.html

November 02, 1990 The Obits and the News By Ernest B. Furgurson

NEW YORK. — New York. - IN JANUARY 1928, they electrocuted Ruth Snyder, the first woman sent to the chair in New York. Most of Manhattan's newspapers ran columns of purple prose about it. Page 1 of the Daily News told the story in one word and one picture.

The word, in huge type, was DEAD! The blurred picture below it was of Snyder at the instant the shock hit her -- taken by photographer Tom Howard with a hidden camera strapped to his ankle.

That may have been the News' most famous front page, at least until the one in 1975 when the president refused to bail the city out of its financial crunch. The headline that day was was FORD TO CITY: DROP DEAD.

The word ''dead'' has figured often in the 71-year-history of the News; the paper has specialized in crime reporting, and printed the best. But for the past week, since a long-feared strike began, some of its own employees have become actors instead of narrators in a running crime story.

Starting with the first editions after the strike began, competing papers have covered it as if the News itself were on its death bed, as it may be. There are three tabloids in New York, and the common wisdom is that not more than two can survive. If the strike and management's determination to break the unions does kill the News, one of those rivals might have the bad taste to run its own gleeful headline proclaiming the News DEAD!

That would be the Post, once stodgily liberal, now wackily conservative, catering to readers downscale from the News' hard-core blue-collar fans. The other, more upscale, is New York Newsday, the Manhattan sister of Long Island's Newsday (owned by Times-Mirror, which also owns the Baltimore Sun).


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