Monday, September 14, 2015

Marine Times Hope Hodge Seck - Marine war hero: SecNav 'off base' on women in combat

Marine Times Hope Hodge Seck - Marine war hero: SecNav 'off base' on women in combat

Marine war hero: SecNav 'off base' on women in combat 

By Hope Hodge Seck, Staff writer4:58 p.m. EDT September 14, 2015

An influential Marine leader who received the nation's second-highest valor award and helped run the Corps' months long study on women in combat slammed Navy Secretary Ray Mabus this weekend for questioning the validity of the experiment.

In a publicly visible post on his personal Facebook page, Sgt. Maj. Justin LeHew said Mabus was "way off base" to suggest that female Marines of a higher caliber should have been selected for the service's integrated task force experiment and that officials went into the test anticipating the women would not be successful.

Mabus' comments run "counter to the interests of national security and [are] unfair to the women who participated in this study," wrote LeHew, who played a key role in the service's nine-month experiment as the top enlisted leader with Marine Corps Training and Education Command.

"No one went in to this with the mentality that we did not want this to succeed," he added. "No Marine, regardless of gender, would do that."

LeHew later removed or hid the post from his Facebook page. He did not respond to Marine Corps Times requests' for comment sent via email and Facebook.

"Sgt. Maj. LeHew’s social media posts reflect his personal views and not those of Training and Education Command or the Marine Corps," said 1st Lt. Matthew Rojo, a spokesman for the command. "He is not available for further comment at this time."

Both Marine Corps Headquarters and Ray Mabus, through a spokesman, declined to comment.

LeHew, nicknamed "The Hero of Nasiriyah," received the prestigious Navy Cross in 2004... Read much more here:


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