Sunday, January 03, 2016

Boston Globe reporters and editors delivered newspapers on Sunday.

Don Surber: Boston Globe sets its minimum wage at $0.00 an hou... 

Boston Globe sets its minimum wage at $0.00 an hour - Don Surber at Don Surber - 4 hours ago

To CNN, it is the feel-good story of the New Year. Boston Globe reporters and editors delivered newspapers on Sunday. If you're a subscriber to the Boston Globe, the person who delivered your Sunday paper might have been the same person who wrote part of it. Fed up after nearly a week of widespread delivery problems, dozens of reporters and editors at the Globe worked until dawn Sunday morning to deliver thousands of copies of the paper. The Globe said it was a "small gesture to show our Globe customers that we are working hard" to address the problems. Managing editors, politica... more »


Management screwed up. It switched delivery companies last week. The delivery company has 600 "contractors" -- people who are paid less than minimum wage to deliver papers. Management said this was done to improve service.

Service so improved that customers complained and cancellations piled up. On Saturday, newsroom staffers volunteered to do the job. Apparently, they worked for nothing, which is even less than "contractors" received.


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