Wednesday, January 20, 2016

George Welty in front of the old Westminster Md. Firehall October 24, 1998 - by Kevin Dayhoff

George Welty in front of the old Firehall October 24, 1998 - by Kevin Dayhoff

Local historian and news photographer George Welty covers the Westminster Fire Engine and Hose Co. #1 closing ceremonies of our fire station located at 66 East Main Street at 12:00 PM, which had served the community for 102 years.

Dedication of the new Westminster Fire Station:  October 24, 1998 by Kevin Dayhoff

On Saturday October 24, 1998, The Westminster Fire Engine and Hose Co. #1 conducted closing ceremonies of our fire station located at 66 East Main Street at 12:00 PM, which had served the community for 102 years.

Activities started on Friday the 23rd by washing and waxing all the units, followed by pizza party. On Saturday at 0800 hours a breakfast was served in the social hall for all members and their families.

After the breakfast we prepared for the closing ceremonies. Master of Ceremonies was Mr. Richard Brooks, Rev. Fred Eckhardt, our department chaplain, gave the invocation and the retiring of the colors was by the Westminster Municipal Band Color Guard

Fire CC Depts 03 Westminster, History This Day in History 1024, Fire CC Depts 03 Westminster moving Oct 24, 1998, History, Journalists Welty George, Dayhoff photos,

Baltimore Sun Carroll Eagle: 
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Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:
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E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)

My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

See also - Kevin Earl Dayhoff Art Travel, art, artists, authors, books, newspapers, media, writers and writing, journalists and journalism, reporters and reporting, music, culture, opera... Ad maiorem Dei gloriam inque hominum salutem. “Deadline U.S.A.” 1952. Ed Hutcheson: “That's the press, baby. The press! And there's nothing you can do about it. Nothing!” - See more at:

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