Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The Hill: Washington Metro one of five national infrastructure emergencies

The Hill: Washington Metro one of five national infrastructure emergencies

Five infrastructure emergencies

Advocates for investing in the nation’s infrastructure are hesitant to single out certain projects as deserving priority over others, arguing that sustained funding and attention is needed equally across the board.

But there are some crumbling structures threatening both the economy and public safety that are just too urgent not to point out.

Here are five transportation projects around the country that experts believe are in dire need of repair.


Washington’s Metrorail system

The transit system of the nation’s capital, once hailed as a crown jewel in public transportation, has become a symbol of Washington dysfunction.

Metrorail has been plagued by a string of high-profile safety lapses and reports of mismanagement, including a deadly accident in 2015 in which smoke from a tunnel fire filled a stalled train car and killed one passenger.

Another similar smoke incident earlier this year led to an unprecedented shutdown of the entire subway system for emergency inspections and immediate repairs.

New leadership has been charged with the herculean task of overhauling Metro, which is the second busiest transit system in the country and is used by a large share of the federal workforce. The agency is rolling out a massive, yearlong rehabilitation plan that is expected to involve partial shutdowns and major service disruptions.

But some Metro officials say more federal money is needed for its operating budget, adding that a dedicated regional funding stream is crucial for long-term maintenance and safety.

“You have to help us, otherwise we can’t survive,” Board Chairman Jack Evans told a House panel last month.


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