Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Christopher Ingraham – Washington Post: “I ordered a box of crickets…”

Christopher Ingraham – Washington Post: “I ordered a box of crickets…”

This story is too fun: “I ordered a box of crickets from the Internet and it went about as well as you’d expect,” by Christopher Ingraham December 29, 2018 in the Washington Post. Find it here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2018/12/29/i-ordered-box-crickets-internet-it-went-about-well-youd-expect/?utm_term=.a0a393b763f6 

“For Christmas this year, my family adopted a young bearded dragon lizard as a pet.

“Our dragon, whom we named Holly, eats a lot, and the thing she loves to eat most is crickets (typically about 10 a day, in addition to other things like mealworms and vegetables). From the get-go, I knew that keeping an ample supply of crickets on hand would require some planning. We live in a rural area of northwestern Minnesota. The closest pet shop is an hour away, in North Dakota. Restocking our cricket supply would require a time commitment of at least two hours out and back.

“By Christmas Day this year, Holly’s cricket supply was running low. I decided to order crickets online, which I had never done before, to save a trip to North Dakota. I bought the crickets from Fluker Farms, one of the more well-established online insect vendors (yes, these exist and there are a lot of them). I decided on a shipment of 250 crickets …” Read much more here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2018/12/29/i-ordered-box-crickets-internet-it-went-about-well-youd-expect/?utm_term=.a0a393b763f6 


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