Monday, January 12, 2015

Del. Justin Ready, R-District 5 is the clear choice for Carroll Co. Md. Senate vacancy

Del. Justin Ready, R-District 5 is the clear choice for Senate vacancy

By Kevin E. Dayhoff

January 11, 2015

Del. Justin Ready, R-District 5 is the clear choice for the Carroll County Republican Central Committee to fill the vacancy in the Maryland State Senate left by outgoing Senator Joe Getty

Last Saturday, Jan. 10, 2015, the Carroll County Republican Central Committee chose former Carroll County commissioner Robin Frazier as its recommendation to fill the vacancy in the Maryland State Senate left by outgoing Senator Joe Getty.

As I noted here, the choice was quite a surprise for me and has not gone-over well among many in Carroll County.

I had only thought that the obvious choice was to promote Md. Delegate Justin Ready R-Carroll County. I mean that is the natural progression according to history and tradition. The past representation by Del Ready has been deliberated among the voters and decided upon by the electorate in the 2014 elections – when he was re-elected …

Carroll County Times staff writer Jacob deNobel,0,151714.story has reported, the seat is currently “held by Sen. Joe Getty who has been tapped by Gov.-elect Larry Hogan to serve as his Policy and Legislative Director, and will have to vacate the senate seat to take the cabinet position…

Writing recently, in an undated post on, Del. Ready made this statement on District 5 State Senate Vacancy:

“Senator Joe Getty’s appointment to serve on Governor Hogan’s senior staff will mean that the seat he holds will become vacant upon his resignation. After consideration and discussion with my family, I have decided to seek the appointment to move from the State House to the State Senate. Constitutionally, the Republican Central Committee in Carroll County has the responsibility of recommending a name to the Governor in circumstances like these. I look forward to engaging in the process with the committee. If I’m fortunate enough to be appointed, I will continue to fight for real tax relief and spending reform in Maryland as well as standing strong for life and our 2nd Amendment rights. I’ll do my best to keep you updated as we move forward.”

Frazier, according to deNobel, “a Taneytown resident, served two terms as a County Commissioner. She lost in the June primary to Stephen Wantz and ran as a write-in candidate in the November election which she also lost. […]

“Del.-elect Haven Shoemaker, R-District 5, said he was shocked when he heard the nomination of Frazier. Shoemaker and Frazier served together in the Carroll County Board of Commissioners, and if Frazier is approved, the two will serve together in the Maryland State Legislature.

“‘The Republican Central Committee must be nuttier than outhouse rats to select someone who was voted down twice in the last year alone," Shoemaker said. "To make this decision represents a nullification of the will of the people.’”

A petition on says, “Petitioning Maryland Governor-elect Larry Hogan - This petition will be delivered to: Maryland Governor-elect Larry Hogan.

“LETTER TO: Maryland Governor-elect Larry Hogan - We are asking you to listen to the voters that did not elect Ms. Robin Frazier as a government official in 2014 and deny the Republican Central Committee nomination of Robin Frazier to replace Joe Getty in the Senate.”

“The voters spoke in the primary election, and then again in the general election to NOT have Robin Frazier as a commissioner in Carroll County. During her last 4 years in office she has brought a law suit against the county, attempted to drastically reduce funding for public school and impose her religious views on everyone. Ms. Frazier does NOT listen to the majority of the citizens of Carroll County and if she is given a seat on the Senate she will most certainly be a puppet. Please join me in asking Governor-elect Larry Hogan to choose an honorable and dedicated individual to give a credible voice for citizens of Carroll County, NOT Ms. Robin Frazier.”

Petitioner Katie Gerity wrote, “Listen to the voters that did not elect Ms. Robin Frazier as a government official in 2014 and deny the Republican Central Committee nomination of Robin Frazier to replace Joe Getty in the Senate.”

Like many, I have, after a great deal of thoughtful consideration, become a great fan of Justin Ready - Justin Ready for Delegate.

According to deNobel, “Del. Justin Ready, R-District 5 has been open about his candidacy about the position. He said he was disappointed not to be selected, but he is looking forward to serving the taxpayers in the House of Delegates.

“Shoemaker said, to him, Ready was the clear choice for the position.
‘You have to be able to reach across the aisle, which [Frazier has] proven she can't do,’ Shoemaker said.”

I was lobbied-hard to throw my hat in the ring for Senate, but I felt quite strongly that it was deservedly and appropriately Del. Ready's seat and I put all my support behind him, publicly and privately.

Del. Ready earned it in so many ways, Not only has he earned-it at the polls, but especially because of his esteemed and distinguished past service to Carroll County.

I have no interest in criticizing Commissioner Robin Frazier. I have appreciated working with her in the past and applaud her past service to our community.

However there is a time to move aside and let others take a turn. That time is now. I have no interest in the politics of personal destruction. One thing I step away from are positions in which one thing or person is right and another is wrong. I walk away from that. It serves no useful purpose.

The matter is simple. Del. Ready earned the honor and privilege of serving Carroll County meritoriously - with honor and distinction, (as has Del.-elect Shoemaker.)

I am profoundly proud of Messrs. Shoemaker and Ready's representation of Carroll County and our collective interests - - whether you are a conservative or a liberal. I mean, to make a strong point - - have you ever disagreed with Justin Ready - or that matter, Haven Shoemaker - Haven Shoemaker for House of Delegates?

I have. I have been around the block a few times and it was important to me to have an opportunity to discuss some public policy initiatives in which I felt that I had an another point of view.

And upon every disagreement and resulting discussion, I have found both gentlemen to be extremely accessible, friendly, diplomatic, and statesperson-like, Not only do we want these public servants in Annapolis because of their ideology, but because of their demeanor and most importantly they earned it the old fashioned way. Just saying. God bless both of these gentlemen.


Related: Robin Bartlett Frazier nominated to State Senate seat - by Carroll County Times staff writer Jacob deNobel January 10, 2015,0,151714.story

Carroll County Republican Central Committee Selects Robin Bartlett Frazier to Fill Opening District 5 Senate Seat

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