20060329 Media Matters is leaking
Hat Tip Wonkette
Looks like employees for Media Matters have attended the same classes as elected official(s) from the Maryland Town of Mount Airy. In Mount Airy, there is curious phenomena occurring - or so it would appear. Perhaps it is just the vivid imagination of some folks. But anytime there is a confidential/internal memo circulated among staff and elected officials in Mount Airy – it is automatically forwarded to the Carroll County Board of Commissioners, local newspapers and anyone else who may have a passing interest in only one small portion of any particular issue.
In a March 7th, 2006 Frederick News Post article by Katie E. Leslie, Mount Airy Councilman Peter Helt was quoted as publicly stating was has become common knowledge in the public: “Confidential documents sent to council members and the mayor have recently been leaked to the public, Mr. Helt said. Yet neither the mayor or any council member have acknowledged distributing those documents, he said.”
And OMG – there was one really special moment in the Media Matters internal memo: “One rule from the communications shop: TREAT BLOGGERS AS PRESS…”
Perhaps the Associated Press should read this memo.
Please see: 'Only a blogger' in Pajamas Media and also see: MSM Plagiarism Strikes Again – AP Welcome to the Party, by Larisa Alexandrovna.
I have also received a T-shirt for having the Associated Press use my work and not giving me credit for it.
One of many fascinating paragraphs is: “We do not credit blogs!
Meanwhile, thank you Wonkette for keeping us to date with the bathroom etiquette of the male employees at Media Matters.
Most Meanspirited Post of the Day
Hat tip to Wonkette
March 29, 2006
“(Well, so far, anyway.)
Hey, another Media Matters email!
Subject: I can't believe I have to do this again...
From: [Redacted]
Date: Tue, March 28, 2006 10:49 am
To: "'Mmfa staff'"
Priority: Normal
but once again, someone forwarded an internal email to the Wonkette, embarrassing both Media Matters as an organization and all of the colleagues you work with on a daily basis. It's ridiculous enough that email needed to be sent in the first place, and appalling that someone's had the lack of judgment to send it to a widely-read logger. One rule from the communications shop: TREAT BLOGGERS AS PRESS, and communicate with them through the communications shop. If you have a question about that, ask one of us. I hoped, apparently in vain, that this wouldn't happen again. It did. So I'm hoping again. Don't let this happen again.
Oh, Media Matters, come on. Treat us as press? But the press ignores you! We hang on your every internal memo!
Earlier: Report: Male Employees At Media Matters Are Total F**king Slobs
Update: Men at Media Matters Still Total F**king Slobs”
20060104 Male Slobs at Media Matters
Report: Male Employees at Media Matters are Total F***ing Slobs
Hat Tip: Wonkette
January 4th, 2006
“We received a copy of this email from confidential sources at Media Matters:
Subject: Men’s bathroom complaint From: “S———” Date: Tue, January 3, 2006 10:37 am Priority: High
Good morning!
On my way out of the office on December 23rd, I was stopped by someone from the management office. He lectured me about a problem in the men’s bathroom. Despite my protestation that I clearly do not use the men’s bathroom, and thus complete unaware of any problems, he continued on. He received complaints from the cleaning crew that newspapers have been “strewn” (his word, not mine) all over the bathroom. If you bring a newspaper or other reading material, please bring it back out. Thanks!
Media Matters for America
While we’re not surprised that the rending and strewing of journalism is a popular activity at Media Matters, we’d like to remind their staff that the medium is the message and that the message you send to your janitorial staff matters. Also, guys, you can’t let yourself be so blinded by the right that you start forgetting how to distinguish between two types of genitalia.
Update: Men at Media Matters Still Total F***ing Slobs
Hat Tip: Wonkette
March 27th, 2006
The good people are Media Matter for America: hard at work fighting conservative bias, still pissing off the janitorial staff:
Subject: Men’s bathroom….again
From: [Redacted]
Date: Mon, March 27, 2006 12:51 pm
To: [Everyone with a penis]
Priority: High
I’m sorry to have to send another e-mail about the men’s bathroom, but Jenny was on the receiving end of an unfortunate tirade from the building engineer (wait….assistant building engineer) a few minutes ago about a clogged toilet from this morning. I know that none of you would intentionally “stuff” a toilet, but he seems to think that someone from this office is doing just that. I’m not sure how to suggest to you guys to be conscious of what’s going down there (and I know it sounds ridiculous), but please try. They already hate us, so let’s try to play nice.
Media Matters for America
Guys — you may not think this is a big deal, but we happen to know that Media Research Council keeps their place neat as a fucking whistle — ‘cause you never know when Exxon’s gonna stop by to see how their money’s being spent. You think Soros wants to keep you guys afloat if you can’t pick up after yourselves?
Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA.
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