“Dayhoff Westminster Soundtrack:” Kevin Dayhoff – “Soundtrack Division of Old Silent Movies” - https://kevindayhoff.blogspot.com/ combined with “Dayhoff Westminster” – Writer, artist, fire and police chaplain. For art, writing and travel see https://kevindayhoffart.blogspot.com/ Authority Caroline Babylon, Treasurer
Monday, December 06, 2010
Unedited file copy of “Horn, Laxton, Evans and Ridgely out as Carroll County terminates appointees”
Commissioner Minnich provides some additional insight into terminations
December 1, 2010 Commissioner Minnich statement about the employee terminations
Sunday, December 05, 2010
December 1, 2010 Press release: Outgoing Commissioner Mike Zimmer is outraged by the decision to terminate the employees.
December 1, 2010 press release: Carroll “County Terminates Four Appointees’ Contracts”
Saturday, September 04, 2010
Latest News Updates from Michael Zimmer, Carroll County commissioner candidate for District 5
I serve as a Commissioner for Carroll County because I know I can make a real difference in the lives of everyday citizens of our county. This site contains my issue stands and information about my personal background that help to make that difference. My temperament, education, experience, skills and talents have uniquely equipped me to be a Commissioner. I ask for your ongoing support. I am a leader who listens. That’s a lot more than a slogan. It’s how I live my life. Michael D. Zimmer Commissioner | |||||||||||||
Latest News Updates: News 2010 - Main Page | |||||||||||||
Standing by record of service - Letter to the Carroll County Times. 8/30/10Undecided voters in Commissioner District 5 may be wondering who they can trust on the issue of property tax relief. Securing tax relief has been one of my top priorities during the term of the current Board of Commissioners. | |||||||||||||
Waste-to-Energy Updates - August 2010 PDF Document - Associated Builders & Contractors of Cumberland Valley Renewable Waste-to-Energy Resolution Letter to The Baltimore Sun - from Charles J. "Buck" Miller, Jr., Hampstead | |||||||||||||
Press Release - 8/25/10 Yesterday the South Carroll Republican Club endorsed me for Commissioner in District 5. This follows the endorsement by the Maryland Republican Assembly... | |||||||||||||
Facts vs Attacks Page - a new page on this site posted 8/18/10 | |||||||||||||
Press Release - 8/10/10 The candidate who continually seems to want to spin my record as Commissioner struck again recently with his attack on my practice of taking one or two meals a month at one of our local senior centers. He alleges this practice lacks an official purpose and is merely politics on my part. The official purpose of these visits is pretty simple. I go to the centers to listen. | |||||||||||||
Commissioner Zimmer denies wrongdoing in trips to senior centers - Carroll County Times. 8/9/10Commissioner Michael Zimmer said his frequent visits to senior centers in Carroll County aren't campaign-related and don't violate policies prohibiting the centers from holding political events. | |||||||||||||
County commissioners adopt lower tax cap - Carroll County Times. 8/6/10Carroll residents could see smaller increases in their property tax bills in the future. On Thursday, the Carroll County Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to adopt a reduction on the cap of the Homestead Tax Credit. They lowered the cap from 7 percent to 5 percent following a public hearing on the proposal. | |||||||||||||
Press Release - 8/3/10 My English teachers in high school taught me to cite my sources in my papers. My college speech professor taught the same lesson in that class. Certain attacks have been leveled against my record by one candidate in particular. This candidate has a habit of making outrageous observations of his spin about my votes, yet conveniently he seems to leave out key facts or blatantly misrepresent the facts in these attacks. He also conveniently fails to cite sources for his charges. Facts vs Attacks Page | |||||||||||||
Record clear on police issues - Letter to the Carroll County Times. 7/28/10The next Board of Commissioners will tackle many issues. One concern will be the future of law enforcement. Here are the facts about my record. In 2008 I wrote the governor to ask that he sign a referendum bill passed by the General Assembly to subject the future of law enforcement to a vote by the public. The majority on the board shot this referendum down in a two to one vote... | |||||||||||||
Press Release - 7/26/10 Recently one of the District 5 candidates has questioned my decision to hire a full time special assistant when I was skeptical of such hires several years ago. His attack ignores a simple reality of what happened during the General Election of 2006. | |||||||||||||
Carroll County Chamber Position Statement - 7/21/10 Chamber's position statement supports proposed Waste-to-Energy Facility. "The Frederick/Carroll County Renewable Waste-to-Energy facility appears to be in the overall best interests of the County, its businesses, and its residents, and the Carroll County Chamber of Commerce strongly supports the project." | |||||||||||||
Support offered for candidate Jim Rutledge - Letter to the Carroll County Times. 6/20/10 Since 2008 voters in Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts have expressed their displeasure with the policies of President Barack Obama. Will this be the year for similar voter anger to be displayed in Maryland? Washington-based policies seem to be oriented to ever-increasing spending and deficits. It is time to send a Senator to Washington who retains a love for freedom and a respect for constitutionally limited government and spending. We have a choice this year to elect a new U.S. Senator. I'm backing Jim Rutledge for this task. In fact, he's asked me to serve as his honorary chair of his Carroll County campaign... | |||||||||||||
Press Release: Today I have filed for election as County Commissioner 06/08/10 |
Friday, June 19, 2009
Commissioner Zimmer will be holding his town hall meeting series this summer
June 19, 2009
Michael D. Zimmer
County Commissioner
Office of the Commissioners
225 North Center Street
Westminster, Maryland 21157-5194
Westminster 410.386.2044
Baltimore 1.888.302.8978
Fax 410.386.2485
TT 410.848.3017
Commissioner Zimmer will be holding his town hall meeting series titled, “I Am Glad You Asked” again this summer. The following are the dates and times:
Thursday, July 16th at 7:00 pm at the Mount Airy Library, Large Meeting Room
Monday, July 20th at7:00 pm at the Eldersburg Library, Large Meeting Room
Wednesday, August 19th at 7:00 pm at the Westminster Library, Large Meeting Room
The format will consist of a presentation by Commissioner Zimmer followed by an open dialogue with the audience. Commissioner Zimmer will accept questions prior to the meeting if an individual is unable to attend.
Please feel free to contact Amanda Miller at 410-386-2044 or by e-mail amiller AT ccg.carr.org if there are any questions.
20090619 SDOSM Press Release I am Glad You Asked
Friday, May 22, 2009
It was a lovely day to protest.

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Pictured are the airport protesters at the Carroll County office building in Westminster Maryland.
Seems they are also protesting Carroll County commissioners Julia Gouge and Mike Zimmer.
Dayhoff Daily Photoblog
20090521 Airport protesters
Kevin Dayhoff Art: http://www.kevindayhoff.com/
Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: http://www.westgov.net/
Thursday, May 08, 2008
20080503 Dog park not in Carroll County budget – but ya don’t mess around with Jim
Dog park not in
As if developing the Carroll County Budget is not difficult enough this year, here comes a debate and discussion about a “dog park” that is not even in the budget.
I have often wondered why newspapers print letters to the editor that state things that are not true by most accepted standards… In this case, the item was brought to the commissioners’ attention and they voted it down…
As far as the commentary as to what a paper reports upon and what it does not – that has been an item of discussion since the beginning of newspapers and that debate will continue for eons into the future.
Although I can certainly understand the writer’s frustration, writing so caustically about the paper’s sense of prioritization may very well not be a well-considered strategy.
I suggest that the writer pull out an old copy of the Jim Croce classic, “You Don't Mess Around with Jim” the next time he considers hitting the “send” button.
“You don't tug on Superman's cape/You don't spit into the wind/You don't pull the mask off the ol' Lone Ranger/And you don't mess around with Jim”
Letters to the editor Saturday, May 03, 2008
On April 28 the Times printed a letter to the editor containing inaccurate information regarding county funding for a dog park in our budget process.
The writer was under the mistaken impression that such an appropriation was supported by the Board of Commissioners. This is actually the direct opposite from the truth.
This was a proposal requested by our Parks and Recreation Department, but not recommended by the Budget Department in the recommended budget. Such items receive a direct appeal to the board from the department head and an up or down vote by the commissioners.
In this case when the Parks and Recreation head made his appeal I told him that I could not support such an appropriation under any circumstances and that I was not persuadable on this point.
On April 16 when the board deliberated and voted on various budget requests all three of us voted not to fund the dog park. There were a number of significant proposals from me that occurred at that meeting. As of the writing of this letter the Times has not reported on the content of this meeting.
For example the Times did not report on my suggestion that we offer tax relief during the meeting. It did not report my request to delete a future position from the
I don't blame the letter writer for not knowing the facts on the dog park being voted down. He's obviously using the Times as his primary news source.
Michael D. Zimmer Eldersburg The writer is a member of the
It was with total dismay and astonishment that I read the article on the county commissioners' support of a dog park costing over $70,000.
A dog park? Talk about government being involved in every aspect of our lives.
This is further evidence that county taxes should be lowered. The commissioners obviously have more money than they know what to do with.
How about giving some of it back to the taxpayers instead of blowing it?
William Yost Westminster