AGENDA for the CITY OF WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND Mayor and Common Council Meeting of November 22, 2010
At this point, e-mail requests and phone calls for the following information pertaining to this evening’s meeting have gone unanswered:
I hope you can help me with a couple of housekeeping and file maintenance items for a possible newspaper article for Explore Carroll or my website…
Is the “amended version one of Ordinance No. 818 Sectional Zoning Map Amendment No. SMA 10-1 and Accompanying Written Decision – “Belle Grove Square Neighborhood and Willis Street Neighborhood” available on the city’s website? If not, may I have a copy of it?
May I have a copy of the transcript of the November 8, 2010 public hearing on SMA 10-1?
Are the minutes from the October 14, 2010 Planning and Zoning meeting posted on the website? I do not seem to be able to find any of the PZ minutes for 2010 posted? ( May I have a copy of the October 14, 2010 PZ meeting minutes?
May I have a copy of the letter notifying the Willis Street residents about the November 8, 2010 public hearing for the proposed zoning changes?
May I have a copy of the letter notifying the Willis Street residents of the Monday, November 15, 2010 community meeting?
Thanks a lot for your time.
For more information, please see:
Also see:
The Westminster city staff report and recommendation for the proposed Zoning Text Amendment and Sectional Map Amendment…
The proposed 164-45.31 proscribes, “An application for zonal classification in the Neighborhood Preservation Overlay Zone may be made only by a Sectional Map Amendment.”
A Sectional Map Amendment for the inclusion of the Belle Grove Square and Willis Street neighborhoods was filed simultaneously by the mayor and council on September 30, 2010. (See [20100930 SMA10-1-Belle Grove Square and Willis Street Neighborhood.] City of Westminster Sectional Zoning Map Amendment – SMA#10-1)
Section 164-45.25 introduces, “The Neighborhood Preservation Overlay Zone (NP Zone) is intended to provide for the preservation of the historic character and physical setting of the city’s traditional neighborhoods by promoting residential uses and directing more intense uses to other suitable locations.
“The Neighborhood Preservation Overlay Zone is a mapped zone which is superimposed over properties included in the R-7,500 residential zone and R-10,000 residential in certain traditional residential neighborhoods. Once properties are included in the Neighborhood Preservation Overlay Zone, any development or use of such properties are subject to its provisions.”
A public hearing notice document was placed on the city’s website, dated September 30, 2010 that indicated that the
Westminster mayor and common council would hold a public hearing on November 8 on Zoning Text Amendment No. ZTA 10-3 which was subsequently introduced at
the October 11 common council meeting as Ordinance 816. The Ordinance is sponsored by councilmembers Greg Pecoraro and Dr. Robert Wack.
20100930 Ord 816 ZTA10-3-NhborhoodPresOverlayZone
See also:
zoning, historic, preservation, Westminster, Maryland, Carroll County, planning and zoning commission, Willis Street, hearing, Ordinance, Chapter 164
Also related:
“Possible zoning changes to shape downtown area” Tuesday, October 26, 2010 By Brett Lake, Advocate Staff Writer
“WESTMINSTER: Arts, preservation zoning process moving forward” Tuesday, November 9, 2010 By Peter Panepinto, Times Staff Writer
The Westminster Common Council approved two text amendments Monday night for the Arts and Culture Overlay Zone and the Neighborhood Preservation Overlay Zone.
Pat Martin intended to open an assisted-living home at 170 Willis St. in 2012, but his plan has been halted because of a zoning map amendment that would prevent any businesses from opening in the Westminster neighborhood.
"This would totally kill my plans for opening the facility," said Martin, a local remodeling contractor.
Martin purchased the old Weller property in 2000 with plans to restore it. He got the idea to open an assisted-living home from a friend who works in the health field in 2005.
Further context:
20101122 sdosm MCC Agenda.
zoning, historic, preservation, Westminster, Maryland, Carroll County, planning and zoning commission, Willis Street, hearing, Ordinance, Chapter 164
Westminster Council Mtgs, Westminster Council Mtg Agenda, Westminster PZ Nborhood Pres Overlay Zone, Westminster Issues open transparent, People Martin Pat