From the Maryland Senate Republican Caucus Friday March 27 2009
March 27, 2009
As the Maryland General Assembly realizes the end of the session is in sight, things are getting interesting…
From the Maryland Senate Republican Caucus Friday March 27 2009
A threatened filibuster over legal presence for drivers' licenses, statebudget shortfalls, death penalty repeal and self-defense for domesticviolence victims were highlights of "cross-over" week in the MarylandSenate.
To see our posts on these topics, visit our site at
20090327 From the Md Sen Rep Caucus Fri March 27 2009
Kevin Dayhoff
“Dayhoff Westminster Soundtrack:” Kevin Dayhoff – “Soundtrack Division of Old Silent Movies” - combined with “Dayhoff Westminster” – Writer, artist, fire and police chaplain. For art, writing and travel see Authority Caroline Babylon, Treasurer
Showing posts with label MD Gen Assembly 2009 426. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MD Gen Assembly 2009 426. Show all posts
Sunday, March 29, 2009
From the Maryland Senate Republican Caucus Friday March 27 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Annapolis lobbyist Carolyn Blanchard Cook hands out cookies and good cheer
‘Self-appointed chick of good cheer’ By Bryan P. Sears Posted on March 19, 2009
strange bedfellows home Opinion & Talk
strange bedfellows home Opinion & Talk
Being a lobbyist in Annapolis is not always what it’s cracked up to be. Long hours and adversarial relationships are just a few of the perks.
Carolyn Blanchard Cook, deputy executive vice president of the Greater Baltimore Board of Realtors and a lobbyist for the group, baked about four-dozen homemade chocolate chip cookies Wednesday morning and then playfully told people, via her Facebook page, to “come find me.”
Read the entire article here: ‘Self-appointed chick of good cheer’
20090319 Self appointed chick of good cheer by Bryan Sears
Monday, March 16, 2009
Maryland General Assembly Senate Budget and Taxation Committee
Maryland General Assembly Senate Budget and Taxation Committee.
Saturday, March 14, 2009 Kevin Dayhoff
Cooped-up inside on a cold Marsh Saturday morning… Eighty-eight bond bill testimonies… My brain would’ve turned to mush.
20090314 MGA BandTc
Saturday, March 14, 2009 Kevin Dayhoff
Cooped-up inside on a cold Marsh Saturday morning… Eighty-eight bond bill testimonies… My brain would’ve turned to mush.
20090314 MGA BandTc
Kevin Dayhoff
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Maryland Senator George Edwards
Senator George Edwards
March 14, 2009 Kevin Dayhoff
Maryland General Assembly Budget and Taxation hearing Sat., March 14, 2009
Dayhoff Daily Photoblog
20090314 FB SDOSM Sen George Edwards
March 14, 2009 Kevin Dayhoff
Maryland General Assembly Budget and Taxation hearing Sat., March 14, 2009
Dayhoff Daily Photoblog
20090314 FB SDOSM Sen George Edwards
Kevin Dayhoff
Monday, March 09, 2009
Carroll Republicans’ Legislative Breakfast slated for March 14
Committee's legislative breakfast is March 14
Published in on 03/04/2009
The Republican Central Committee of Carroll County will host its annual Legislative Breakfast on March 14, 8 to 11 a.m., at the Wakefield Valley Golf and Conference Center, 1000 Fenby Farm Road, Westminster
Cost is $25, and includes breakfast buffet. Reservations must be pre-paid; no ticket sales at the door.
Make checks payable to The Republican Central Committee of Carroll County and mail by March 7 to P.O. Box 2108, Westminster, MD 21158-2108.
For details call April Rose at 410-875-0520 or David Jones 410-875-2748.
20090304 Carroll Republicans’ Legislative Breakfast slated for March 14
SDOSM 20090309
Kevin Dayhoff
Published in on 03/04/2009
The Republican Central Committee of Carroll County will host its annual Legislative Breakfast on March 14, 8 to 11 a.m., at the Wakefield Valley Golf and Conference Center, 1000 Fenby Farm Road, Westminster
Cost is $25, and includes breakfast buffet. Reservations must be pre-paid; no ticket sales at the door.
Make checks payable to The Republican Central Committee of Carroll County and mail by March 7 to P.O. Box 2108, Westminster, MD 21158-2108.
For details call April Rose at 410-875-0520 or David Jones 410-875-2748.
20090304 Carroll Republicans’ Legislative Breakfast slated for March 14
SDOSM 20090309
Kevin Dayhoff
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Paul Kenneth Burns on Death Penalty Repeal-Part II
Paul Kenneth Burns on Death Penalty Repeal-Part II
Hussan Giordano interviews Senators Nancy Jacobs and Lisa Gladden, Gregory Kane, and our own Paul Kenneth Burns…
March 3, 2009
Hussan Giordano interviews Senators Nancy Jacobs and Lisa Gladden, Gregory Kane, and our own Paul Kenneth Burns…
March 3, 2009
“The Reporters’ Round Table” Host Hussan Giordano interviews Senators Nancy Jacobs and Lisa Gladden, Gregory Kane, and our own Paul Kenneth Burns in a discussion on the fate of the Maryland death penalty, slots, the stimulus package and the state budget.
Click to watch: Death Penalty Repeal-Part II
It was a great informative and intelligent discussion and well worth the time to watch.
Mr. Burns reports here, “Reporters’ Roundtable,” ( that this is his “first television appearance…as a political commentator.”
OMG – to be so young…
And for the record, Senators Gladden and Jacobs are a heckuva lot more attractive than Messrs. Burns and Kane.
Reporters' Roundtable with Hassan Giordano
Death Penalty Repeal-Part II
The Death of a Repeal Effort in Maryland?
Maryland’s Fairness Doctrine Bill?
View Show #1 Online
The GOP: The Good Ole Party is dead and gone, what is left of American Conservatism?
20090303 PKBurns on Death Penalty Repeal Part II
Kevin Dayhoff
Senate Recesses Until Tomorrow Morning
Senate Recesses Until Tomorrow Morning
Maryland Senate Republican Caucus 5:45 PM March 3, 2009:
Proving the point that committee work is best done in a standing committee and not on the Senate floor, the Senate approved two amendments to SB 279 - Criminal Law - Death Penalty - Repeal that gutted the repeal provisions of the bill and substituted stricter requirements before the death penalty can be applied in a criminal case.
First, Senator James Brochin (D - Baltimore County) offered an amendment to strip the repeal provisions but require that a defendant could not be sentenced to the death penalty solely on the basis of eyewitness evidence.
Under Brochin's heightened requirements, prosecutors would have to provide physical evidence in addition to any eyewitness testimony before the death penalty applied.
This amendment passed by a vote of 25 yeas and 21 nays.
Second, Senator Robert Zirkin (D - Baltimore County) offered an amendment that provided more specific requirements for physical evidence that must be introduced before a defendant can be sentenced to a death penalty.
The Zirkin provisions require that a prosecutor introduce either: (1) biological or DNA evidence; (2) a videotaped voluntary interrogation and confession of the defendant; or (3) a video-recording that conclusively links the defendant to the murder.
After adoption of these amendments, action on additional amendments floundered as Senators requested an explanation of the impact of prior amendments. When informed that the bill no longer contain repeal provisions, several anti-death penalty members expressed dismay at the course of the floor proceedings.
"What we are getting is a real mess!" bemoaned Senator Delores Kelly (D - Baltimore County).
President Pro Tem Nathaniel McFadden added, "This is not one of the high points" of the Maryland Senate.
After about an hour of tumoil on the Senate floor, Senator EJ Pipkin (R - Cecil, Kent, Queen Anne's & Caroline) move to recomit the bill back to the Judicial Proceedings Committee. The motion to recomit failed on a tie vote of 23 to 23.
When the next amendment was offered by Senator David Harrington (D – Prince George's), a motion was made by Senator Pipkin to lay the amendment over with the bill under the rules. During the first 80 days of session, a motion to lay over until the next day is automatic.
The Senate recessed and will re-convene to continue the death penalty flooraction at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow.
Copies of the Senate votes on the amendments will be posted on our website later this evening.
20090303 MSRC Senate Recesses Until Tomorrow Morning
Kevin Dayhoff
Maryland Senate Republican Caucus 5:45 PM March 3, 2009:
Proving the point that committee work is best done in a standing committee and not on the Senate floor, the Senate approved two amendments to SB 279 - Criminal Law - Death Penalty - Repeal that gutted the repeal provisions of the bill and substituted stricter requirements before the death penalty can be applied in a criminal case.
First, Senator James Brochin (D - Baltimore County) offered an amendment to strip the repeal provisions but require that a defendant could not be sentenced to the death penalty solely on the basis of eyewitness evidence.
Under Brochin's heightened requirements, prosecutors would have to provide physical evidence in addition to any eyewitness testimony before the death penalty applied.
This amendment passed by a vote of 25 yeas and 21 nays.
Second, Senator Robert Zirkin (D - Baltimore County) offered an amendment that provided more specific requirements for physical evidence that must be introduced before a defendant can be sentenced to a death penalty.
The Zirkin provisions require that a prosecutor introduce either: (1) biological or DNA evidence; (2) a videotaped voluntary interrogation and confession of the defendant; or (3) a video-recording that conclusively links the defendant to the murder.
After adoption of these amendments, action on additional amendments floundered as Senators requested an explanation of the impact of prior amendments. When informed that the bill no longer contain repeal provisions, several anti-death penalty members expressed dismay at the course of the floor proceedings.
"What we are getting is a real mess!" bemoaned Senator Delores Kelly (D - Baltimore County).
President Pro Tem Nathaniel McFadden added, "This is not one of the high points" of the Maryland Senate.
After about an hour of tumoil on the Senate floor, Senator EJ Pipkin (R - Cecil, Kent, Queen Anne's & Caroline) move to recomit the bill back to the Judicial Proceedings Committee. The motion to recomit failed on a tie vote of 23 to 23.
When the next amendment was offered by Senator David Harrington (D – Prince George's), a motion was made by Senator Pipkin to lay the amendment over with the bill under the rules. During the first 80 days of session, a motion to lay over until the next day is automatic.
The Senate recessed and will re-convene to continue the death penalty flooraction at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow.
Copies of the Senate votes on the amendments will be posted on our website later this evening.
20090303 MSRC Senate Recesses Until Tomorrow Morning
Kevin Dayhoff
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Senator Nancy Jacobs: Important Update on Death Penalty Legislation
Maryland Senator Nancy Jacobs R-Dist. 34 Cecil and Harford Counties, e-mailed earlier today about the latest news on the death penalty legislation on the Maryland General Assembly.
She also partially answered a question that I have had in the back of my head; and that is if the Maryland Judicial Proceedings Committee voted 6 to 5 against SB 279 to repeal the death, then how did it make it to the Senate floor…?
Here’s what Senator Jacobs reported at 3:03 pm:
Dear Friend:
On Friday, the Maryland Senate's Judicial Proceedings Committee voted 5 FOR to 6 AGAINST S.B. 279--repeal of the death penalty. As a member of the Senate Judicial Proceedings I can say with authority that our committee feels that Maryland should keep the death penalty on our legal books. We killed it in our committee.
But in a rare procedural move, the full Maryland Senate considered changing our committee's unfavorable report to a favorable report. According to Senate President Mike Miller, this procedure has been used once before in 30 years. The Maryland Senate voted 25-22 to change the report and 24-23 to send the bill to second reader. Second reader is where amendments may be added to a bill. If the bill passes 2nd reader it moves to 3rd reader where open floor debates, and yes, the possibility of filibusters loom large.
You can view the procedural vote and the second reader votes please visit the posting on
The close votes indicate some senators are hemming and hawing over their support or opposition to the death penalty.
Should you support maintaining the death penalty then I strongly urge you to call Maryland Senate offices today telling them to support the death penalty and to support a filabuster if it comes down to one. You can call 1-800-492-7122 or 410-946-5400 and ask for the respective senate offices.
Nancy Jacobs
20090303 Senator Jacobs Imp Update on Death Penalty Leg
Kevin Dayhoff
Kevin Dayhoff: Westminster Maryland Online
Kevin Dayhoff: Westminster Maryland Online
Death Penalty Repeal Bill Now Preserves the Death Penalty in MD
Death Penalty Repeal Bill Now Preserves the Death Penalty in MD
Maryland Senate Republican Caucus 4:30 PM March 3, 2009:
The Senate is now on the floor. Senator James Brochin (D - BaltimoreCounty) offered an amendment to preserve the death penalty in Maryland butto require that a defendant could be sentenced to the death penalty solelyon the basis of eyewitness testimony.
Prosecutors would be required to present physical evidence in addition to any eyewitness testimony. That amendment passed by vote of 25 - 21.
Additional amendments are being considered - check our website later todayfor a full review of this afternoon's Senate debate.
20090303 MSRC Death Pen Repeal Bill Now Preserves Death Pen
Kevin Dayhoff
Maryland Senate Republican Caucus 4:30 PM March 3, 2009:
The Senate is now on the floor. Senator James Brochin (D - BaltimoreCounty) offered an amendment to preserve the death penalty in Maryland butto require that a defendant could be sentenced to the death penalty solelyon the basis of eyewitness testimony.
Prosecutors would be required to present physical evidence in addition to any eyewitness testimony. That amendment passed by vote of 25 - 21.
Additional amendments are being considered - check our website later todayfor a full review of this afternoon's Senate debate.
20090303 MSRC Death Pen Repeal Bill Now Preserves Death Pen
Kevin Dayhoff
Death Penalty Repeal Bill Moving to Second Reader
Death Penalty Repeal Bill Moving to Second Reader
Maryland Senate Republican Caucus 11:09 AM March 3, 2009
The Maryland Senate took up the death penalty debate during their morning session today. Senator Lisa Gladden (D - Baltimore City) moved that the bill be substituted for the unfavorable report of the Judicial Proceedings Committee. That motion passed by a vote of 25 yeas and 22 nays.
The next motion was to move the bill to second reader essentially providing a favorable report to the bill by the full Senate. That motion passed by a vote of 24 yeas and 23 nays.
President Miller announced that the Senate will have a second session today so that amendments can be offered and debated during the afternoon session.
Check our website later today for the voting record on these motions.
20090303 MSRC Death Pen Repeal Bill Moving to Sec Reader
Kevin Dayhoff
Maryland Senate Republican Caucus 11:09 AM March 3, 2009
The Maryland Senate took up the death penalty debate during their morning session today. Senator Lisa Gladden (D - Baltimore City) moved that the bill be substituted for the unfavorable report of the Judicial Proceedings Committee. That motion passed by a vote of 25 yeas and 22 nays.
The next motion was to move the bill to second reader essentially providing a favorable report to the bill by the full Senate. That motion passed by a vote of 24 yeas and 23 nays.
President Miller announced that the Senate will have a second session today so that amendments can be offered and debated during the afternoon session.
Check our website later today for the voting record on these motions.
20090303 MSRC Death Pen Repeal Bill Moving to Sec Reader
Kevin Dayhoff
Monday, February 16, 2009
Delegate Richard Weldon’s Tentacle General Assembly Journal Dec 29 2008 to date
Delegate Richard Weldon’s Tentacle Maryland General Assembly Journal Dec 29 2008 to date
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
February 16, 2009
General Assembly Journal 2009 – Part 6
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
Another whirlwind week in Annapolis. From helicopter trauma transport to expensive steak lobbying dinners, the range of topics spans the important to the ridiculous.
February 9, 2009
General Assembly Journal 2009 – Volume 5
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
Four weeks gone, but it seems like four months. Already we’ve seen some interesting debates and disputes, but the really troubling stuff lies ahead.
January 26, 2009
General Assembly Journal 2009 – Volume 4
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
You can tell the 426th Maryland General Assembly is underway. Pick up any newspaper (assuming they still make home delivery in Frederick County), or turn on your evening news, and you’ll be assaulted with unmistakable evidence in the form of a failure of logic and reason.
January 19, 2009
General Assembly Journal 2009 – Volume 3
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
The 426th Session of the Maryland General Assembly opened at noon last Wednesday. The normal pomp and ceremony seemed somehow muted, likely due to the budget storm clouds on the Annapolis horizon.
January 12, 2009
General Assembly Journal 2009 – Volume 2
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
You stand at the base of the impressive marble steps and gaze up at the Georgian-era brick edifice to state governance laid out before you. This building, the Maryland State House, has served as the home of the state legislature since 1772.
December 29, 2008
General Assembly Journal 2009 – Volume 1
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
In a nod to my Navy submarine background, a common countdown tool was the number of days and a wake-up call until some significant milestone.
20090216 Weldon Gen Assembly Journal Dec 29 2008 to date
Kevin Dayhoff
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
February 16, 2009
General Assembly Journal 2009 – Part 6
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
Another whirlwind week in Annapolis. From helicopter trauma transport to expensive steak lobbying dinners, the range of topics spans the important to the ridiculous.
February 9, 2009
General Assembly Journal 2009 – Volume 5
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
Four weeks gone, but it seems like four months. Already we’ve seen some interesting debates and disputes, but the really troubling stuff lies ahead.
January 26, 2009
General Assembly Journal 2009 – Volume 4
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
You can tell the 426th Maryland General Assembly is underway. Pick up any newspaper (assuming they still make home delivery in Frederick County), or turn on your evening news, and you’ll be assaulted with unmistakable evidence in the form of a failure of logic and reason.
January 19, 2009
General Assembly Journal 2009 – Volume 3
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
The 426th Session of the Maryland General Assembly opened at noon last Wednesday. The normal pomp and ceremony seemed somehow muted, likely due to the budget storm clouds on the Annapolis horizon.
January 12, 2009
General Assembly Journal 2009 – Volume 2
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
You stand at the base of the impressive marble steps and gaze up at the Georgian-era brick edifice to state governance laid out before you. This building, the Maryland State House, has served as the home of the state legislature since 1772.
December 29, 2008
General Assembly Journal 2009 – Volume 1
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
In a nod to my Navy submarine background, a common countdown tool was the number of days and a wake-up call until some significant milestone.
20090216 Weldon Gen Assembly Journal Dec 29 2008 to date
Kevin Dayhoff
Thursday, February 12, 2009
MD General Assembly Republicans File Taxpayer Protection Act
Maryland Republican Party
James Pelura, DVM, MS Chairman
CONTACT: Justin Ready 410-263-2125
February 12, 2009
Maryland General Assembly Republicans File Taxpayer Protection Act
Bill will require 3/5ths Majority in General Assembly to Raise Taxes
Annapolis –This week, Senator Andy Harris (R-7) and Delegate Steve Schuh (R-31), with joint support from the Republican Caucuses in the State Senate and House of Delegates, introduced the "Taxpayer Protection Act". The bill numbers are SB 747 and HB 684.
This exciting piece of legislation would require a 60% vote in each chamber to raise existing taxes or create new ones. It is important to note that the damaging tax increases passed during the 2007 Special Session did not receive such a majority. Had this legislation been in place, Maryland's economy would be better off today.
"Once again, the Republicans in the Maryland General Assembly have shown their dedication and commitment to the hard-working taxpayers of Maryland,” stated Chairman Pelura. “Governor O’Malley is dangerously relying on bailout money from the federal government to balance his budget. When that dries up, he’ll be coming back to the taxpayers to demand more from them.”
Pelura continued, "I urge all Marylanders to call their state senators and delegates and tell them to support this legislation to stop Governor O'Malley and his Democrats allies in the General Assembly from taking any more of our hard-earned dollars."
15 West Street • Annapolis, Maryland • 21401 • (410) 263-2125 Annapolis • (410) 269-5937 Fax
20090212 MD General Assembly Republicans File Taxpayer Protection Act
Kevin Dayhoff
James Pelura, DVM, MS Chairman
CONTACT: Justin Ready 410-263-2125
February 12, 2009
Maryland General Assembly Republicans File Taxpayer Protection Act
Bill will require 3/5ths Majority in General Assembly to Raise Taxes
Annapolis –This week, Senator Andy Harris (R-7) and Delegate Steve Schuh (R-31), with joint support from the Republican Caucuses in the State Senate and House of Delegates, introduced the "Taxpayer Protection Act". The bill numbers are SB 747 and HB 684.
This exciting piece of legislation would require a 60% vote in each chamber to raise existing taxes or create new ones. It is important to note that the damaging tax increases passed during the 2007 Special Session did not receive such a majority. Had this legislation been in place, Maryland's economy would be better off today.
"Once again, the Republicans in the Maryland General Assembly have shown their dedication and commitment to the hard-working taxpayers of Maryland,” stated Chairman Pelura. “Governor O’Malley is dangerously relying on bailout money from the federal government to balance his budget. When that dries up, he’ll be coming back to the taxpayers to demand more from them.”
Pelura continued, "I urge all Marylanders to call their state senators and delegates and tell them to support this legislation to stop Governor O'Malley and his Democrats allies in the General Assembly from taking any more of our hard-earned dollars."
15 West Street • Annapolis, Maryland • 21401 • (410) 263-2125 Annapolis • (410) 269-5937 Fax
20090212 MD General Assembly Republicans File Taxpayer Protection Act
Kevin Dayhoff
Friday, January 30, 2009
MDGOP Statement on Governor O'Malley's State of the State Address
Maryland Republican Party
James Pelura, DVM, MS
CONTACT: Justin Ready
January 29, 2009
MDGOP Responds to Governor O’Malley’s State of the State Address
Again, O’Malley shirks responsibility and refuses to alter course
Annapolis- Maryland Republican Party Chairman had the following comments in reaction to Governor O’Malley’s state of the state address:
“Governor O’Malley is basing the bulk of his budgeting decisions on getting federal bailout money and plans to continue spending more and more of our money while ignoring Maryland’s fiscal crisis. Governor O’Malley’s budget increases spending by $800 million in the face of a $2 billion budget deficit.
Martin O’Malley and his Democrat allies in the General Assembly have mismanaged our fiscal house and are now hoping to be bailed out with money from the federal government. That money is not ‘free’, it is coming out of our pockets and will be coming out of the pockets of our children and grandchildren. This emergency bailout money is a one-time fix. Unfortunately, the Democrats who control Annapolis believe that they can continue overspending because of this temporary, fiscal band-aid.
Now is the time for the Governor to stop raiding emergency funds and playing one-time fund transfer games. We need him to also be focused on the real problem of driver’s license security, something he neglected to mention in his speech.
Our Republican leaders in Annapolis have a clear vision to make Maryland a place where families and small businesses can flourish. Maryland Republicans want to remove the overbearing regulations and toxic tax conditions that cripple economic growth and cause job loss.
It is time for Marylanders to demand new leadership so that we can get our state’s economy back on the right track for working families.”
15 West Street • Annapolis, Maryland • 21401 • (410) 263-2125 Annapolis • (410) 269-5937 Fax
20090129 MDGOP St on Gov OMalleys State of the State Address
MDGOP Statement on Governor O'Malley's State of the State Address
Kevin Dayhoff
James Pelura, DVM, MS
CONTACT: Justin Ready
January 29, 2009
MDGOP Responds to Governor O’Malley’s State of the State Address
Again, O’Malley shirks responsibility and refuses to alter course
Annapolis- Maryland Republican Party Chairman had the following comments in reaction to Governor O’Malley’s state of the state address:
“Governor O’Malley is basing the bulk of his budgeting decisions on getting federal bailout money and plans to continue spending more and more of our money while ignoring Maryland’s fiscal crisis. Governor O’Malley’s budget increases spending by $800 million in the face of a $2 billion budget deficit.
Martin O’Malley and his Democrat allies in the General Assembly have mismanaged our fiscal house and are now hoping to be bailed out with money from the federal government. That money is not ‘free’, it is coming out of our pockets and will be coming out of the pockets of our children and grandchildren. This emergency bailout money is a one-time fix. Unfortunately, the Democrats who control Annapolis believe that they can continue overspending because of this temporary, fiscal band-aid.
Now is the time for the Governor to stop raiding emergency funds and playing one-time fund transfer games. We need him to also be focused on the real problem of driver’s license security, something he neglected to mention in his speech.
Our Republican leaders in Annapolis have a clear vision to make Maryland a place where families and small businesses can flourish. Maryland Republicans want to remove the overbearing regulations and toxic tax conditions that cripple economic growth and cause job loss.
It is time for Marylanders to demand new leadership so that we can get our state’s economy back on the right track for working families.”
15 West Street • Annapolis, Maryland • 21401 • (410) 263-2125 Annapolis • (410) 269-5937 Fax
20090129 MDGOP St on Gov OMalleys State of the State Address
MDGOP Statement on Governor O'Malley's State of the State Address
Kevin Dayhoff
Maryland Republican Party response to the State of the State address
Maryland Republican Party response to the State of the State address part 1 and part2:
More From: marylandhousegop
More From: marylandhousegop
For Immediate Release January 29, 2009
Contact: Carrie Simons-Sparrow, 410-841-3401
Shannon Oxley, 410-841-3401
Calls Governors Plan to Increase Spending During Recession Mismanagement and Possible Bailout Financing Spending on our Childrens Children
ANNAPOLIS—House Minority Leader Anthony ODonnell (R-Calvert/St. Marys Counties) today delivered the minority partys response to Governor OMalleys State of the State address. ODonnell characterized the governors plan to increase spending during a recession as mismanaging taxpayers money and the governors anticipation of a federal bailout for Annapolis overspending as putting the burden on generations of Marylanders to come. ODonnell told Maryland Public Television:
Governor OMalley is basing most of his budgeting decisions on getting a federal bailout, a bailout that will be financed not just by you and me, but by our children and our childrens children. The governor is hoping to be bailed out for the mismanagement of our fiscal house with money that the federal government just does not have.
In this difficult economic climate, with Marylands unemployment rate at a 15-year high, the governor has not changed his budgeting approach. Hes planning on more and more spending of our money while ignoring the crisis that we are in. Even before a bailout comes, the governors budget increases state spending by about $800 million and puts us in worse shape.
By this administrations own actions of raising taxes and failing to reign in the growth of spending just before a recession, they have made an already bad situation much worse.
ODonnell also addressed the issues of soaring energy costs that have nearly doubled in the last two years and the need to secure Marylands drivers licenses, a critical safety and security issue.
Many promises have been made yet little progress has been shown on these matters. These issues have bipartisan support in the General Assembly and the wide support of Maryland residents.
Nuclear energy is one example that has to be pursued more aggressively in this state. It emits no greenhouse gases, will help decrease our dependence on foreign oil, and will increase our domestic energy supplies.
Nuclear energy is safe, clean, and environmentally-friendly, something we can all use and appreciate in the near and long term. It is enjoying renewed support in Washington and must as well in Maryland. Labor unions and industry as well as many environmentalists are vigorously supporting nuclear development.
This type of economic development can attract businesses and new good paying jobs, which is essential to improving our economy.
Maryland is the only state on the Eastern seaboard that does not require a legal presence to obtain a drivers license. In fact, Maryland is one of only four states in the U.S., one of only three states in the continental U.S., which does not require a legal presence to get a driver's license.
Citizens should be able to rely on government for safe roads and safe neighborhoods. But in recent years, weve seen increases in gang violence and increases in crime across the state.
One way we can tamp down on these growing problems is by regulating Marylands drivers licenses. This is a critical safety and security issue that also needs the attention of legislative leaders.
ODonnell closed by calling on Maryland to say enough is enough and urges the Governor and the General Assembly to work on solutions that benefit all Marylanders, not just Annapolis politicians.
Republican MD Republican Party, YouTube, MD Gen Assembly Opera, MD Gen Assembly 2009 426, People O'Donnell-Tony MD Delegate,
20090129 MD Rep Party response to St of the St address
Kevin Dayhoff
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