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Minutes of City of Westminster Council Meeting
JANUARY 12, 2009
A meeting of The Mayor and Common Council was held in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 1838 Emerald Hill Lane, Westminster, Maryland on the evening of January 12, 2009 at 7:00 P.M. Council President Chiavacci; Mayor Ferguson; Council Members Albert, Wack, and Utz; City Administrator Wolf; Director of Planning, Zoning, and Development Beyard; Recreation and Parks Director Schroers; City Treasurer Unger; Chief of Police Spaulding; City Attorney Walsh; and City Clerk Taylor were present. Council Member Pecoraro and Director of Public Works Glass were excused from attending.
Council President Chiavacci introduced Scoutmaster Craig Giles and several members of Troop 2007 from Saint Benjamin’s Lutheran Church.
Mrs. Albert moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of December 8, 2008. Mr. Utz seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.
Doctor Wack moved to approve the Consent Calendar, which consisted of the November 2008 Departmental Operating Reports and re-adoption of the Carroll County Hazard Mitigation Plan. Council President Chiavacci noted that the Mayor would send a letter concerning the latter matter to the Maryland Emergency Management Association. Mr. Utz seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Ferguson congratulated Mr. Beyard for receiving a Meritorious Service Award for his service overseas in the National Guard. He further congratulated Chief Spaulding for completion of five years of service with the City.
Mrs. Albert reported that the final meeting of the Tri-Street Area Committee would take place on February 10, 2009.
Dr. Wack reported that the Finance Committee was preparing for the Fiscal Year 2010 budget process. He also noted that recommended water and sewer rate revisions would be available in the near future.
Mr. Utz noted that the Westminster Police Department has recently switched to a computer aided dispatch system, in conjunction with Carroll County Government.
Chief Spaulding summarized proposed Ordinance No. 800, which would repeal and re-enact Chapter 21-4 of the City Code, entitled “Fire Police Corps.” He observed that the Chapter has not been updated for many years. The revised language specifies insurance coverage, training, and the legal authority of the Corps members to act, among other things. The members are all volunteers. The Chief thanked Fire Company President and C.E.O. Plunkert for his assistance and input in updating the Chapter. Mr. Utz moved to suspend the Rules of Order and Procedure to introduce and adopt the Ordinance. Dr. Wack seconded and the Ordinance was unanimously adopted.
Ms. Wolf reported that pumping has begun at the Gesell well. Once the water runs clear, it will be tested. Ms. Wolf noted that the new water treatment plant is now operating 24 hours per day. The old plant will continue to operate temporarily. Ms. Wolf also reported that repairs to the reservoir have been completed. The water level in the reservoir is 25 feet. Ms. Wolf noted that the price of asphalt is decreasing.
Ms. Wolf reported on several intergovernmental matters. She noted that, at a recent meeting, State legislators observed that they are considering proposing an increase in tax for gasoline and a base level of support from the State for the teachers’ retirement system. She observed that the municipalities and the County have been working together on several initiatives of mutual concern, including obtaining support for the pipeline to Big Pipe Creek; for paving, for relining major pipes along Clifton Boulevard 27 and Main Street, and for replacement windows for the Armory.
Chief Spaulding announced that the new computer-aided dispatch system will cut 911 costs by 50 percent.
Mr. Unger reported that draft statements for the Fiscal Year 2008 audit will be available by the end of the week and that permanent statements are expected at the end of the month.
Mr. Beyard announced that the recently adopted fee schedules are now in effect. He further announced that J.T. Gibbons will open a 6,000 square foot machine shop in the Air Business Center. Finally, Mr. Beyard noted that the Board of Zoning Appeals would hear two cases on January 13, 2009.
Mr. Schroers announced that students at the Carroll County Career and Technology Center are completing the final ramp for the Westminster Skate Park. He remarked that a meeting would take placed at the end of the month with the family of Matthew and Caitlin Boles to discuss a memorial skating event.
President and C.E.O. of the Westminster Fire Engine and Hose Co. No.1 Dan Plunkert reported that the company responded to 5,697 calls during 2008, 146 more calls than the preceding year. He further reported that Jim Bangerd, III is now chief of the company.
Council President Chiavacci adjourned the meeting at 7:51 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Laurell E. Taylor
City Clerk
20090112 Minutes of the City of Westminster Council Meeting for January 12, 2009Kevin Dayhoff www.kevindayhoff.net http://kevindayhoff.blogspot.com/