“Dayhoff Westminster Soundtrack:” Kevin Dayhoff – “Soundtrack Division of Old Silent Movies” - https://kevindayhoff.blogspot.com/ combined with “Dayhoff Westminster” – Writer, artist, fire and police chaplain. For art, writing and travel see https://kevindayhoffart.blogspot.com/ Authority Caroline Babylon, Treasurer
Friday, March 14, 2014
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
The front page above the fold of today's Carroll County Times.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
JetBlue captain subdued after erratic behavior | Digg Topnews
'via Blog this'
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Libya vs. Iraq
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Police: Argument over butter turns to violence
Police: Argument over butter turns to violence http://tinyurl.com/28gvekh
Butter vs. Margarine
Click here for a larger image: http://twitpic.com/2014ki
http://kevindayhoff.blogspot.com/2010/06/police-argument-over-butter-turns-to.html http://tinyurl.com/28gvekh
Labels: Food, Humor, Law Order, Law Order Stupid Criminals, OMG
20100624 Butter Margarine
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: http://kevindayhoff.blogspot.com/ = http://www.kevindayhoff.net/ Kevin Dayhoff Art: http://kevindayhoffart.blogspot.com/ or http://kevindayhoffart.com/ = http://www.kevindayhoff.com/ Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: http://kevindayhoffwestgov-net.blogspot.com/ or http://www.westgov.net/ = www.kevindayhoff.org Twitter: https://twitter.com/kevindayhoff Twitpic: http://twitpic.com/photos/kevindayhoff Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: http://kbetrue.livejournal.com/ = www.newbedfordherald.net Explore Carroll: www.explorecarroll.com The Tentacle: www.thetentacle.com
Sunday, February 07, 2010
Incompetence is bliss
Click here for a larger image: http://twitpic.com/11xve0 or here: http://kevindayhoff.tumblr.com/post/376588508/incompetence-is-bliss-click-here-for-a-larger
A family member called this undated New York Times article: “Experts: Incompetence is bliss,” to my attention.
The article describes a number of individuals and originations of which I am quite aware… Does it remind you of anyone - or organization...?
[20100205 Incompetence is bliss] Psychology institutional
http://kevindayhoff.blogspot.com/2010/02/incompetence-is-bliss.html http://tinyurl.com/yftrkrz
Experts: Incompetence is bliss http://tinyurl.com/yftrkrz http://twitpic.com/11xve0 http://kevindayhoff.tumblr.com/post/376588508/incompetence-is-bliss-click-here-for-a-larger
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Australia Seven News: Macquarie Bank Worker looking at nude photos in background
Worker looking at nude photos in background (Miranda Kerr) - Seven News Update
In a Seven News: News Flash, a Macquarie Bank worker can be seen looking a nude photos in the background during a live cross to Martin Lakos of Macquarie Private Wealth.
Posted on YouTube by lilsmartykid4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1m8a4Jl4ZI
Related: http://kevindayhoff.blogspot.com/2010/02/investment-banking-from-sydney-interest.html
20100101 Seven News: Macquarie Bank Worker looking at nude photos in background
Investment Banking: From Sydney: Interest Rates and Indiscretion
As Chris Bath, an announcer for 7 News, spoke with Martin Lakos on live
television about the possibility of the Australian central bank
eventually lifting interest rates, a Macquarie employee was looking at
what appear to be semi-nude photographs in the background.
Go to Item from DealBook:
Go to Article from The Australian:
Go to Article from Bloomberg News:
Go to Video from 7 News via YouTube:
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Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Mediaite.com: MSNBC Pulls Head Out of Aspray; Creates Viral Sensation
MSNBC Pulls Head Out of Aspray; Creates Viral Sensation
by Joe Coscarelli 3:19 pm, August 25th, 2009
OMG - read the entire post at:
...Catanese calls these nuggets of TV gold “bottom-feeder” ads, but he got us thinking about a few of our favorite low-budget, barely functional product plugs.
Doc Bottom’s Aspray
The inspiration for this list must be seen in its entirety. Pay special attention to the lo-fi neon green gas that represents stink all over.
Slap Chop
Never mind slimy pitchman Vince Shlomi’s legal problems (he’s charged with beating up a prostitute in Miami), but respect his enthusiasm for this dicer and “stop having a boring life.” Please don’t forget the remix.
Loud ‘n Clear
This budget-level hearing aid disguised as a cell phone headset enhances bingo, card games and church, but doubles as a spy device. Watch as an innocent looking woman eavesdrops on her neighbors! If only this bulky ear contraption was a bit more inconspicuous…
Cheers To You!
Feeling down on yourself? Pop in this eight track CD and revel in the cheering crowd and vacuous inspirational talk.
Sure, it’s the second Vince Shlomi entry in this list, but the man’s power of persuasion is irrefutable. We could almost see placing an order for this oddly practical super-absorbent rag.
Ah, what else can we say about the storied blanket with sleeves? We know it doubles a warm garment and cult uniform, and we’ve been over its epitomization of American laziness, but the commercial just never gets old!
Newsweek Beats Pack with Kennedy Eulogy
NYT Only Major Paper Without A Kennedy Cover?">NYT Only Major Paper Without A Kennedy Cover?
Where In The World Is Obama? A Question You'll Never Need to Ask Again
MSM's Scary Impotence When Faced With Death Panels