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Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
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Showing posts with label Elections 2010 Maryland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elections 2010 Maryland. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

A statement on the election from Carroll for Ehrlich

Carroll for Ehrlich
Thank You
While Team Ehrlich is saddened by the loss yesterday, we couldn't be more proud of our volunteers in Carroll County.  A big THANK YOU goes out to everyone for taking time to phone bank, attend an event, go door-to-door, or display a yard sign.  Bob Ehrlich truly appreciated your support and hard work.

Warmest regards,
Amanda Miller
Authority:  Marylanders for Bob Ehrlich; H. Terry Hancock, Treasurer

A statement on the election from Carroll for Ehrlich

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Baltimore Sun: O’Malley wins second term as governor

Mikulski, 6 U.S. House incumbents also re-elected; Arundel Mills slots proposal, Kratovil-Harris race results still to come...,0,7269908.story
Gov. Martin O'Malley has won a second term in Annapolis, handing Republican former Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. a second consecutive statewide defeat, the Associated Press is reporting.
The outcome indicates that voters in Maryland, with twice as many registered Democrats as Republicans, are bucking a nationwide hostility toward incumbent Democrats.
U.S. Sen. Barbara A. Mikulski, a Democrat, and five Democratic members of the House of Representative coasted to re-election. Winners included Elijah E. Cummings, C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger,John Sarbanes, Donna Edwards and Chris Van Hollen.
The state's lone Republican congressman, Roscoe Bartlett, also won another two-year term...,0,7269908.story


Explore Carroll: LIVE BLOG: ELECTION DAY 2010

Carroll Eagle Logo
Join us Nov. 2 while we live blog election news.


Results, chat and other Carroll County election news


Sunday, October 31, 2010

Baltimore Sun: O'Malley for governor

O'Malley for governor

Our view: The incumbent is the better of two strong candidates

The rematch between Gov. Martin O'Malley and former Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. presents Maryland voters with a rare and difficult choice between two men with the proven stature and experience to serve as the state's chief executive. The voters of Maryland have shown a willingness to trust both of them with the leadership of the state, and they know from direct experience that neither man is perfect — nor so terrible as his opponent claims. While a strong case can be made for either one, we believe that Mr. O'Malley's talents, vision and track record make him the better choice to tackle the challenges Maryland faces.

There are several issues on which we believe Mr. Ehrlich's positions are superior. …


But on the whole, Mr. O'Malley's ideas are better suited to the challenges Maryland faces now, whereas Mr. Ehrlich at times has failed to recognize the ways in which the world has changed since he left office four years ago.

20101030 Baltimore Sun OMalley for governor


Saturday, October 30, 2010

Why government matters by Blair Lee

Why government matters

Blair Lee, Gazette, Friday, Oct. 29, 2010, “Why governor matters” My Maryland | Blair Lee

An O'Malley campaign flier now arriving in people's mailboxes says, "Bob Ehrlich made $2.5 million working for one of America's largest lobbying firms." Aside from the fact that Ehrlich is not, and never has been, a lobbyist, what does his income have to do with this year's governor's race?

What's O'Malley's message? Vote for O'Malley because he made less money than Ehrlich?  Vote for O'Malley because he doesn't work for a law firm (anymore)?  Vote for O'Malley because he needs the money and Ehrlich doesn't?

O'Malley's personal attack ads cluttering our TV sets slam Ehrlich because his clients included banks, oil companies and casinos, and because Ehrlich, when governor, raised transportation and environmental fees.

When O'Malley was a criminal defense attorney his clients included sexual predators, thieves and drunken drivers. And, as governor, he engineered the biggest tax hike in Maryland history. But, again, what has this got to do with the problems facing Maryland — recession, unemployment and the state's staggering fiscal crisis?

Given the vehemence and volume of O'Malley's attack ads, it's difficult to tell whether he's running for governor or auditioning for the Jerry Springer show.

So maybe, this close to the election, we should remind ourselves why the Maryland governor's job is so important, particularly this year…

20101029 Why government matters Blair Lee


Monday, October 25, 2010

Gazette:The case for Ehrlich by Blair Lee

Friday, Oct. 22, 2010
The case for Ehrlich
My Maryland | Blair Lee

Maryland's governor's race is not about jobs (governors don't create jobs; healthy economies do).

Nor is it about slots, BGE rates, charter schools or the tuition freeze (a political hoax).

Nor is it about illegal immigration (O'Malley calls them "new Americans," Ehrlich calls them "illegals"), gay marriage (O'Malley is for, Ehrlich is against), the death penalty (O'Malley is against, Ehrlich is for) or tort reform (O'Malley is against, Ehrlich is for).

Nor is it about attack ads, phony ballots, sending a message to Obama or The Washington Post's daily hatchet job on Ehrlich (just compare this week's bios on O'Malley and Ehrlich. My God, how blatantly biased can a newspaper be?).

On a single day, every four years, we citizens get to touch the ship of state's steering wheel. We set the ship's future course by electing the captain and crew. On that single day we govern them; the rest of the time they govern us.

Our big chance is on Nov. 2, Election Day, when we irrevocably determine Maryland's fiscal fate by picking the people who will manage the state's budget crisis…

20101022 BLee Gaz The case for Ehrlich

Gazette:The case for Ehrlich by Blair Lee


Sunday, October 24, 2010

BRIAN GRIFFITHS at Red Maryland: Why you should vote for State Question 1


Why you should vote for State Question 1

Sure there are a few places that have been talking about Question 1 for a few years now, but only recently has Question 1 been getting even a moderate amount of press, and most voters probably have no idea that it is even on the ballot.

What is Question 1? It's a Constitutional required provision that requires every twenty years that we be asked if we want to hold a Constitutional Convention:

Question 1
Constitutional Question
(Senate Bill 26Chapter 9 of the 2010 Legislative Session
Maryland Constitutional Convention

Should a constitutional convention be called for the purpose of changing the Maryland Constitution?
Under Article XIV, Section 2 of the Maryland Constitution the General Assembly is required to ask the voters every 20 years whether a constitutional convention should be called for the purpose of altering the Maryland Constitution.
If a majority of voters support a Constitutional Convention, we will go to the polls and elect 188 delegates to the Constitutional Convention in a non-partisan election. Those Delegates will go to Annapolis and literally have the opportunity to write a new constitution to put before the people of Maryland.
Now there are a lot of people who don't necessarily think this is such a great idea. Kevin Dayhoff is concerned, for example, that this would turn into a liberal field day. However, I tend to disagree with that assessment...


Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Response from Ehrlich

The Response from Ehrlich

October 23, 2010

In response to all the charges and counter-charges and revisionist history evident in this year’s Maryland gubernatorial contest, such as those suggested by a commenter on Blair Lee’s October 22, 2010 column, “A Case for Ehrlich,” I thought that perhaps voters may want to hear from Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich himself – May 27, 2010

Mr. Lee’s opinion piece may be found here:

“For example, a commenter responded to Mr. Lee’s column: “Blair Lee's case for Bob Ehrlich is full of holes.  Bob Ehrlich is not the fiscally responsible choice.  Instead of telling us how he would close next year's $1.1 billion budget gap, Bob Ehrlich made campaign promises that would nearly double that gap, including a promise he can't keep to roll back the sales tax.

“And Bob Ehrlich's gubernatorial record contradicts everything Blair Lee says. In easier economic times:

 - Steve Lebowitz, Annapolis

Many of us cannot wait for this ugly election to be over.  For those of us who were actually there or personally witnessed many of the events and decisions that are being characterized or mischaracterized out of context, we are in total disbelief that voters may be left with such inaccurate information as a result of negative campaigning, in order to make a decision on November 2, 2010 as to whom should lead the state of Maryland for the next four years.

Mr. Lee had written:

Friday, Oct. 22, 2010
The case for Ehrlich
My Maryland | Blair Lee

Maryland's governor's race is not about jobs (governors don't create jobs; healthy economies do).

Nor is it about slots, BGE rates, charter schools or the tuition freeze (a political hoax).

Nor is it about illegal immigration (O'Malley calls them "new Americans," Ehrlich calls them "illegals"), gay marriage (O'Malley is for, Ehrlich is against), the death penalty (O'Malley is against, Ehrlich is for) or tort reform (O'Malley is against, Ehrlich is for).

Nor is it about attack ads, phony ballots, sending a message to Obama or The Washington Post's daily hatchet job on Ehrlich (just compare this week's bios on O'Malley and Ehrlich. My God, how blatantly biased can a newspaper be?).

On a single day, every four years, we citizens get to touch the ship of state's steering wheel. We set the ship's future course by electing the captain and crew. On that single day we govern them; the rest of the time they govern us.

Our big chance is on Nov. 2, Election Day, when we irrevocably determine Maryland's fiscal fate by picking the people who will manage the state's budget crisis…

20100527 Response from Ehrlich
20101022 BLee Gaz The case for Ehrlich

Ehrlich, voting, November2, 2010, Blair Lee, Gazette,

The Response from Ehrlich                                                                                                                        


Carroll for Ehrlich Early Voting Rally with Bob Ehrlich Saturday October 23rd at 1pm

Carroll for Ehrlich Early Voting Rally with Bob Ehrlich Saturday October 23rd at 1pm

Bob Ehrlich will be speaking at an "Early Voting Rally" on Saturday, October 23rd at 1pm.  The rally will take place at the County Agriculture Center in the Horse Ring (please access the arena from the Gist Road entrance).

This is a free event and all are welcome.  Come show your support the Ehrlich/Kane ticket.  

If you have any questions, please

Warmest Regards,
Amanda Boyd Miller, County Coordinator, Marylanders for Bob Ehrlich

Super Saturday - October 16th

Don't forget this Saturday is SUPER SATURDAY! Come join us for one of these events and receive an Ehrlich/Kane t-shirt!

8:30am - Ehrlich/Kane sign waving at the Home Depot/WaWa intersection in Westminster

10:00am - Go Door-to-Door in Finksburg with other local GOP candidates.

Noon to 3:00pm - Phone Banking at the Baltimore Area Victory Center

E-mail if you are interested in any of these activities.

Stop by any of our Ehrlich/Kane Depots to pick-up signs & bumper stickers

Carroll County Republican Central Committee Headquarters, 95 Carroll Street, Westminster Open Daily

Main Street Realty, 229 East Main Street, Suite G, Westminster Open During Business Hours

Heltebridle Insurance, 435 East Baltimore Street, Taneytown Open During Business Hours

The Law Office of Joseph M. Getty, 3103 Main St., Manchester Open During Business Hours

Wagner's Meat, Mt. Airy Meat Locker Company, 604 North Main Street, Mt. Airy  Open During Business Hours

Tucks Service Station, 47 North Main Street, Union Bridge  Open During Business Hours

The Helminiak Residence, (feel to stop by and take one of the many signs out of their yard) 6205 Candle Court, Sykesville

20101023 Carroll for Ehrlich Early Voting Rally
Carroll for Ehrlich, Early Voting, Bob Ehrlich, Carroll County Agriculture Center


Thursday, October 14, 2010

November 2, 2010 Maryland General Election Ballot Questions

November 2, 2010 Maryland General Election Ballot Questions

Maryland State Board of Elections

Section 2 of Article 14 of the 1867 Maryland constitution mandated that every 20 years a referendum is required to appear on the ballot for citizens to decide whether or not they wish to rewrite the Maryland constitution.

Find my column on the Maryland constitutional convention question, here:

My Sunday column will also address the constitutional convention question…

See also

External links
Maryland Constitutional Convention 2010, a website endorsing a "yes" vote on the convention question

Additional reading


November 2, 2010 Maryland General Election Ballot Questionss Gubernatorial Election                                                                                                                              

Kevin Dayhoff – October 13, 2010

20101102 Ballot questions Gubernatorial Election


The Herald-Mail: County voters will face three ballot questions By ANDREW SCHOTZ

County voters will face three ballot questions  By ANDREW SCHOTZ


County voters will face three ballot questions  By ANDREW SCHOTZ

RELATED STORIES in the Hagerstown Herald-Mail:


Washington County voters will be asked on Nov. 2 to consider three statewide ballot questions:

• Should Maryland have a convention to change its constitution?

• Should Baltimore City’s orphans’ court judges be required to be lawyers?

• Should jury trials be allowed only in civil cases when the amount in question is more than $15,000, instead of more than $10,000, the current minimum?

Those items will be on general-election ballots along with numerous county, state and federal races.

Even though the orphans’ court question pertains only to Baltimore City, it’s up for statewide vote because it proposes a change to the state constitution, said Jared DeMarinis, the Maryland State Board of Elections’ director of candidacy and campaign finance.

The jury trial question also proposes a constitutional amendment.

The constitutional convention question is one that, according to the state constitution, must be asked of voters every 20 years.

A constitutional convention question failed in 1990.

Neither major political party is taking a position on the statewide ballot questions.

“Personally, I don’t think there’s a need” for a constitutional convention, said Susan Turnbull, the chairwoman of the Maryland Democratic Party. “We’re working pretty well in the state of Maryland.”

“That’s something for Maryland voters to decide,” Ryan Mahoney, a spokesman for the Maryland Republican Party, said of a constitutional convention.

He added that it’s not a bad idea to ask voters the question every 20 years.

Baltimore City and several counties throughout Maryland also will have local ballot questions for their voters. Washington County will not have local ballot questions.

The three statewide ballot questions are listed below, along with explanations and background from the state:

• Question 1, Constitutional Question — Maryland Constitutional Convention

(Senate Bill 26, Chapter 9 of the 2010 Legislative Session)

Should a constitutional convention be called for the purpose of changing the Maryland Constitution?

Under Article XIV, Section 2 of the Maryland Constitution, the General Assembly is required to ask the voters every 20 years whether a constitutional convention should be called for the purpose of altering the Maryland Constitution.

• Question 2, Constitutional Amendment — Trial by Jury

(Senate Bill 119, Chapter 480 of the 2010 Legislative Session)

Authorizing the enactment of legislation to limit the right to a jury trial in a civil proceeding to those proceedings in which the amount in controversy exceeds $15,000.

(Amending Maryland Declaration of Rights — Articles 5(a) and 23)

Under Articles 5 and 23 of the Maryland Declaration of Rights, a party in a civil proceeding has a right to a jury trial where the amount in controversy exceeds $10,000. In cases where the amount in controversy does not exceed this threshold amount, a judge, rather than a jury, determines the verdict. The constitutional amendment would increase the amount-in-controversy limitation by providing that a party may not demand a jury trial in a civil proceeding unless the amount in controversy exceeds $15,000, excluding attorney’s fees if attorney’s fees are recoverable in the proceeding.

• Question 3, Constitutional Amendment — Qualifications for Baltimore City Orphans’ Court Judges

(House Bill 417, Chapter 481 of the 2010 Legislative Session)

Requires judges of the Orphans’ Court in Baltimore City to be members in good standing of the Maryland Bar who are admitted to practice law in Maryland.

(Amending Article IV, Section 40 of the Maryland Constitution)

Under the Maryland Constitution, the voters of each county and Baltimore City elect three judges to the Orphans’ Court of their respective jurisdictions, with the exception of Montgomery and Harford counties, where circuit court judges sit as the Orphans’ Court. The judges must be citizens of the state and residents, for the preceding 12 months, in the city or county in which they are elected. The constitutional amendment would add an additional eligibility requirement for judges of the Orphans’ Court in Baltimore City, requiring them to be members in good standing of the Maryland Bar who are admitted to practice law in Maryland.

Related: November 2, 2010 Maryland General Election Ballot Questions

Maryland State Board of Elections

Section 2 of Article 14 of the 1867 Maryland constitution mandated that every 20 years a referendum is required to appear on the ballot for citizens to decide whether or not they wish to rewrite the Maryland constitution.

Find my column on the constitutional convention question, here:

My Sunday column will also address the constitutional convention question…

20100926 HHM County voters will face 3 ballot questions 

November 2, 2010 Maryland General Election Ballot Questionss Gubernatorial Election