Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Md Troopers Assoc #20 & Westminster Md Fire Dept Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Showing posts with label Westminster Finance Bud. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Westminster Finance Bud. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

City of Westminster MD explains the need for a 19-cent tax increase

City of Westminster MD explains the need for a 19-cent tax increase

Recently when I asked for additional information on the 19-cent tax increase that is being proposed for the FY 2011 municipal budget, I was provided the following information:


56 West Main Street Westminster, MD 21157Phone 410-848-9000 Fax 410-857-7476


April 13, 2010 Phone:410-848-9000


Westminster Mayor and Common Council discuss FY2011 Budget

Westminster, MD - Mayor Kevin R. Utz presented a $12.6M balanced budget to the City of Westminster Common Council along with a proposal to add a levy to the property tax to enable the City to complete the numerous capital improvement projects that cannot be completed within the current revenue structure.

"Using the new automated financial system to analyze data over a ten year period, it was possible to identify a number of important trends in the City's finances that were previously not clear. These trends did not present an optimistic picture, in fact they show that the City's has struggled to keep current expenses paid by current revenues since 2001 and has relied on one-time only and special purpose funds to sustain the balanced budget. The current dismal national economic situation has only exacerbated this disparity between revenues and expenditures," stated Gary Ehlers, Acting Director of Finance.

Mayor Utz outlined the measures the City of Westminster has taken over the past three years to scale down the size of government including staff reductions, hiring freezes, elimination of merit increases for staff, modified employee benefit packages, delayed the purchase of cars, trucks and other equipment.

"In fact, staff prepared a balanced budget keeping all of these measures in place and only three Capital Projects already underway were included. The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) identified $3.5M in projects for 2011 alone that were not included in the balanced budget theypresented," commented Mayor Utz.

The FY2011 CIP projects not included were $210,500 of technology projects, $194,000 in replacement Police cars, $340,000 in public works vehicles, $156,000 in public works equipment, $1,568,244 in street work, $855,000 in storm drain repair and replacement and $175,000 in repairs to City owned buildings.

The proposed FY2011 budget is over $1M smaller than the FY2010 budget; the State of Maryland cut funding for police protection and highway user revenue in September, 2009.

FY2010 FY2011

General Government 2,048,239 2,040,686

Public Safety 5,871,685 5,855,686

Public Works 4,371,170 3,586,415

Community Support 152,124 100,743

Recreation and Parks 1,392,905 1,050,352

Total Operating Expense Budget 13,836,123 12,644,883

"The longer we delay in repairing our infrastructure, the more it costs. Delayed maintenance on storm drains can lead to major disasters like the Green Street sinkhole. This costs far more to repair that repairing the storm drain before it collapses. Some of our streets are in bad shape—if you have driven on Uniontown Road or Bond Street, you don't need me to point this out to you. Our parks, ball fields and trails are utilized from dawn to dusk and need constant maintenance to keep them in playing condition," continued Mayor Utz. "I realize that these are tough times for all of our residents—they are also tough times for governments having to maintain services as tax revenues are flat or decreasing and aid from other levels of government becomes more and more scarce. This levy is a small price to pay to insure that our streets are safe to drive on, our parks are preserved in playing condition, our storm drains prevent flooding, and our employees have the equipment they need to enforce the law, remove snow and cut grass."

To fund these capital improvement projects would require an additional tax levy of 19 cents dedicated to these capital projects. For the owner of a property with a taxable assessment of $250,000, this means an increase of$475/year or $39/mo.

# # #

The City of Westminster Administration Department is located at 56 West Main Street. The department is responsible for overseeing the Planning, Zoning and Development, Finance, and Housing Departments. For more information, call 410-848-9000 or visit


Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Budget problems continue for Maryland’s local governments

And it is only going to worse…

December 1, 2009 by Kevin Dayhoff

I did this piece of art in September 1994. The more things change the more they stay the same. At some point, the entire manner in which local government in Maryland is funded needs to be changed so that all our tax revenue does not get lost in a black hole in Annapolis and gets re-directed to the government that is closest to the citizens. Woman with the Ones above Carroll County

Read: See Charles Schelle’s article on the press conference today when the employee layoffs were announced: 18 county government employees to lose jobs By Charles Schelle Move to save estimated $3 million

See also: Carroll County Commissioners to hold news conference on budget - and - Carroll Co Budget, Carroll Co employees, MD State Budget

18 county government employees to lose jobs:

This is so sad. And at this time of the year; not that any time of the year is a good time to lose employees – or your job...

My heart and prayers go out to the employees who have lost their job – and to the folks who were forced to make theses difficult decisions.

I happen to agree with the Carroll County government press release today, Carroll Co MD Commissioners eliminate positions “Carroll County already has one of the leanest staffs in Maryland. A survey by the Maryland Association of Counties ranks Carroll as the second-lowest number of employees per capita.”

The problem is certainly not with over-staffing on the part of Carroll County government.

The problem is the systematic irresponsible spending in Annapolis and now the state is balancing its books on the backs of local government.

Neither the current administration or the Maryland General Assembly has the stomach for raising taxes – especially after the fiasco from the Maryland Special Taxing Session from November 2007, which only made matters worse…

So instead of doing the correct thing and cutting-out systemic wasteful spending, they want to force local government to raise taxes.

Add this to the incredible amount of money that Maryland has lost to surrounding states in retail sales as a result of raising the retail sales tax. Remember there is barely any location in Maryland that is not within 40 miles of the state line…

And add to this the large number of high income Marylanders who have simply left the state as a result of the prohibitive tax increase that was levied against them…

The result is a net loss of a great deal of state revenue that is above and beyond the turndown in the economy – especially since, until the recent taxing initiatives had such a disastrous result, most economist and political pundits considered Maryland recession proof.

This is a mess. And it is not a mess that will be solved anytime soon because nothing will hold the Maryland General Assembly accountable and the ruling party in Maryland is so arrogant they are completely inaccessible to any contrarian argument or debate, discussion or dialogue…


20091201 sdosmked Budget probs continue for MD local govt
[19940914 0758b Woman w Ones above CC]


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

18 county government employees to lose jobs By Charles Schelle

18 county government employees to lose jobs By Charles Schelle

Move to save estimated $3 million Posted 12/01/09

WESTMINSTER MARYLAND — Moments before Carroll County Government readied to light its holiday tree tonight, officials announced that 18 county workers will lose their jobs as part of eliminating 62 positions.

County Commissioner Julia Gouge and Steven Powell, chief-of-staff for Carroll County Government made the announcement at a 5 p.m. news conference at the County Office Building, wrapping up in time to celebrate the holidays at a 6 p.m. ceremony.

"It has been the single most difficult day of my career in Carroll County, and I'm glad it's over," Powell said as his voice cracked and quivered. "I know that it has only just begun for 18 people."

Read Mr. Schelle’s entire article here: 18 county government employees to lose jobs By Charles Schelle

20091201 18 county govt emps to lose jobs by Schelle
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Monday, October 26, 2009

Westminster Mayor and Common Council Meeting agenda


Mayor and Common Council Meeting of October 26, 2009


Recognition of Barbara Rodbell for service on Parks & Recreation Board
Appointment of Kevin Wagman to Historic District Commission
Re-appointment of Kristin McMasters to Historic District Commission
Community Media Center Presentation – Nancy Hernandez



Approval of Acting City Clerk
Update the City Code
September 2009 Departmental Operating Reports


5. BIDS:

Bids for water meter replacement installation project – Jeff Glass


Resolution 09-9 – Revised Debt Management Policy to meet the requirements of the State of Maryland Chapter 693 of the Laws of 2009, to be filed with the State Treasurer – Gary Ehlers



a. None as of October 23, 2009


Presentation of the Tri-Street Six Month Status Report
Appointment of “Arts and Culture Task Force”




20091026 sdsom Westminster MCC Mtg agenda
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Westminster Common Council Report: Budget woes dominate Westminster council meeting

Budget woes dominate Westminster council meeting
Click here for a larger image:
Westminster Common Council Report:

By Kevin Dayhoff Posted 10/05/09

The meeting of the Westminster mayor and Common Council last on Sept. 28 began with plenty of smiles, but the mood quickly turned somber as a discussion on budget woes dominated the balance of the evening. By Kevin Dayhoff Posted on 10/05/09

Read the entire article here:

More pictures and information:

Photo caption for [20090928 COWMCCMtg 2mccb]: Westminster City Hall Sept. 28,2009 - The meeting of the Westminster mayor and Common Council last on Sept. 28 began with plenty of smiles, but the mood quickly turned somber as a discussion on budget woes dominated the balance of the evening. By Kevin Dayhoff Posted on 10/05/09 VLeft to right: councilmember Dr. Robert Wack, councilmember Tony Chiavacci, council president Damian Halstad, councilmember Greg Pecoraro, councilmember Suzanne Albert. (Photo by Kevin Dayhoff)
Twitpic: Budget woes dominate Westminster council meeting Budget woes dominate Westminster council meeting

Historical Society of Carroll Co, MD State Budget, People Chiavacci Tony, People Graham-Lori, Westminster Council Mtgs, Westminster Council Pres Halstad Damian, Westminster Finance Budget


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Monday, October 05, 2009

Budget woes dominate Westminster mayor and council meeting

To the left, please find an image of my news brief on the meeting of the Westminster mayor and Common Council on Monday, September 28, 2009. The news brief appeared in the Carroll Eagle on Sunday, October 4, 2009 on page 3.

Oct. 4, 2009 p3 Carroll Eagle Click here for a larger image: Twitpic: Westminster Eagle News Brief: Budget woes dominate Westminster mayor and council meeting

Below, please find the news brief as it was filed. The “long version” of my article on the meeting has not, as yet, been posted on Hopefully it will be posted on Monday, October 5, 2009… If not, I’ll post it here on the blog…

Westminster Eagle News Brief: Budget woes dominate Westminster mayor and council meeting

Westminster Eagle –

September 28, 2009 by Kevin Dayhoff kevindayhoff AT

Westminster City Hall - The meeting of the Westminster mayor and Common Council last Monday began with plenty of smiles, but the mood quickly turned somber as a discussion on budget woes dominated the balance of the evening.

Mayor Kevin Utz conducted a public hearing on the 2009 Comprehensive Plan for Westminster. Later in the meeting the council voted to adopt the plan after more discussion of how proud the council and staff were to have received such good feedback from the state on how well the plan was developed and written.

Council president Damian Halstad brought up “Budget Amendment No. 1” for adoption. Utz explained “this reduction in the budget came as a direct result of the governor’s reduction in highway user revenues…”

Other council member joined-in as it was explained that the state Board of Public Works recently voted to not send $818,000 in revenue due the city from taxes collected by the state designated for the city’s coffers – in order to balance the state budget.

A press release describing the budget amendment explained, “The State of Maryland reduced the Highway User Revenues from $747,580 to $74,758 and Police Aid from a budgeted $400,000 to $254,826.”

City administrator Marge Wolf said that she expects the state to withhold an additional $329,000 from the city in January.

According to the press release: “Among the cuts approved by the Common Council were cancellations of the paving contract, technology purchases and a police vehicle which totaled $267,950 in capital expenditures; diversion of the $100,000 contingency reserve to operating accounts…

“… conversion of $215,000 of Union Street property proceeds to operating accounts; reduction of departmental operating budgets by $155,086; revision of the take home vehicle policy to institute a partial employee payback of costs by $15,768; and captured $65,000 in savings from reduced tipping fees.”

Wolf tried to put a bright face on a bleak picture at that by remarking that “this is not the best of times, but it doesn’t mean we don’t have good projects underway.”

As if on cue, Lori Graham, representing the business community, gave a report on the “Midnight Madness,” downtown business celebration held in conjunction with Fallfest. She also gave an update on plans for the upcoming community ‘electric’ Christmas parade.

“The community has its share of problems but we still come together to do good things,” said Graham.

Want to learn more about the recent meeting of the Westminster mayor and council meeting? For a longer version of this story go to

- 30 –

Dayhoff Media Westminster Eagle, MD State Budget, People Graham-Lori, Westminster Council Meeting Notes, Westminster Council Mtgs, Westminster Finance Budget, Westminster Mayor 2009 Utz Kevin
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Thursday, October 01, 2009

City Of Westminster Budget Amendment September 28, 2009

5 6 West Main Street
Westminster, MD 21157

Phone 410-848-9000
Fax 410-857-7476


September 28, 2009 Phone: 410-848-9000


Westminster, MD - "We have no choice but to reduce our current FY2010 budget," Mayor Kevin R. Utz explained as he presented an amendment to the City of Westminster budget that cut over $800,000 in projected state revenues.

"The State of Maryland reduced the Highway User Revenues from $747,580 to $74,758 and Police Aid from a budgeted $400,000 to $254,826."

Among the cuts approved by the Common Council were cancellations of the paving contract, technology purchases and a police vehicle which totaled $267,950 in capital expenditures; diversion of the $100,000 contingency reserve to operating accounts; conversion of $215,000 of Union Street property proceeds to operating accounts; reduction of departmental operating budgets by $155,086; revision of the take home vehicle policy to institute a partial employee payback of costs by $15,768; and captured $65,000 in savings from reduced tipping fees.

"These amendments, totaling $818,804 will balance our budget through June 30, 2010, unless there are additional cuts passed by the State," continued Mayor Utz, "The real crisis will come when we lose the remaining $329,676 in these state revenues which may come as early as January and certainly by July 1, 2010."

Dr. Robert Wack, Chairman of the Finance Committee, recapped the number of adjustments made by the Common Council to balance the budget over the past several years.

"These actions have included: Elimination of five positions, increase of employee contributions to health care benefits, revision of the Retiree Health Care Benefit program, elimination of merit increases for all staff, implementation of a health reimbursement agreement health care plan in lieu of the former preferred provider plan and rebate of the $3.5M bond secured to undertake a major pavement milling and overlay program. With the current hiring freeze and the actions outlined by the Mayor, we have managed to avoid painful furloughs, staff layoffs or elimination of services as well as property tax increases. It may not be possible to avoid those discussions if future revenue reductions are imposed by the State or occur because of the current economic recession. We need to be developing contingency plans to respond to those changes as they occur.”

# # #

The City of Westminster Administration Department is located at 56 West Main Street. This department oversees all of the departments in the General Government and is the central location for the City. For more information, call 410-848-9000 or visit

20090928 cow bud amend 1 , , ,

Here you can read about the City of Westminster in previous articles that have been published.

Nonprofits benefit from FallFest, Carroll County Times
FallFest to set aside time for children with special needs, Carroll County Times
September 20, 2009 Proclaimed National Neighborhood Day, Press Release
Westminster passes public decency acts, Carroll County Times
Maryland budget reductions mean 6% cuts to Westminster, Carroll County Times
Westminster City discusses budget cuts, Press Release
Toilet Rebate Program a success, Carroll County Times
Water project earns stimulus grant money, Carroll County Times
Westminster buildings to undergo energy audits, Carroll County Times
City linking to crime website, Carroll County Times
Electronics recycling program set to launch, Carroll County Times
Red-light cameras awaiting final OK, Carroll County Times
Recreation and Parks News, Press Release
Toilet Rebate Program, Press Release
Westminster Comprehensive Plan maps out water future, Carroll County Times
Westminster housing variety highlighted, Carroll County Times
Westminster OKs Streetscape bid, Carroll County Times
Plan takes look at future of Westminster water woes, Advocate
Cutting a ribbon on history at the Westminster Water Treatment Plant, Westminster Eagle
Shop with a Cop, Carroll County Times
Building to undergo reconstruction, Advocate
Westminster Clock Tower restoration, Carroll County Times
Westminster: City likes what it sees in Carroll County's Comprehensive Plan, Carroll County Times
City promoting water conservation through grants, Advocate
Upgrade could be done by winter, Carroll County Times
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Westminster City Discusses Budget Cuts

Westminster City Discusses Budget Cuts – September 18, 2009

56 West Main Street
Westminster, MD 21158
Phone 410-848-9000
Fax 410-857-7476

Friday, September 18, 2009

Contact: Marge Wolf
Phone: 410-848-9000


Westminster, MD -“These are challenging financial times for municipal governments,” stated city of Westminster mayor, Kevin Utz. “We are two months into the 2009 fiscal year and are now faced with a reduction of over $800,000 in our state revenue projections. A bad financial picture just got worse.”

The State Board of Public Works approved a package of budget cuts last week that included a 90% reduction in Highway User Revenues to local jurisdictions. The City had budgeted $747,850 and will instead be receiving $74,785. In addition, they reduced the State Aid to Police funding from $392,040 to $254,826, a reduction of 35%.

“In a General Fund with $13Million in total revenues, this is a 6% cut. With a cut of this magnitude we are looking at a variety of options to bring our budget into balance,” continued Mayor Utz, “including eliminating services or programs, cancelling capital projects and equipment purchases, examining the take home vehicle program, freezing employee salaries and benefits—everything is on the table for discussion.

A hiring freeze has already been implemented and we do not expect to fill any vacant positions. No new projects or programs beyond those already funded will be implemented.

Unfortunately, we expect that further cuts will be needed after the revenues are projected again in December and FY2011 looks to be even bleaker. I will be working with state, county, and municipal government partners, as well as the Maryland Municipal League to seek solutions to this problem.”

For the past two fiscal years, the financial picture has been deteriorating for local governments, with reductions in revenues from the housing sector, transportation, and property tax assessments to substantial increases in utility costs, gasoline costs, and health care. Unfortunately, at the municipal level, government provides basic quality of life services—and when these services are reduced, citizens suffer.

To cope with the reduced revenues and increased costs, the City of Westminster instituted staff lay-offs, postponed the street repaving project and increased the employee share of health benefits in FY2009. Merit increases and cost of living adjustments were eliminated and a new health care plan and provider were implemented in the FY2010 budget. City of Westminster

Page 2

We will continue to provide information on possible reductions as the Mayor and Council discuss the options and develop a plan to balance the budget. Updates will also be provided on the website


The City of Westminster Administration Department is located at 56 West Main Street. This department oversees all of the departments in the General Government and is the central location for the City. For more information, call 410-848-9000 or visit

20090918 Westminster City Discusses Budget Cuts

Here you can read about the City of Westminster in previous articles that have been published.

Nonprofits benefit from FallFest, Carroll County Times
FallFest to set aside time for children with special needs, Carroll County Times
September 20, 2009 Proclaimed National Neighborhood Day, Press Release
Westminster passes public decency acts, Carroll County Times
Maryland budget reductions mean 6% cuts to Westminster, Carroll County Times
Westminster City discusses budget cuts, Press Release
Toilet Rebate Program a success, Carroll County Times
Water project earns stimulus grant money, Carroll County Times
Westminster buildings to undergo energy audits, Carroll County Times
City linking to crime website, Carroll County Times
Electronics recycling program set to launch, Carroll County Times
Red-light cameras awaiting final OK, Carroll County Times
Recreation and Parks News, Press Release
Toilet Rebate Program, Press Release
Westminster Comprehensive Plan maps out water future, Carroll County Times
Westminster housing variety highlighted, Carroll County Times
Westminster OKs Streetscape bid, Carroll County Times
Plan takes look at future of Westminster water woes, Advocate
Cutting a ribbon on history at the Westminster Water Treatment Plant, Westminster Eagle
Shop with a Cop, Carroll County Times
Building to undergo reconstruction, Advocate
Westminster Clock Tower restoration, Carroll County Times
Westminster: City likes what it sees in Carroll County's Comprehensive Plan, Carroll County Times
City promoting water conservation through grants, Advocate
Upgrade could be done by winter, Carroll County Times
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Monday, April 13, 2009

Westminster Maryland Mayor and Council Meeting Agenda of April 13, 2009

Westminster Mayor and Common Council Meeting Agenda of April 13, 2009

Home >> City Government AGENDA


Mayor and Common Council Meeting of April 13, 2009

1. CALL TO ORDER – 7:00 P.M.
Mayor’s Proclamation – Fair Housing Month


Adoption of Ordinance No. 801 – Amendment of Water and Sewer
Chapters Regarding Rates
Adoption of Ordinance No. 802 – Amendment to Utility Fee Ordinance
Regarding Water and Sewer Rates

Episcopal Housing Corporation – Loan Subordination – Thomas Beyard



7. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (cont’d from above)
Suspend the Rules of Order and Procedure in Order to
Introduce and Adopt Ordinance No. 803 – Sale of 18B Union Street – Thomas Beyard

a. None as of April 9, 2009

Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2010 – Marge Wolf



20090413 Westminster Mayor and Council Meeting
Kevin Dayhoff: Westminster Maryland Online
Kevin Dayhoff

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Share budget info online Carroll County Times Editorial for Tues., March 17, 2009

I just re-read this Carroll County Times Editorial for Tuesday, March 17, 2009. The focus of much of the conversation in the community this year is once again how “exciting” the budget process will be in Westminster this year.

In the last several years it has been the object of great secrecy, drama, and opaque politics of ginormous byzantine proportions.

To be certain the budget will once again be just as difficult as ever, yet city officials have garnered little in the way of sympathy in that the last several years the attitude of city officials has been obdurate, obstinate, boorish, mean-spirited, and adversarial. And that is just for starters…

Carroll County Times Editorial for Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Share budget info online

As Carroll’s municipal and county governments begin the process of working through the next fiscal year’s budget, utilizing their Web sites to ensure that the public has easy access to budget documents is an easy way to encourage more citizen input.

Some government bodies in Carroll do a better job than others in encouraging public participation. A few post their proposed budgets online, where residents can easily access them. Others make residents jump through hoops to get what should be a common public document.


In some cases, Carroll’s municipal officials have even actively tried to block the public from seeing budget information.
[I’ll bet the editorial writer is referring to the city of Westminster – for which the budget process has been shrouded in intrigue and incompetence for the last three years…] In one case a few years back, a municipal government wouldn’t even allow residents the opportunity to see the proposed budget until the night of the public hearing on the budget. Needless to say there wasn’t much informed comment from the citizenry.

In a more recent example, a municipality kept putting off releasing the proposed budget. “We’re still making changes,” they said. Well gee, since it was a proposed budget most people would expect changes to be made. The dodge was simply a way for the government to avoid letting people know how their tax dollars were being spent until after the budget was adopted and it was too late for them to raise concerns. The economic crisis this year has everyone reeling. From the state to the county to Carroll’s municipal governments, officials everywhere are trying to figure out how to stretch tax dollars, what things can be cut and what needs to be funded.

Read the entire editorial here: Share budget info online

20090317 Share budget info online ccted
Kevin Dayhoff: Westminster Maryland Online
Kevin Dayhoff

Friday, September 12, 2008

Statement from Governor Martin O'Malley on the Board of Revenue

Statement from Governor Martin O'Malley on the Board of Revenue Estimates

BALTIMORE, MD (September 9, 2008) – Governor Martin O’Malley today issued the following statement following the Board of Revenue Estimates:

“Today, the Board of Revenue Estimates announced a budget shortfall for the current fiscal year and 2010. Given the national economic downturn, national foreclosure crisis, and the increased price of energy, gasoline and food, these revenue estimates are not unexpected; and we are preparing to bring hundreds of millions in cuts before the Board of Public Works in the coming weeks to address this challenge.”

“Given the national economy, other states are facing the same or significantly worse budget pictures. In fact, the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities estimates that at least 29 states are facing a total budget shortfall of $48 billion in FY 2009.”

“In Maryland, because of the tough decisions we made to protect public education, public heath and public safety, and expand opportunity for our middle class families, we are ahead of the game. Working with the General Assembly, we have already reduced spending by $1.8 billion and taken actions to address the structural deficit that we inherited.”

“Without these actions and tough decisions, our State would be facing an estimated $2.5 billion shortfall in FY 2010. Instead, Maryland is a facing a shortfall that is significantly less that is the result of a downturn in the national economy, not structural in nature.”

“We have worked hard to restore fiscal responsibility and accountability in Maryland over these last two years.”

“In 2008 and 2009, our state budget grew by less than 4 percent annually – less than the Spending Affordability Guidelines set by the General Assembly – compared to 22 percent in the last two years of our Republican predecessors.”

“We have already cut $1.8 billion from state spending, eliminated over 700 state positions, and yes, we have asked the people of Maryland to play a role in this solution by increasing the sales tax by a penny and enacting a more progressive income tax structure. The people of Maryland will also have an opportunity to vote on a slots referendum in November that is expected to provide an additional $650 million for public education in our State.”

“As we have worked together to address the structural deficit that we inherited, we will come together in the weeks ahead to address this latest budget challenge presented to us by our national economy; and we will do so in a way that recognizes the burden and challenges faced by our middle-class families as the cost of everything continues to rise even as wages remain stagnant.”

“The investments we have fought so hard to preserve in public education, public safety, and public health are intended for one purpose only – to strengthen and grow our middle class over the long-term and create a more sustainable future for our children.”

“This has been our goal from the beginning, and it will continue to guide the actions of this Administration as we work to address this latest challenge.”

20080909 St from O’Malley on the Brd of Revenue Estimates