City Council
Minutes of City Council Meetings | Agenda for next City Council Meeting
Minutes of City of
JUNE 11, 2007
A meeting of The Mayor and Common Council was held in City Hall,
Council President Chiavacci presented Mayor Ferguson’s reappointment of Stephen Allgeier to the Parks Board. Mr. Pecoraro moved to confirm the reappointment. Mr. Utz seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.
Council President Chiavacci introduced Daniel Byrd from Scout Troop 381.
Geographic Information Technician Tim Rogers and Historic District Commission Chairperson Dean Camlin introduced winners of the Preservation Month Scavenger Hunt and distributed their prizes. Mr. Camlin described the contest and noted that the Commission received 57 entries. He added that the Commission intends to hold the contest annually.
Council President Chiavacci observed that the draft minutes of the March 14, 2007 meeting had been corrected to reflect the fact that three write-in votes were cast for
Council President Chiavacci summarized the four items on the Consent Calendar: April and May Departmental Operating Reports; renewal of the audit contract; purchase orders for vehicles; and the wireless connection from 56 West
Mr. Pecoraro reported that the Growth and Annexation Committee met the preceding week. The Committee has directed staff to discuss with applicants the desirability of bringing pending annexations and good cause waivers for smaller parcels before the Mayor and Common Council in order to move them along. Action on the larger parcels will wait until completion of the permanent Water Allocation Policy, The Capacity Management Plan, which will precede adoption of the permanent Policy, is due to the Maryland Department of the Environment by March 31, 2008. The Committee hopes to submit recommendations to the Mayor and Common Council in the fall.
Mr. Pecoraro noted that the Commissioners would vote on the proposed expansion of the
Dr. Wack advised that he met with Ms. Wolf and Mr. Unger to discuss establishment of formal written policies concerning City finances.
Dr. Wack reported that renegotiation of the ten-year City cable franchise would soon begin.
Dr. Wack announced that the annual commemoration of Corbit’s Charge would take place on June 23 and June 24, 2007. He complimented the Pipe Creek Civil War Round Table for assuming oversight of the event.
Mr. Schroers summarized a packet of proposed legislation relating to the Recreation and Parks Department. In 2006, the Mayor and Common Council created the position of Director of Recreation and Parks. Subsequently, the Parks Board requested adjustments to the Board’s title and duties. Ordinance 765 would change the Board’s name to the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board and make the other requested changes to Article I, Chapter 7 of the Westminster City Code. Ordinance 766 would make the Director of Recreation and Parks responsible for recommending park rules and regulations to the Mayor and Common Council. The Ordinance also would authorize the Mayor and Common Council to adopt the rules and regulations and to make infractions punishable by an initial fine of $200.00. The accompanying Resolution, R07-7, sets forth the actual rules and regulations, which were last adjusted in 1991. The last piece of legislation in the packet, Resolution R07-8, designates as Locust Lane Park the property owned by the City in the 100 block of
Mr. Pecoraro thanked the Mayor and Council President for following up on citizen concerns about
Mr. Pecoraro moved to suspend the Rules of Order and Procedure in order to introduce and adopt Ordinances No. 765 and 766. Mrs. Albert seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Upon Motion of Mr. Pecoraro, seconded by Mrs. Albert and unanimously passed, the Ordinances were introduced and adopted. Mr. Pecoraro moved to adopt Resolutions R07-7 and R07-8. Dr. Wack seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.
Council President Chiavacci noted that the next meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission would take place on June 21, 2007 and that the Mayor and Common Council would next meet on July 9, 2007.
Mr. Unger reported that the Department has started using the new software for accounts payable. Transfer of payroll and utility bills to the new system will take place during September and October.
Council President Chiavacci complimented Chief Spaulding for coordinating the recent Torch Run for the Special Olympics.
Ms. Wolf reported that staff is working diligently on the water conservation plan. The plan will include an education component and the
Ms. Wolf noted that the Finance Committee, in addition to formulating new policies, is considering a new budget format. Ms. Wolf announced that the
Mr. Schroers reported that the basketball court resurfacing and the pool upgrade are
complete. Mr. Schroers also noted that day camp would begin on Monday, June 18, 2007. Mr. Schroers lastly reported that Concerts in the Park would take place each Sunday in July.
Several City and County residents voiced disapproval of a proposed expansion of the
City resident Lyndi McNulty advised that her son, Roger, would travel to
City resident Toni Pomeroy, owner of Pomeroy’s Jewelers, thanked the Mayor and Common Council and City staff for promptly addressing her concerns about loitering in the area of
Council President Chiavacci adjourned the meeting at 8:35 P.M.
Laurell E. Taylor
City Clerk
2007 Westminster Common Council Meeting Minutes to date:
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