We can honor firefighting heritage by preventing disaster
by Kevin E. Dayhoff Wednesday, October 10, 2007
This week, Oct. 7-13, is Fire Prevention Week.
That's serious business. Don't kid yourself that it can't happen to you. The basics of fire safety are something that every family needs to practice every day.
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We can honor firefighting heritage by preventing disaster
10/10/07 By Kevin E. Dayhoff
This week, Oct. 7-13, is Fire Prevention Week.
That's serious business. Don't kid yourself that it can't happen to you. The basics of fire safety are something that every family needs to practice every day.
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One thing you can do right away is put fresh batteries in your smoke alarm(s) and make sure these basic safety devices are working properly.
The next thing you can do is talk with your family about a fire escape plan. In fact, "Practice Your Escape Plan" is this year's National Fire Protection Association theme for Fire Prevention Week 2007. For more information and a worksheet for developing a home fire escape plan, visit firepreventionweek.org.
You can also take the opportunity to learn more about fire protection services in
There's a rich history and tradition of citizens volunteering their time and talent to the 14 fire companies in Carroll.
In the Sykesville-Eldersburg area, there are several references to a "Sykesville Fire Company" in various old newspaper articles after Sykesville incorporated in 1904, but it appears it wasn't until summer 1933 that the predecessor to what we now know as the Sykesville-Freedom District Fire Department was formerly organized.
The Dec. 10, 1920 edition of the Union Bridge Pilot has an article in it about the "large flour mill of the Maryland Milling and Supply Company, at Sykesville É was totally destroyed by fire Wednesday night É causing a loss of about $20,000 É
"A chemical engine, the only fire apparatus in the town, could render but little service, and the flames gained headway with alarming rapidity. A large crowd assembled, but could do nothing more than to stand and look on."
The April 13, 1923, edition of the long-defunct Democratic Advocate carried a headline: "Mr. and Mrs. John Harris, With Baby Ill From Pneumonia, Flee In Night-Clothes."
The article declares that a fire was "believed to have been caused by a defective flue in the home of John Harris, threatened to destroy the town of
"Hardly more than a bucket brigade the Sykesville Volunteer Fire Company is said to have done excellent work in fighting the flames until the arrival of the
According to a history posted on the Sykesville-Freedom District Fire Department's Web site, on September 18, 1933, the first members of the Sykesville Fire Department were elected. They included: J. Marion Harris, President; H. Lester Phelps, Vice President; Celius L. Brown, Secretary; J. Nevin Ports, Treasurer and Leo F. Chrobot, Chief.
On Dec. 14, 1933, the department purchased the "old store on lower S. Main Street and a 1933 American LaFrance fire engine was purchased to serve the community," according to the department Web site.
"In 1939, plans were made to acquire new apparatus. The current fire station was too small so the station moved to across the street to the 'old stone store.' This building was used until 1949 when it was sold to St. Barnabas Church."
During the dedication ceremony for the new
In 1972, a second station was built on
It was also in 1972 that Libby Luebberman became the first female to qualify to ride the emergency apparatus in Sykesville. She was one of the first in the county and one of the first in the state.
They take time away from their families and risk their lives daily to protect us and our homes.
We can help thank them by working to prevent disasters ... and by being prepared.
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Leo F. Chrobot was my great grandfather. If anyone has any information on him, I'd love to learn more about him :) I am starting a genealogy project at: http://genealogy.earth-byte.com/crystal