Update from Pastor Dorrance on Taylorsville United Methodist Church
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Dear Congregation:
These have been busy days at Taylorsville. We wanted a day when the office would be open every day of the week, well, that it has been the case, at least for this week ;)
Once again, Hearl, Bill and Karen Mitchell have done outstanding jobs in all of their work.
Today the police were out to talk to us some more. They have really been great.
Serv-pro has been cleaning up, you can hardly tell that something has happened in the sanctuary, and it is cleaner than it has been in a long time.All of the walls have been mopped down. We will be able to use the Sanctuary and the offices on Sunday, we will not have access to the basement.
Perhaps the most important event of the day was when our Bishop, Bishop Schol came to visit us this afternoon. He, along with our District Superintendent, Rev. Terri Rae Chattin, our guide Rev. William Chaney, and two other guides, Rev. Mary Dennis and Rev. Matthew Poole, were here at our church to pray with us and to anoint our worship space.
They anointed our doors, or altar, our cross and our Bible--all symbols that help remind us of our faith, and the one who made it all possible, Jesus Christ.
The Bishop told us of a time when he was young that the sanctuary where he worshipped was vandalized, and he still remembers those feelings. He also wanted to offer us words of encouragement and hope for the future.
We have pictures to show you on Sunday.
Many blessings
Pastor Sarah
Picture caption:
Sept. 18, 2008 - Bishop of the Washington Area of The United Methodist Church John Roland Schol anointing a portion of Taylorsville United Methodist Church that had been recently damaged by vandals.
20080918 Update from Pastor Dorrance on Taylorsville United Methodist Church
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Dear Congregation:
These have been busy days at Taylorsville. We wanted a day when the office would be open every day of the week, well, that it has been the case, at least for this week ;)
Once again, Hearl, Bill and Karen Mitchell have done outstanding jobs in all of their work.
Today the police were out to talk to us some more. They have really been great.
Serv-pro has been cleaning up, you can hardly tell that something has happened in the sanctuary, and it is cleaner than it has been in a long time.All of the walls have been mopped down. We will be able to use the Sanctuary and the offices on Sunday, we will not have access to the basement.
Perhaps the most important event of the day was when our Bishop, Bishop Schol came to visit us this afternoon. He, along with our District Superintendent, Rev. Terri Rae Chattin, our guide Rev. William Chaney, and two other guides, Rev. Mary Dennis and Rev. Matthew Poole, were here at our church to pray with us and to anoint our worship space.
They anointed our doors, or altar, our cross and our Bible--all symbols that help remind us of our faith, and the one who made it all possible, Jesus Christ.
The Bishop told us of a time when he was young that the sanctuary where he worshipped was vandalized, and he still remembers those feelings. He also wanted to offer us words of encouragement and hope for the future.
We have pictures to show you on Sunday.
Many blessings
Pastor Sarah
Picture caption:
Sept. 18, 2008 - Bishop of the Washington Area of The United Methodist Church John Roland Schol anointing a portion of Taylorsville United Methodist Church that had been recently damaged by vandals.
20080918 Update from Pastor Dorrance on Taylorsville United Methodist Church
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