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Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Washington Examiner Opinion: A reminder that it can always be morning in America

Washington Examiner Opinion Email Digest

A reminder that it can always be morning in America
It has become conventional wisdom that President Reagan "restored America's confidence," an achievement that became forever encapsulated in political lore by the famous "It's morning again in America" television commercial that preceded his landslide re-election in 1984. But the reality is that Reagan didn't restore something that had been lost, he simply reminded Washington that it had been there all the time. Americans never lost faith in themselves or their capacity to shape better futures for themselves and their children. It was professional politicians inside the Beltway and fuzzy-minded thinkers at places like Harvard and the New York Times who lost sight of the country's boundless possibilities.

Williams plan to avert Social Security disaster

Politicians who are principled enough to point out the fraud of Social Security, referring to it as a lie and Ponzi scheme, are under siege. Acknowledgment of Social Security's problems is not the same as calling for the abandonment of its recipients. Instead, it's a call to take actions now, while there's time to avert a disaster. Let's look at it.

Republicans should avoid falling into the messiah complex

Listening to some establishment Republicans grousing about the field of GOP presidential candidates should serve as a warning. Republicans, if they are not careful, are in danger of catching the same virus that infected Democrats in 2008.

Examiner Local Editorial: Liberal nannies should leave Catholic University alone

A legally frivolous but potentially dangerous lawsuit filed against Catholic University by a crosstown rival has become a national cause celebre for liberal activists who want to shove their notions of college life down the private religious school's throat. At issue is CUA President John Garvey's decision to reinstate same-sex dorms to discourage underage drinking and casual sex among the incoming freshman class, something he has every legal and moral right to do.

Corpulent Christie may be the guy to slim down America

Moments after tramping out of my building's swaying stairwell and into the street during August's D.C. earthquake, I checked my phone's Twitter app and got my first good postquake laugh. Salon's Alex Pareene cracked: "I think Chris Christie just jumped into the race."

GOP primary chaos could produce another Ike-Taft convention showdown

By: Donald Devine
Well, Florida has done it – and it will explode the whole 2012 election process, as this space has predicted for months. Gov. Rick Scott and his legislative leaders’ special panel has declared that Florida’s presidential primary will be held January 31, 2011, more than a month ahead of schedule and well before the March 6 date that Republican rules set as the earliest date to hold a primary without losing half of their delegate power at the national GOP convention.


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