JWR TODAY: Of steadfast faith and alternativ e strategies ; Charen: Obama Default Mode: Blame Israel; Africa reacts to Obama's pro-gay rights foreign policy with ire; BILLIONS in wa$ted tax parer money; In GOP primaries, it's Newt vs. New(t); Pruden, May, Malkin, Krauthamme r + MUCH more --- Weekend of December 9-11, 2011

Weekend of December 9-11, 2011
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[ T O P S T O R I E S ]
Of steadfast faith and alternative strategies
By Rabbi Berel Wein

My critic thought my answer to be heretical. I thought that he was misrepresenting Torah values and wise living
reality check
Obama Default Mode: Blame Israel
By Mona Charen

The Muslim world is in turmoil, and so far, the results do not bode well for peace, democracy or development. But what worries the Obama administration?
Africa reacts to Obama's pro-gay rights foreign policy with ire
By Mike Pflanz

Did they miss the multi-cultural memo that "gay" is the new "black"?
African (not American black) columnist predicts "significant diplomatic confrontation" between Washington and Africa's most populous country
Tax payers now paying tens of billions in pricey pensions for 'dangerous' government jobs like dispatchers, coroners, and museum guards
By Thomas Frank

Get ready to blow a gasket
washington week
In GOP primaries, it's Newt vs. New(t)
By Chuck Raasch

A fascinating subplot has developed in the race for the Republican presidential nomination.
[ W O R T H 1 0 0 0 W O R D S ]
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(Attention working columnists and editorial cartoonists: Think you have what it takes to be featured on JWR? Drop us a note by clicking here. Readers, please make suggestions, as well.)
[ L I F E S T Y L E S ]
• Tech Maven by Mark Kellner
: Zen(book) and the art of notebook computer shoppingAsk Doctor K by Anthony L. Komaroff, M.D.: Do carbonated beverages harm your bones?
Bruce Williams on JWR: House is liability, not an asset, in divorce; picking the right major
Monica Crowley: Bubba's Two Cents
Neil Steinberg : Think ahead with gifts
[ T O D A Y I N H I S T O R Y ]
On this day in . . .
• 1793, New York City's first daily newspaper, the American Minerva, is established by Noah Webster
• 1835, the Republic of Texas captures San Antonio, Texas
• 1861, during theAmerican Civil War: The Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War is established by the U.S. Congress
• 1888, statistician Herman Hollerith installs his computing device at the United States War Department
• 1905, in France, the law separating church and state is passed
• 1917, in Palestine, Field Marshal Edmund Allenby captures Jerusalem
• 1946, the "Subsequent Nuremberg Trials" begin with the "Doctors' Trial", prosecuting doctors involved in human experimentation
• 1953, General Electric announces that all communist employees will be discharged from the company
• 1961, the trial of Nazi Adolf Eichmann, ym"sh, in Israel, ends with verdicts of guilty on 15 criminal charges, including charges of crimes against humanity, crimes against the Jewish people and membership of an outlawed organization
• 1979, the eradication of the smallpox virus is certified, making smallpox the first and to date only human disease driven to extinction
• 1987, the First Intifada begins in the Gaza Strip and West Bank
• 1990, Solidarity founder Lech Walesa won Poland's presidential runoff by a landslide
• 2000, the Supreme Court of the United States stays the sixth Florida recount
• 2001, the United States disclosed the existence of a videotape in which Osama bin Laden said he was pleasantly surprised by the extent of damage from the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
• 2006, Discovery lighted up the sky in the first nighttime space shuttle launch in four years
• 2008, the Governor of Illinois, Rod Blagojevich, is arrested by federal officials for a number of alleged crimes including attempting to sell the United States Senate seat being vacated by President-elect Barack Obama's election to the Presidency
• 2010, in Britain's worst political violence in years, student protesters rained sticks and rocks on riot police, vandalized government buildings and attacked a car carrying Prince Charles and his wife, Camilla, after lawmakers approved a controversial hike in university tuition fees. ALSO: Actor Wesley Snipes began serving a three-year sentence at a federal prison in Pennsylvania for failure to file income tax return
[ I N S I G H T ]

Wesley Pruden: Deadly peril in a fantasy world
Argus Hamilton skewers politics and contemporary "culture"
News of the Weird by Chuck Shepherd: Creme de la Weird
Lori Borgman: Hey, isn't that . . .
Hillary Campaign Conspicuously Emerges (FEATURE)
TV Hits For Libs, Conservatives: Survey of TV preferences shows deep political divide(FEATURE)
Dan K. Thomasson: U.S. Postal Servuce may be beyond saving
Dale McFeatters: State Department Creates 'Virtual Embassy' For Iran
Dave Weinbaum: Doctor Feelgood and his dancing needles
Deroy Murdock: $687 billion is available to Congress free of strings
Suzanne Fields: Blaming the Victim Again
Heather Robinson: Syrian-American observer predicts Assad's ouster and voices concern for human rights
Jay Ambrose: A populist, envy-mongering fraud divisively exacerbating resentment among different groups of Americans

David Limbaugh: In Kansas, Obama Emulates Dorothy: 'Lions and Tigers and Capitalists! Oh, My!'
Linda Chavez: Obama Is No Teddy Roosevelt
Jonah Goldberg: Obama: Man on a mission
Rich Lowry: Blame the rich
Diana West: It's time to stop keeping secrets
Roger Simon: Who needs pants? Newt has passion

Charles Krauthammer: Running on empty: Obama's campaign for class resentment ~~
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