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Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Kevin Dayhoff The Tentacle: National Governors Association New Engines of Growth

Kevin Dayhoff The Tentacle: The #art and culture of economic development part 1

Kevin E. Dayhoff Art Econ Benefits of Art,

The National Governors Association recently released a new report on the role that community arts, culture, and design play in job creation and economic growth.

The remarkably creative and thoughtful report, New Engines of Growth: Five Roles for Arts, Culture, and Design, was prepared by the group’s Center for Best Practices, in collaboration with the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies.

The 52-page report itself is an eye-catching and well-designed piece of artwork in its layout and design.

However, even more amazing is that, page-by-page, the report presents a compelling and persuasive case for encouraging community arts and cultural programs, businesses, shops and industry to create economy and jobs – in a manner surprisingly devoid of mind-numbing public policy wonk-speak.

The executive summary of the report states, in part …

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