Flight Diverted When Passengers Feud Over Reclining Seat : The Two-Way : NPR:
"Flying is already a pain. But a story from the Associated Press Tuesday really brings home the point: The wire service reports that an entire plane was diverted on Sunday after a fight broke out over a passenger's right to recline her seat.
For the record, the maker of the device tells USA Today this is the first time it has heard of anything like this happening with its product."
See also: "United flight diverts over 'Knee Defender' fight" http://www.usatoday.com/story/todayinthesky/2014/08/26/knee-defender-fight-united-flight-diverted/14609109/
As if flying is not already unpleasant enough.... At 6' 3" I am constantly fighting this battle - the battle over the person in front of me on a plane reclining their seat into my knees and my face so that I cannot use the work tray, 'enjoy' my seat - or breathe...
In the past, after observing my plight, the flight attendant, without me asking, has required the person in front of me to put their seat in the upright position.
I too, have very-very politely asked the person on front of me to put their seat in the upright position and had that person absolutely refuse. At that point I usually "Zen it." politely and quietly.
I think that people who recline their seat into the face of the person seated behind them on a airplane are narcissistic sociopaths. Usually when it happens to me, I realize that I have been just given a signal that the person in front of me is aggressively rude and impolite and that I should be frightened of them. All I want to do is get to my destination. I usually simply avoid any interaction with them - at all costs.
Ultimately I agree with the commenters on the article that believe that it is the fault of the airlines. I am surprised that the planes are still built with reclining seats. Reclining seats have caused so many problems on these planes that inhumanely pack people into impossible seating arrangements that I have no idea why reclining seat have not been banned...
All that said, I usually just grin and bear it when faced with such incivility. Nowadays, I understand that flying is very unpleasant and I work hard to make the best of it. I just wanna get home - and not make an already very bad situation worse...
'via Blog this'
"Flying is already a pain. But a story from the Associated Press Tuesday really brings home the point: The wire service reports that an entire plane was diverted on Sunday after a fight broke out over a passenger's right to recline her seat.
For the record, the maker of the device tells USA Today this is the first time it has heard of anything like this happening with its product."
See also: "United flight diverts over 'Knee Defender' fight" http://www.usatoday.com/story/todayinthesky/2014/08/26/knee-defender-fight-united-flight-diverted/14609109/
As if flying is not already unpleasant enough.... At 6' 3" I am constantly fighting this battle - the battle over the person in front of me on a plane reclining their seat into my knees and my face so that I cannot use the work tray, 'enjoy' my seat - or breathe...
In the past, after observing my plight, the flight attendant, without me asking, has required the person in front of me to put their seat in the upright position.
I too, have very-very politely asked the person on front of me to put their seat in the upright position and had that person absolutely refuse. At that point I usually "Zen it." politely and quietly.
I think that people who recline their seat into the face of the person seated behind them on a airplane are narcissistic sociopaths. Usually when it happens to me, I realize that I have been just given a signal that the person in front of me is aggressively rude and impolite and that I should be frightened of them. All I want to do is get to my destination. I usually simply avoid any interaction with them - at all costs.
Ultimately I agree with the commenters on the article that believe that it is the fault of the airlines. I am surprised that the planes are still built with reclining seats. Reclining seats have caused so many problems on these planes that inhumanely pack people into impossible seating arrangements that I have no idea why reclining seat have not been banned...
All that said, I usually just grin and bear it when faced with such incivility. Nowadays, I understand that flying is very unpleasant and I work hard to make the best of it. I just wanna get home - and not make an already very bad situation worse...
'via Blog this'
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: http://kevindayhoff.blogspot.com/ = http://www.kevindayhoff.net/ Kevin Dayhoff Art: http://kevindayhoffart.blogspot.com/ or http://kevindayhoffart.com/ = http://www.kevindayhoff.com/ Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: http://kevindayhoffwestgov-net.blogspot.com/ or http://www.westgov.net/ = www.kevindayhoff.org Twitter: https://twitter.com/kevindayhoff Twitpic: http://twitpic.com/photos/kevindayhoff Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: http://kbetrue.livejournal.com/ = www.newbedfordherald.net Explore Carroll: www.explorecarroll.com The Tentacle: www.thetentacle.com