The following is a guest essay by someone who wants their voice heard… The writer will monitor this site for your feedback. Meanwhile, please read, 20071101 A word about Guest Op-Eds (and comments)
Helping Illegal Aliens
November 1, 2007
Having recently retired and being in search of a new purpose in life the thought of helping others has a certain calling. Realizing that all people may require help at some point I decided to concentrate on helping murderers, rapists, bank robbers, illegal aliens and terrorists.
For the murderers, I could provide gun cleaning help, target practice facilities and ammunition. They could also use help with identification documents that would help them escape police detection. I could assist them with new drivers licenses and help them blend into the community where they could make use of taxpayer-supported services. Since they have already broken the law, I would try and assist them in getting amnesty or a presidential pardon if they were ever caught.
And for the rapists, I could provide knife sharpening help and practice in tying knots and rope. They could also use help with getting drivers licenses that would help them escape police detection and readily blend into the community and make use of taxpayer supported-services. Since they have already broken the law, I would try and assist them in getting amnesty or a presidential pardon if they were ever caught.
Bank robbers could make use of the above help with guns and knives as well as money laundering assistance. Their new drivers licenses could help them to board airplanes to take them to states that provide the best taxpayer-supported services. And if they were ever caught, I would try and assist them in getting amnesty or a presidential pardon.
The illegal aliens could use all of the above help as well, drivers licenses for identification, assistance in getting to the states with the best taxpayer-supported services and since they have already broken the law, I would try and assist them in getting amnesty or a presidential pardon if they were ever caught.
Terrorists are people too; they could make good use of the above help, drivers licenses for boarding airplanes and sharp knives. Blending into the community, using taxpayer-supported services and since they have already broken the law, I would try and assist them in getting amnesty or a presidential pardon if they are ever caught.
Of course, after I have assisted all these criminals I will be guilty of aiding and abetting criminals myself. Then I will have broken the law too. I wonder if I would get amnesty or a presidential pardon? I could always get a new drivers license and fly to a new state with lots of taxpayer-supported services. I bet I could get supporting funds from Al-Quaida for helping out their terrorists. When was the last time anyone was hung for treason in the