Doug Ross - Breaking: Obama agrees to a bailout of the New York Times
November 13, 2008
In case you missed it, last Tuesday Doug Ross broke the news that at the top of the list of economic initiatives for President-elect Obama is to safeguard the financial viability of the New York Times.
Breaking: Obama agrees to a bailout of the New York Times
Only hours after Mediapost reported that The New York Times had a negative net worth, President-Elect Barack Obama announced a $5 billion bailout rescue package for the media concern. In a hastily arranged press conference at the newly constructed Office of the President-Elect, Obama noted the importance of the Times' ability to influence public opinion.
"It's not overstating things to say that I owe my presidency to the New York Times," he stated in his perfectly pitched, baritone voice.
Read the rest here: Breaking: Obama agrees to a bailout of the New York Times
Related: The Gray Lady's not dead, she's just restin'
20081113 Doug Ross Breaking Obama agrees to a bailout of the NYT