“Dayhoff Westminster Soundtrack:” Kevin Dayhoff – “Soundtrack Division of Old Silent Movies” - https://kevindayhoff.blogspot.com/ combined with “Dayhoff Westminster” – Writer, artist, fire and police chaplain. For art, writing and travel see https://kevindayhoffart.blogspot.com/ Authority Caroline Babylon, Treasurer
Friday, June 28, 2013
You can still to this day see bullets stuck side of house from Corbit's Charge
Dan Pyle leads discussion of events June 29 1863 Corbit's Charge in Westminster
Firing salutes the fallen from Corbit's Charge in Westminster 150 yr anniversary
Tom LeGore his wife & Tom Abbott participate 150 yr anniversary Corbit's Charge
Tom LeGore prepares for Corbit's Charge 150 anniversary Je 29 1863 at Court St
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Ana Strickland and Sam Dutterer discuss Civil War weaponry at Corbit's Chrge
Corbit’s Charge qv History, History Carroll Co 1861 1865 Civil War, Annual Corbit's Charge, Carroll Co Community Events, History 18630629 Corbit's Charge, Westminster File community events
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Sunday, May 27, 2012
1st LT John William Murray Virginia Confederate States Army 29JE1963 Corbit's
Friday, March 09, 2007
20070309 My 2nd Grade Class picture
March 9th, 2007
A few months back my wife and I had dinner with my 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. Griffin. I borrowed our 2nd grade class picture from her and I need to return it so I just got around to scanning it in this evening.
This picture was taken in March 1961 at
The old 1898 high school, in which East End was located, had moved in 1936 to the building on
When I attended
Schools located in the community are a wonderful thing and it makes me sad that so often they are now located on huge tracks of land in the middle of a cornfield outside of town.
In 1961 my family lived in an apartment in back of Samios Food Market. The picture above is from the 1930s when it was then Ensor’s. Samios Food Market and the apartment where we lived was made into a Joni Mitchell song many years ago; “they tore down paradise and made it into a parking lot…
Across the street was the old Newark Shoe Factory which opened in late May 1925. When I lived on
Community markets, schools, and community employment were some of the main reasons for the quality of life that was
Nowadays, schools located right in town are a thing of the past and community markets and employment are near impossible with this thing we call progress, err, Euclidean Zoning which most often will not allow the overlay of residences, markets and stores and work places. The again, perhaps it is not progress at all.
The corner of
Someday – I’ll have an extra minute to sit down and keyboard all the names in the March 1961 photograph…
Meanwhile, enjoy the photos of a
Oh – we still have a great quality of life in
Dayhoff personal, History Westminster 1920s, Westminster File Ensor's Grocery, Westminster File Samios Grocery, Westminster File Green St E, Westminster Planning Zoning, Carroll Co Schools History, Carroll Co Schools Westminster H S, Carroll Co Schools East End ES, History Westminster, History Westminster old photos, Westminster File Newark Shoe Factory, Westminster File Westminster Shoe Factory, Urban planning Euclidean Zoning, Music Mitchell Joni, Dayhoff photo gallery