Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
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Showing posts with label Journalism ethics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Journalism ethics. Show all posts

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Independent - Hope Whitmore: As someone who's also autistic, the response to Tara Palmer-Tomkinson's panic attack has horrified me - Comment - Voices - The Independent

As someone who's also autistic, the response to Tara Palmer-Tomkinson's panic attack has horrified me - Comment - Voices - The Independent:


Tuesday 23 December 2014

As someone who's also autistic, the response to Tara Palmer-Tomkinson's panic attack has horrified me

It's easy for the media to jump to conclusions rather than looking into the terrifying world of mental health problems

The other day a woman who is on the autistic spectrum, and who has a long history of struggling with addiction, had a panic attack at Heathrow Airport. The reaction one would expect would be sympathy - "How awful to be so ill! To lose control, to be reduced to shaking, shouting, crying with fear."

Instead, the British Press greeted the news with glee, mercilessly ripping into Tara Palmer-Tomkinson. According to the Mail, her "tantrum" occured because she was "denied access to a first class lounge", while The Sun ran the headline "Tara Nicked By 8 Gun Cops."


"To make it a spectacle to be gawped at is even worse, alienating mentally ill people and making them think they need to hide their problems rather than seeking help. In a year where much has been written about the importance of removing the stigma of mental illness, parts of the media still approach the topic with the sensibility of playground builles.

 More than one in ten people have a disabling anxiety disorder at some point in their life, according to Anxiety UK. Should these people then feel like failures? People who have let down their friends and families? Of course not.

The media’s crowing over Tara Palmer-Tomkinson’s illness is not only deeply cruel to her as an individual, it is also disrespectful to the many people in the UK who suffer from anxiety and panic."

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Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:
Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

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E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Sean M. Lynn-Jones: I’m one of the people Sen. John Walsh plagiarized from - The Washington Post

Sean M. Lynn-Jones is editor of the quarterly journal International Security and a research associate at the Belfer Center at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.

"On Wednesday afternoon, a flurry of phone calls and e-mails informed me that Sen. John Walsh (D-MT) had apparently included—verbatim and without attribution—several pages of a 1998 paper of mine in a work he submitted to the U.S. Army War College. Walsh’s paper, which also failed to properly reference the work of others, was one of the requirements for the master’s degree he received from the War College in 2007."

Even in 2007, my paper, “Why the United States Should Spread Democracy,” was out of date. I wrote it in 1998, when the Clinton administration was embracing the strategy of spreading democracy.

By 2007, U.S. interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan had, to put it mildly, given democracy promotion a bad name.

The paper needed significant revisions to address what had happened in those two countries, respond to criticisms, and cite the most recent literature. Nevertheless, it remained online and was often the most viewed publication on the Web site of Harvard’s Belfer Center. ...

Tuesday, May 06, 2014

‘A Fragile Trust’ exhibits irresponsibility behind Jayson Blair plagiarism scandal - The Washington Post

‘A Fragile Trust’ exhibits irresponsibility behind Jayson Blair plagiarism scandal - The Washington Post:

By Published: May 5


I’d awakened absurdly early in Miami, where I was The Washington Post’s Southern bureau chief, to catch a flight to Texas. I was supposed to write a piece about the family of the last missing U.S. soldier after the fall of Iraq, a 24-year-old Army mechanic named Edward Anguiano. But when I fished the New York Times off my front porch and sleepily scanned the headlines, there was my story — my story! — on the front page of the competition. I barely recognized the byline.

It was some guy named Jayson Blair.

My lousy day got lousier once I arrived in Anguiano’s home town of Los Fresnos, a speck on the map near the Mexican border at the southern tip of Texas. Anguiano’s mother, who had earlier agreed to an interview, blew me off. While I waited at a gas station for her to call me back, I flipped through a folder of background reading. Something bothered me about one of the articles: a San Antonio Express-News piece about Anguiano. But I couldn’t figure out why...

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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Introducing 'AnonyWatch': Tracking Nameless Quotations in The Times

Introducing 'AnonyWatch': Tracking Nameless Quotations in The Times (NYT / Public Editor's Journal) 

New York Times columnist Margaret Sullivan launched an effort Tuesday to point out some of the more regrettable examples of anonymous quotations in the TimesMediaite An initial example of the pervasive phenomenon is Ginia Bellafante's column about Mayor Bill de Blasio's trip to Albany in which a "Democratic insider" says the mayor thinks he and the New York governor are friends "but Andrew Cuomo doesn't really have friends." FishbowlNY 

Another article Sullivan called out was even worse. In a piece on the Malaysian Airlines plane, an anonymous quote was issued on an anonymously sourced theory that someone on the plane made abrupt shifts in altitude to "depressurize the cabin and render the passengers and crew unconscious." 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Police: Newspaper’s office used as drug drop

When becoming the story is not a good way of furthering a career in journalism..  I'm just saying What a hoot..

February 11, 2011

Written by David Still II

Patriot reporter arrested

Undercover Massachusetts State Police officers walked into the offices of The Barnstable Patriot Feb. 3 and walked out with one of its reporters, later charging him with possession with intent to distribute a class D substance.

J. James Joiner Jr., 35, has worked as a Patriot reporter since September, and had worked on a freelance basis for several months prior to that. He lives in Cotuit.


Sunday, December 12, 2010

Too Good to Check By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN


Too Good to Check

On Nov. 4, Anderson Cooper did the country a favor. He expertly deconstructed on his CNN show the bogus rumor that President Obama’s trip to Asia would cost $200 million a day. This was an important “story.” It underscored just how far ahead of his time Mark Twain was when he said a century before the Internet, “A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.” But it also showed that there is an antidote to malicious journalism — and that’s good journalism.
Josh Haner/The New York Times
Thomas L. Friedman

Readers' Comments

Readers shared their thoughts on this article.
In case you missed it, a story circulated around the Web on the eve of President Obama’s trip that it would cost U.S. taxpayers $200 million a day — about $2 billion for the entire trip. Cooper said he felt impelled to check it out because the evening before he had had Representative Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, a Republican and Tea Party favorite, on his show and had asked her where exactly Republicans will cut the budget.
Instead of giving specifics, Bachmann used her airtime to inject a phony story into the mainstream. She answered: “I think we know that just within a day or so the president of the United States will be taking a trip over to India that is expected to cost the taxpayers $200 million a day. He’s taking 2,000 people with him. He’ll be renting over 870 rooms in India, and these are five-star hotel rooms at the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel. This is the kind of over-the-top spending.” ...


Thursday, July 08, 2010

Writer’s political and journalism activities collide

Writer’s political and journalism activities collide By Bryan P. Sears Posted: July 7, 2010

It’s generally considered a no-no for reporters, especially political reporters, to actively work in support of political candidates, including making donations or even putting a sign in a yard or a bumper sticker on their cars.

But the editor of an website for political news in Maryland believes political Barbara Pash, the former associate editor of the
Baltimore Jewish Times, may have wandered into that mine field

20100707 Sears Writers political and journalism activities collide

Writer’s political and journalism activities collide By Bryan P. Sears


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

No, Rolling Stone - YOU SUCK

No, Rolling Stone - YOU SUCK

Methinks Rolling Stone protests too much...

Matt Taibbi writes: "Here's CBS's chief foreign correspondent saying out loud on TV that when the man running a war that's killing thousands of young men and women every year steps on his own dick in front of a journalist, that journalist is supposed to eat the story so as not to embarrass the flag."

Lara Logan, You Suck

June 28, 2010 By Matt Taibbi


Lara Logan, come on down! You're the next guest on Hysterical Backstabbing Jealous Hackfest 2010!

I thought I'd seen everything when I read David Brooks saying out loud in a New York Times column that reporters should sit on damaging comments to save their sources from their own idiocy. But now we get CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan slamming our own Michael Hastingson CNN's "Reliable Sources" program, agreeing that the Rolling Stone reporter violated an "unspoken agreement" that journalists are not supposed to "embarrass [the troops] by reporting insults and banter."

Anyone who wants to know why network television news hasn't mattered since the seventies just needs to check out this appearance by Logan. Here's CBS's chief foreign correspondent saying out loud on TV that when the man running a war that's killing thousands of young men and women every year steps on his own dick in front of a journalist, that journalist is supposed to eat the story so as not to embarrass the flag. And the part that really gets me is Logan bitching about how Hastings was dishonest to use human warmth and charm to build up enough of a rapport with his sources that they felt comfortable running their mouths off in front of him. According to Logan, that's sneaky — and journalists aren't supposed to be sneaky:

"What I find is the most telling thing about what Michael Hastings said in your interview is that he talked about his manner as pretending to build an illusion of trust and, you know, he's laid out there what his game is… That is exactly the kind of damaging type of attitude that makes it difficult for reporters who are genuine about what they do, who don't — I don't go around in my personal life pretending to be one thing and then being something else. I mean, I find it egregious that anyone would do that in their professional life."

To gain more insight into the left's thinking when they recently smeared the American military and why the job of beat reporters was made even more impossible by a hot dog looking for 15 minutes of fame at our expense:


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle: