GOP still headed for a cliff and other stories of the coming
Zombie Apocalypse by Kevin
By Kevin Dayhoff,
March 19, 2012
I'm still hearing from folks, literally, from all over the
world about, "The kerfuffle
was no fluke." It must have struck a nerve.
So far in the presidential election of 2012 the only debate
among historians is just which national election in history has the opposition
party collectively conducted a more inept campaign to unseat a sitting
One of the places i wanted to go when I wrote "The kerfuffle
was no fluke," was the 1860 presidential election. Fortunately, on
March 16, 2012, TheTentacle writer, Roy Meachum
picked-up that portion of the story: “Inevitable GOP
Tuesday,” “As Tuesday pointed out, Republicans seem headed for the fate
that led to Abraham Lincoln’s election, establishing the party on the American
political scene.
In 1860, Democrats ruled the land. Nomination on their
ticket was tantamount to a key to the White House. The great favorite was
Stephen Douglas, who had defeated Mr. Lincoln for the U.S. Senate two years
before. At their convention in Charleston, South Carolina, they went through 55
ballots before adjourning to Baltimore. Mr. Douglas was the winner of a divided
party. The pro-slavery Democrats chose Vice President John Breckenridge, of
The idea that the Republican Party is on a great march, en
masse, off a cliff, is starting to be discussed in a hushed tone of voice that
is only growing louder as November approaches.
Apparently I am not the only political observer to ponder
such matters. Nor I am the only person to have the temerity to actually put it
in print. Washington Post writer Chris Cillizza wrote at length last Monday, “2012:
The Republican party’s Gotham election.”
“That idea — that the only way to truly rebuild something is
for it first bottom out — is one that some within the Republican party have
begun to toy with privately as the divisions between its tea party wing and the
more establishment/moderate side of the party become more and more apparent.”
Although Mr. Cillizza illustrated it better; every time you
hear a Republican say that they will not support a ‘R.I.N.O.’ candidate, please
understand that paradoxically you are hearing the voice of a foot soldier for
the Democrats in the costume of a Republican. I mean, let me get this straight,
you would really rather endure another four more years of President Obama than
support a moderate candidate for office.
I would not give a rat’s behind if Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton changed parties and won the Republican nomination, the only
criteria for the Republican nominee for the presidential election of November
2012 is that he or she have a chance at beating President Obama at the polls.
For pity sake, forget about all the hand wringing and
Exorcist-gyrations about how the liberal media is in the tank for President
Obama. We get it. Now get over it because there is not a darn thing you are
going to do about it - - except message control and party discipline.
And speaking of that, please do not waste anyone’s time over
whether or not the media treatment of Mr. Limbaugh utterly stupid attack on Ms.
Fluke was fair or unfair.
Of course it is not fair to suggest that Mr. Limbaugh speaks
for rank and file Republicans any more than it is fair to suggest that the
crude and vulgar attacks on former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin by Bill Maher
are representative of the run of the mill Democrats.
The only thing I regret about the piece is that I did not
emphasize enough that the entire kerfuffle had nothing to do with the Democrat
Party – President Barack Obama talking point, the "war on women."
This issue, as Ron Miller
said better than me, “is manufactured out of whole cloth by a Leftist messaging
apparatus that is breathtaking in its coordination, its scope, and its
This more about the war for the women’s vote…
Nevertheless, I’ve written it before and I will repeat it
now: at this point, President Barack Obama could kill a puppy on national TV
and still win the election this coming November…
I stand in good company with columnist George Will and
especially Peggy Noonan who recently observed, “… the Republican nominee will
emerge so bloodied his victory will hardly be worth having; the Republicans are
delving into areas so extreme and so off point that by the end Mr. Obama will
look like the moderate.”
For other columns by Kevin Dayhoff:
March 14, 2012
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Weary taxpayers and consumers, who continue to be frustrated
and exhausted by an uncertain future, the ongoing economic malaise, and a ‘new
economic normal,’ are in the midst of perpetuating a sea change in how business
is conducted in this country.
March 7, 2012
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Rush Limbaugh and conservatives could not have looked more
like total and complete idiots in the recent national discussions over the
private lives of individual Americans than if the liberal media and Democrats
had written the script for this Kabuki circular firing squad.
February 29, 2012
Kevin E. Dayhoff
It was a warm day last Thursday as I took a left turn off
Tuttle Avenue on to 12th Street in Sarasota (FL) and tried to remember how to
get into the Baltimore Orioles spring training parking lot at Ed Smith Stadium.
February 22, 2012
Kevin E. Dayhoff
The first day of Baltimore Orioles’ spring training began
Sunday when the pitchers and catchers reported for the annual ritual in
Sarasota, Florida.
February 15, 2012
Kevin E. Dayhoff
There have been many tragedies of economic malaise in the
last five years. Kodak’s recent filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy seems
especially sad; and it is only fitting that we pause for a moment to pay our
February 8, 2012
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Now that the Super Bowl is over there may be no better time
to focus some attention on the continuing Greek tragedy that is unfolding over
in the economic Twilight Zone, known as the Eurozone.
February 1, 2012
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Legislation to address how Maryland estate taxes inhibit
farmers from passing-down the family farm to succeeding generations has gained
some much-needed interest in the current session of the Maryland General
January 25, 2012
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley’s fiscal year 2013 state
budget, released a week ago, is a full menu of difficult choices. However, one
of the most troubling is the lack of funding for police protection and highway
user revenue for municipalities.
January 18, 2012
Kevin E. Dayhoff
The consensus continues to gather steam that the GOP
nomination to challenge President Barack Obama for president this fall will be
former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. Perhaps all the drama now moves to who
will be his choice for vice president.
January 11, 2012
Kevin E. Dayhoff
It is fairly well accepted among keen observers of national
politics that the Iowa caucuses of Tuesday a week ago are much more about
political and media-theater than a prognosticator of who will vie for the Oval
Office this fall.
January 4, 2012
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Next Wednesday, on January 11, the 430th taxing tradition of
the Maryland General Assembly opera will once again take center stage.
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