“Dayhoff Westminster Soundtrack:” Kevin Dayhoff – “Soundtrack Division of Old Silent Movies” - https://kevindayhoff.blogspot.com/ combined with “Dayhoff Westminster” – Writer, artist, fire and police chaplain. For art, writing and travel see https://kevindayhoffart.blogspot.com/ Authority Caroline Babylon, Treasurer
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Olesker North Baltimore Patch: WBAL News Director's Departure Another Blow to Local News
Thursday, April 06, 2006
20060404 Give Credit Where Credit is Due by Brad Friedman
“Give Credit Where Credit is Due.” by Brad Friedman
Editor and Publisher post from April 4th, 2006
Read the Editor and Publisher post from April 4th, 2006: “Give Credit Where Credit is Due.”
[June 28th, 2007 UPDATE: I think it is a dead link, darn it. Or - It may be behind a pay-wall at this point? Or maybe I made a mistake when I copied the link? But I can’t bring it up for the life of me… And that’s a shame because the rest of the piece is quite profound. Brad Friedman nailed this issue in a highly readable and thoughtful manner and this matter of the mainstream media not giving on-line journalists adequate credit for their work continues to be a problem. Go to the end of this post and you’ll get a glimpse….]
Thanks to the wonderful folks – and a great editor - who carry one of my columns, Patuxent Publishing, I am, perhaps, the first blogger to be credentialed by
With the exception of some isolated incidents with individuals with a general “attitude problem,” I have had very little problem with organizations to respond or cooperate on articles for the blog.
However, when I broke the Michael Olesker (a columnist for the
If you will recall, I’m the one who called-out Michael Olesker… Doug Tallman with the Gazette was a stand-up guy and gave me credit. The Associated Press, Washington Post and the Baltimore Sun refused to acknowledge my work or that I exist… And I put many-many-many exhausting hours of work into that piece…
In a Tentacle column I wrote on December 21st, 2005, “Who is Max Cleland?,” I called to my readers’ attention that Mr. Olesker had written a column on December 12th, 2005, “Continuing the pattern of dirty politics,” in which he failed to properly attribute a portion of his column to words – intellectual property – that had been written by Peter Carlson in The Washington Post, on Thursday, July 3, 2003, on page C01.
On December 24th, 2005, the
On a related front, in spite of the fact that colleagues get upset with me when I say this; I found Mr. Olesker’s explanation of the matter plausible. I think that the
[January 15th, 2007 UPDATE: That said, to his discredit, Mr. Olesker did not take responsibility for the alleged and made the entire matter worse…
Ay caramba.]
But on the other equally big issue - - apparently as you can read here, the story is murky as to whether or not the Associated Press credits on-line journalists… In my case, there was no murky about it. They did not credit my work…
20060401 Give Credit Where Credit is Due eandp
Mainstream news sites fell in love with blogs and citizen journalists last year--but this year they still often fail to credit them when following up on some of their most credible scoops.
By Brad Friedman
(April 01, 2006) -- Recently, the Associated Press carried an article which was based largely on material uncovered through the diligence, research and eagle eyes of the folks at the Web-based news site Raw Story. Though the AP has now admitted to using Raw Story's original reporting, they failed to give credit of any sort to the site.
When called on it by the editor at Raw Story, they said that it was AP policy not to credit blogs. After it was found that they do credit blogs on occasion, they modified their comments to say "We do credit blogs that we know," but added they hadn't heard of Raw Story.
Never mind that Raw Story has been credited by name in dozens of leading newspapers around the country. Or that it is not even a "blog" -- whatever that means, and whatever that has to do with it.
Journalism is journalism is journalism. […]
Read the entire article here: Give Credit Where Credit is Due
Associated Press does not credit bloggers
June 28th, 2007
Larisa Alexandrovna: MSM Plagiarism Strikes Again – AP Welcome to ...
Yes, the groups had found it in my article, which they gave to the AP. ... We do not credit blogs! Never mind that plenty of journalists have blogs or that ... www.huffingtonpost.com/larisa-alexandrovna/msm-plagiarism-strikes-ag_b_17873.html - 39k - Jun 27, 2007 - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Larisa Alexandrovna: Now "We Credit Blogs we Know" - AP Part II ...
He found that the AP had, indeed, gotten our article from "human rights groups" but that it was AP policy not to credit blogs. "It does turn out that we ... www.huffingtonpost.com/larisa-alexandrovna/now-we-credit-blogs-we-k_b_18057.html - 40k - Jun 27, 2007 - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: The "credibility" of the ...
And, to their great credit, AP -- which continues to aggressively defend its ..... UPDATE X (a new record): Right-wing bloggers are not, of course, ... glenngreenwald.blogspot.com/2007/01/credibility-of-right-wing-blogosphere.html - 57k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
The Raw Story Associated Press releases statement about Raw ...
An AP spokesman did tell Raw Story that AP does not credit blogs, but he was mistaken. AP does credit blogs when we are aware that they have broken a story ... www.rawstory.com/news/2006/Associated_Press_releases_statement_about_Raw_0404.html - 23k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall March 29, 2006 08:44 PM
This evening I noticed that a writer for the Associated Press, ... a 'blog' and orders its stories in reverse chronological order does not give Mr. Hananel ... www.talkingpointsmemo.com/archives/008044.php - 35k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Thursday, March 16, 2006
The Tentacle Who is Wendi Thomas? By Kevin E. Dayhoff March 15, 2006
In an internal memo distributed to Baltimore Sun employees last Friday, it was announced that Wendi Thomas, an award winning newspaper columnist from Memphis, will be joining the newspaper in April replacing former Michael Olesker, who retired in January.
Many have anxiously awaited a fresh new approach on the part of The Sun. Mr. Olesker, whose erudite wit and repartee had graced Baltimore newspapers for nearly 30 years, has been noticeably missed during the 2006 session of the Maryland General Assembly.
Certainly no one could possible miss Mr. Olesker more than WBAL’s Ron Smith, who wrote in January that he was sorry to see Mr. Olesker leave...… “I’m going to miss him and the reflexive urban liberalism that so often, as expressed in his column, provided a most convenient target for ridicule.”
A quick review of her columns certainly indicates an insightful and humorous approach. She, without a doubt, speaks her mind and does not stand on ceremony. Many of her pieces had me spiting out my Doctor Pepper laughing.
Read the entire column here: Who is Wendi Thomas?
20060315 SDOSM TT Who is Wendi Thomas ttked
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: www.kevindayhoff.net http://kevindayhoff.blogspot.com/
Kevin Dayhoff Art: www.kevindayhoff.com
Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: www.westgov.net
Thursday, December 22, 2005
The Tentacle Who is Max Cleland? Kevin E. Dayhoff December 21, 2005
The Maryland Democratic Party’s election campaign website, otherwise known as Baltimore’s Sun (BS), ran a “news story” December 10 on Bo Harmon, Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich’s selection to be his campaign manager.
In an attack ad that was offered as news, the BS cherry-picked convenient quotes to bestow partisan opinions upon unwitting readers – and to trash Governor Ehrlich. It is an old and tired trick in what the BS would like to pass as journalism.
The BS quickly promulgated the moon bat logic that Mr. Harmon is a craven campaign manager who ran “one of the most despicable campaigns in the history of Georgia, if not the nation," according to Georgia Democratic Party Chairman Bobby Kahn – “in the successful attempt to unseat Democrat Sen. Max Cleland of Georgia in 2002.”
Sounds like sour grapes more suitable for the National Enquirer or a partisan political newsletter, but hardly a news story.
Indeed, the article makes for an interesting study in the practice of political rhetoric. It has all the ingredients of a coherent political campaign. But, wait – isn’t the BS a newspaper that represents itself as adhering to the high journalistic standards of an impartial purveyor of the news?
Meanwhile, another coordinated attack by Michael Olesker was then conveniently published at the end of the first news cycle to reiterate the BS campaign platform planks promoted December 10.
The column reiterated what Rich Lowry referred to in a February 20, 2004, National Review article; as the “trumped-up mythology based on the idea that Republicans ‘questioned Cleland's patriotism’ in 2002.”
It all has to do with rehashing the 2002 senatorial election in conservative Georgia in which incumbent political moderate Senator Cleland, a disabled Vietnam veteran, lost to conservative U. S. Rep. Saxby Chambliss. Desperate Democrats claim Senator Cleland lost because Senator Chambliss’ campaign manager, Mr. Harmon, questioned Senator Cleland’s patriotism by lumping him together in an attack ad with the likes of Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden.
Mr. Olesker continued: “We already knew Ehrlich gave us the Prince of Darkness, Joe Steffen, and we already knew Ehrlich's attacks on hate radio, and we already knew the history of dirty tricks secretly orchestrated against Ehrlich opponents in a series of political campaigns. But we didn't suspect the smiling governor of Maryland would bring in the likes of Harmon, who gave new meaning to the term ‘gutter politics’ when he went after Cleland…”
Ya da ya da ya da.
Then there is the matter of a few curious sentences – that looked familiar. Mr. Olesker wrote that Senator Cleland: “On one of his first trips out, an old girlfriend pushed his wheelchair around Washington. Near the White House, the wheelchair hit a curb. Cleland pitched forward and fell out, flopping around in dirt and cigarette butts in a gutter.”
Compare this to the following written by Peter Carlson in The Washington Post, on Thursday, July 3, 2003, on page C01: “On one of his first trips out, an old girlfriend pushed his wheelchair around Washington. Near the White House, the wheelchair hit a curb. Cleland pitched forward and fell out, flopping around in dirt and cigarette butts in a gutter.”
Hmmm. Okay. Who among us has not missed a proper citation?
Then Mr. Olesker wrote, after he forgot to properly cite words that were not his own: “It took Harmon to put him back in the gutter, three years ago.”
Oh! Pleeeze!
Read the entire column here: Who is Max Cleland?
20051221 SDOSM TT Who is Max Cleland ttked
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: www.kevindayhoff.net http://kevindayhoff.blogspot.com/
Kevin Dayhoff Art: www.kevindayhoff.com
Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: www.westgov.net