We have some great victories to pass along to our fellow conservatives - further evidence that your efforts and activism are paying off!
1st: CNN is dumping their liberal, anti-Tea Party correspondent, Susan Roesgen. Roesgen was the reporter who decided to harass those who attended the April 15th Tea Party in Chicago, IL, instead of serving as an unbiased journalist (yes, we know -- a bit of an oxymoron there). In response, we here at the Our Country Deserves Better Committee launched an online grass roots effort that flooded CNN's offices with tens of thousands of phone calls and emails. And CNN felt the heat - first sending Roesgen on leave for a suddenly scheduled vacation, and now deciding to part ways with Roesgen altogether.
2nd: Polls show a further drop in support for the Barack Obama/Nancy Pelosi socialistic health care plan. We here at the Our Country Deserves Better Committee are working on a new TV ad that we will unveil this week that will push further to defeat this awful, big-government montrosity. If you want to help us fight back to defeat Obamacare, please make a donation to our TV ad campaign by - CLICKING HERE.
3rd: Our TV ad, "It's Not Iran, It's Obama's Administration" continues to attract attention from across the nation. More than 227,000 people have watched the ad online at YouTube alone in addition to the broadcasts of the ad so far!
4th: And that's just the beginning. In about 40 days we will launch the "Tea Party Express" that will take the tea party movement to the next level - bringing real change to government as we take back our country from the far Left, tax-spend-bailout liberals who currently control Congress and the White House. Be sure to sign up and get involved for this huge national effort at: http://paracom.paramountcommunication.com/ct/3236582:4426301039:m:1:119567526:2573B0D73B863EBF41606350C11CFEDB
We unveil our new TV ad campaign calling for the defeat of the masive, big-government socialistic health care program being advanced by Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi.
You can support our ad campaign against Obamacare by making a contribution online - CLICK HERE to DONATE.
Please donate as much as you can afford. Whether it's a generous contribution of $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or more - or a more modest contribution of $25 or $50. The maximum contribution allowed by law is $5,000 per individual. Donate online - CLICK HERE.
Or mail in a contribution to our finance headquarters:
Our Country Deserves Better CommitteeATTN: Betty Presley, Treasurer30151 Tomas StreetRancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688