Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Md Troopers Assoc #20 & Westminster Md Fire Dept Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Showing posts with label Journalists Sears-Bryan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Journalists Sears-Bryan. Show all posts

Monday, January 26, 2015

Bryan Sears Daily Record Business Writer: Evans withdraws name from MD DNR appointment

Evans withdraws name from DNR appointment

By: Bryan P. Sears  Daily Record Business Writer January 23, 2015 

and other coverage of the Maryland General Assembly....

Charlie Evans, Gov. Larry Hogan’s pick to head the Department of Natural Resources, has withdrawn his name from consideration for the position, citing unspecified health concerns.

Evans’ name did not appear on a list of 17 Cabinet appointments submitted Friday to the Senate for Confirmation.

A spokeswoman for Hogan confirmed that Evans had voluntarily withdrawn his name...


... Evans was named secretary designee of the Department of Natural Resources just before Christmas. Evans, known as the “grandfather of the Chesapeake Bay Restoration Fund,” ...

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Hogan’s budget outline: cuts, trims and reductions

Hogan’s budget outline: cuts, trims and reductions
Gov. Larry Hogan said his $16.4 billion operating budget includes 2 percent across the board cuts to state agencies, a 50 percent reduction in the education formula known as the Geographic Cost of Education Index and a decrease in the amount of bonds the state was expected to issue.

Hogan pulls back O’Malley regulations

Hogan pulls back O’Malley regulations
A number of regulations set to be published and take effect on Friday were pulled back just hours into the new administration of Republican Gov. Larry Hogan.

Hogan could withdraw controversial manure regulations

Hogan could withdraw controversial manure regulations
A controversial set of regulations limiting the use of chicken manure on Eastern Shore farms as a way of controlling the amount of phosphorous that seeps into the Chesapeake Bay could be withdrawn under Gov. Larry Hogan.

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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Bryan Sears - Patch: Busch, O'Malley Call For Budget Compromise

Busch, O'Malley Call For Budget Compromise

Budget bill must be passed by midnight or General Assembly will extend its session. By Bryan P. Sears Email the author April 9, 2012

Labels: Md Gen Assembly 2012 430, MD Gen Assembly Opera, MD Issues Taxes, People O'Malley-Martin, Politics Democrats Taxes

Gov. Martin O'Malley and House Speaker Michael Busch called on the Senate to compromise on a state budget in time for the General Assembly to end its session at midnight.

"The one constitutional obligation we have is to pass a balanced budget," said Busch, adding that House members assigned to the conference committee were prepared to complete negotiations.

"Because one chamber has an obsession with a certain issue, that they do not want to concur on the budget until that issue is resolved does not initiate any responsible stand for us not to deal with the budget that is in front of us," said Busch, speaking of a Senate effort to expand gambling to include table games and a sixth casino location in Prince George's County.

"They have 11 hours to comply and get the bill through the Senate and to the House or we do not meet our constitutional obligation," said Busch.

"This budget should have been passed three days ago," Busch said.

O'Malley seconded Busch and asked for both chambers to resolve their differences…


Blair Lee: Who won, the House or the Senate? How do you pick a winner when there's no final score yet?

How do you recap a baseball game that's still in extra innings? How do you pick winners and losers when there's no final score yet?

Right now, the House and Senate teams are tied at the top of the 10th with House Speaker Mike Busch pitching to Senate President Mike Miller who's behind, 0 and 2, with two outs and nobody on. Gov. Martin O'Malley is doing TV interviews in the press box where, asked which team he's backing, replies, “Who's playing?”

In this high-profile, high-stakes showdown the smart money says Miller blinks first. Not because he can't take the heat (which has reached the boiling point), but because the only thing more precious to Mike Miller than gambling legislation is protecting his position as president of the Senate.

The heat on Miller has grown merciless: the media, labor unions, the state employees, Busch, O'Malley, Comptroller Peter Franchot, etc., all blame Miller for triggering the so-called doomsday spending cuts by holding an income tax bill hostage until he gets his gambling bill (a new P.G. County gaming casino and table games for all six gambling venues).

Miller loves playing hardball; he started in the State House as a page back in 1966. So attacking Miller is a waste of time. But attacking his senators is how to make Mike Miller fold…


Gazette - Danielle E. Gaines: With two special sessions possible, groups want their bills considered

Leaders want second gathering to focus on gaming

by Danielle E. Gaines, Staff Writer Friday, April 27, 2012

As the clock struck midnight on Sine Die, many Annapolis insiders were struck by the number of significant bills, most notably the budget, that failed to pass both chambers.

With Gov. Martin O’Malley (D) indicating this week that he could call two special sessions — one in May to pass a revenue bill to accompany the budget and one later in the summer to consider an expansion of gaming in the state -— the door has been opened to lobbyists, interest groups and lawmakers looking to reintroduce old measures or new legislation altogether…


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Senate Delays Same-Sex Marriage Vote - Lutherville-Timonium, MD Patch

Senate Delays Same-Sex Marriage Vote - Lutherville-Timonium, MD Patch:

Lengthy debate and amendments expected Thursday.
"The Maryland Senate has delayed its vote on same-sex marriage legislation until Thursday.

The 47 legislators had planned to take up the bill, which was passed Friday by the House of Delegates, during its Wednesday morning session...

'via Blog this'

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Bryan Sears - Towson Patch: Councilman Oliver's State Job Raises Questions

Councilman Oliver's State Job Raises Questions

Baltimore County Charter prohibits council members from working for state government. Councilman Ken Oliver says the law doesn't apply to him because he's a contract employee.
&nbps;0 Comments
For the past nine months Baltimore County Councilman Ken Oliver has held a paid, full-time contract position with a state government agency, a job that appears to run afoul of a County Charter rule prohibiting such employment.
Oliver, a Randallstown Democrat, was hired as a finance specialist by the state Department of Business and Economic Development in February, just two months into his third four-year term on the council.
The County Charter prohibits county council members from working for state agencies during their terms in office... 


Monday, October 17, 2011

Bryan Sears - Patch: O'Malley Announces 60-Day Review of Business Regulations

O'Malley Announces 60-Day Review of Business Regulations ...
By Bryan P. Sears
O'Malley Announces 60-Day Review of Business Regulations. Focus turns to job creation plan that is likely to couple tax increases with growth in capital budget spending. By Bryan PSears; Email the author; 12:34pm. &nbps;2 Comments ...
Lutherville-Timonium Patch: Latest...