Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Md Troopers Assoc #20 & Westminster Md Fire Dept Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Showing posts with label Journalists Volkmann-Kelsey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Journalists Volkmann-Kelsey. Show all posts

Thursday, November 29, 2007

20071127 Kelsey Volkmann: Jail, money issues ruin chance at security access, students told

Jail, money issues ruin chance at security access, students told

BALTIMORE - Kelsey Volkmann, The Examiner 2007-11-27

Students have yet another reason to stay out of debt, avoid arrests and earn good grades.

They need clean financial, police and school records if they hope to earn the security clearances required for many of the military-related jobs coming to Maryland in the next few years as part of Base Realignment and Closure.


State education officials have met with leaders from school systems across the state to create a syllabus for a consumer literacy course called Personal Resource Management. The class, which would launch statewide next school year, would teach students about financial planning and how to maintain good credit.

Some school systems, including Carroll County, already require students to complete a financial literacy class to graduate high school.

The state also plans to launch a Web site next year that will give parents and students tips on how to attain security clearances.


Read the entire article here: Jail, money issues ruin chance at security access, students told


Sunday, August 26, 2007

20070823 WMAR TV Archives full of historic gems by K Volkmann BE

WMAR TV archives in the basement of University of Baltimore’s Langsdale Library full of historic gems by K Volkmann

This is an exciting turn of events. WMAR TV has been around for a long time and to have historic film footage available from all those years available would be an historians dream.

Archives full of historic gems

Kelsey Volkmann, The Examiner 2007-08-23


… old television news reels in the basement of University of Baltimore’s Langsdale Library.


Metal film canisters and videotapes line shelf after shelf and contain old WMAR-TV footage, images showcasing history as it happened from the post-World War II era through the Reagan administration.

The collection is considered one of the most complete archives of television news on the East Coast.

But most filmmakers can’t afford to transfer the 16-millimeter film into digital video and the equipment to play some of the tapes is difficult to find, leaving the footage as it has been for decades rarely watched and left to collect dust.

The 6 million feet of unedited news reels contain hidden gems:


University of Baltimore has applied for a $356,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities to finance a digitization of the films for storage on computer servers.

Library directors will learn this spring whether they won the grant.


Read the entire article here: Archives full of historic gems

Thursday, August 23, 2007

20070822 MDE Investigation Report into Jet Fuel Dumping at Carroll County Regional Airport

MDE Investigation Report into Jet Fuel Dumping at Carroll County Regional Airport

August 22, 2007 – After investigating citizen concerns of fuel being dumped from aircraft using the Carroll County Regional Airport, the Maryland Department of the Environment recently issued a report stating it could find no evidence of such activity. The report is now available online at (Or - -See report keyboarded below…

# # #


20070817 State to investigate mysterious stains in area near airport by Kelsey Volkmann

State to investigate mysterious stains in area near airport


Residents’ complaints about fuel leaking from corporate jets have prompted a state inspector to investigate the black spots that dot roofs and sidewalks near the airport in Westminster.


Westminster activist Mary Kowalski, an outspoken opponent of a planned runway expansion, contacted the state to request a probe after the Carroll County Health Department determined that the substance probably was not jettisoned fuel.

Kowalski also suggested the spots could be oil residue from jet exhaust. “I think that’s a real concern as well,” she said.

Nancy Frick, a grandmother who lives along Snowfall Way, eagerly awaits results of the state investigation.


MDE Investigation Report into Jet Fuel Dumping at Carroll County Regional Airport

Martin O’Malley


Anthony G. Brown

Lieutenant Governor

Shari T. Wilson


Robert M. Summers, Ph.D.

Deputy Secretary

Field Observation Report

Per your (Herbert Meade) request, I recently took the opportunity to strive to evaluate the complaint received by your office (OCP) with regard to the possible airborne discharge of fuels by aircraft utilizing the Carroll County Municipal Airport located just north of Westminster.

I received your referral by e-mail late on WED15AUG07

I contacted Mrs. Mary Kowalski, via telephone, the morning of THU16AUG07 to discuss the nature, basis and background of the complaint.

It was during this conversation that she indicated it was her belief, that aircraft (primarily jets) were "dumping fuel" while approaching the airport from either direction.

She indicated that she lived northwest of the airport and was experiencing the problem, but that the problem was more prevalent in a residential neighborhood, southeast of the airport called "Autumn Ridge" and gave me the name address and phone number for a resident of that development who would act as a point of contact and point out the symptoms.

The concerns were primarily related to staining on dwelling roofs and the sidewalks that surrounded those dwellings.

We also decided during this conversation, that due to the rain that was falling as we spoke, any attempt at the evaluation of her complaint on this day would be futile.

Every effort humanly possible was made to respond on FRI17AUG07, but multiple response request in other jurisdictions, of a more acute nature, necessitated putting of the evaluation one more day.

At 1200hrs. on SAT18AUG07, I arrived in front of the dwelling designated as the point of contact in the Autumn Ridge development. The neighbor hood is all single family dwellings with incorporated garages, each enclosing and estimated 1500 to 2,000 square feet of living space, on parcels of land that would appear to average approximately 10,000 square feet.

The poc address is located on Snowfall Way not far from Bonfire Court (ADC12G13CL & ADC19G1CL)

To the west and northwest of most of the residences along Snowfall Way, is a common use green area for the residents. To the north east and east is a cornfield.

Beyond the common green area and on the way to the landing field is undeveloped and developed commercial property. The airport itself resides on the opposite side of MD route 97 from the autumn ridge development. (ADC12E11CL)

Initially, I walked around the poc address and adjacent addresses an looked at roofs. The use of binoculars made visualizing the roof surfaces, shingles and stains much easier.

Not all the roofs had stains. Those that did were interspersed with those that didn't with no apparent pattern or continuity that would suggest the cause of the stains came from above. If the source came from an aircraft moving above, one would not reasonably expect the intermittent skipping of roofs and that more roofs than not, were without stains that could be visualized.

The stains themselves seemed dry, very dull with diffuse, difficult to discern edges , which is the opposite if the shiny, almost wet looking stains with clearly defined edges that have been observed in previous cases.

Some of the dwelling shingles also show signs of lateral distortion. The edges of some of the shingles had lifted and curved creating the impression that they had some how gotten longer , or expanded lengthwise. This could be attributable to petroleum swelling or just temperature expansion

After some time inspecting roof surfaces from the ground, I spent quite a bit more time walking in and beyond the common green space to the rear of the dwellings and the partially developed commercial property beyond, looking for signs of "petroleum Distillate Induced Distress" (pDID or DID) in the surrounding flora.

There's an abundance of trees and shrubbery of varying age and size, deciduous and evergreen, in the common green area breaking up a great deal of grass. The partially developed commercial property is primarily grass, bordered by trees to the northeast and east. Cornfields can be seen to the east.

The expected dead topping or dead siding of trees and shrubs, along with the dead spotting of well rooted grass, nor any other sign of pDID, could not be observed.

Special attention was paid to the evergreens because they are the least likely to hide the dead spots that occur as a result of pDID. No vegetative distress of any kind, beyond some slight browning that is attributable to ground thicket or our present lack of rain could be observed.

All of this was also true for the area around the Westminster Community Pond and the facilities and areas at Corporate Center Court, which were inspected on the way to the airport.

Prior to arrival at the airport, I was informed by MEMA that Mrs. Kowalski wished to speak with me. During my telephone conversation with Mrs. Kowalski, she expressed her concern that I was not approaching this assessment in the manner that she desired.

She was informed that the assessment would progress in a manner that I determined was appropriate to circumstance.

She also retracted her earlier statement that the area around her dwelling, northwest of the airport was affected by fuel dumping.

Upon arrival at the Airport, I was allowed to inspect the grassy areas prior to both ends of the runway approaches for pDID and could observe nothing out of the ordinary.

I had the opportunity to interview a representative of airport management, a flight instructor, two pilots and the gentleman who actually operates the fuel truck that fills the jets when requested.

They indicated that the need to jettison fuel was related to an aircraft's ability to take off at a weight that exceeded it's certified landing weight. This is

a status normally associated with military and larger commercial aircraft.

They further indicated that none of the two jet and three turbo-prop aircraft that are based at this airport have the ability to jettison fuel.

They went on to say that the jettisoning of fuel is an emergency procedure only, and that the airport hasn't had a declared emergency in several years.

They admitted that there are visiting jet aircraft whose ability to jettison fuel is unknown, but they also theorized that discharging jet fuel into the 190 MPH

slip stream of an approaching aircraft, would almost certainly cause immediate dispersion, dissipation and evaporation, and the probability of fuel hitting the ground was virtually non-existent

I also learned that because these aircraft had much higher approach and landing speeds , they were using instruments to line up on the runway from a far greater distance than the smaller, gasoline powered aircraft I was observing in operation during my visit.

Based on this fact, I deduced that if the roof stains were attributable to aircraft losing fuel, dwellings in areas outside the two flight paths approaching the runway would not be stained.

I drove to and through the residential neighborhoods:

South of Route 140 and west of Route 31. (centerADC19B3CL)

Route 31, Main Street and Route 27 (centerADC19F6CL)

West of Sullivan Rd. (centerADC19J1CL)

In all of these locations, I could observe some houses with similar stains and lateral distortion of the shingles with no discernable patterns or pDID to vegetation.

Not being able to reasonably assign any value to the possibility of winds, blowing perpendicular to the approach path, having the potential to carry jettisoned fuel to these areas, I then drove to the town of Manchester, approximately ten miles northeast of the airport (centerADC14D1CL) where I could also observe houses with similar stains and lateral distortion of the shingles with no discernable patterns or pDID to vegetation.

Upon return to Westminster, I presented to Mrs. Nancy Frick, the poc for Autumn Ridge.

We had a long discussion and I explained all of my previous observations with regard to the unexplained roof staining. I informed her that based on all of my observations that there was no reason to believe or conclude that these stains were a result of the airborne discharge of jet fuel and, nowhere did I visualize any circumstance or condition that gave me the remotest inclination to sample for petroleum products.

Mrs. Frick then took me for a walk from her dwelling, up the street to Bonfire Court and down Bonfire Court . All along the way she was pointing out some charcoal colored staining on the sidewalks, indicating that they had been there for at least two years.

As we walked, I expressed to her that it was my observation that the stains were dry in appearance, not wet like an oil stain. They were propagated in a manner and direction that was consistent with the direction of the flow of cascading water during a rain event, following only the grade of the concrete which was at times in opposition to the predictable splash or spatter patterns one would expect from a passing aircraft.

I also pointed out to her that the presence of the charcoal colored stains on the sidewalks were uniformly, consistently and without exception interrupted by driveway ramps and parking pads, as well as sidewalk blocks that were not original to the development.

Everywhere there was concrete , original to the development, that was intended for pedestrian traffic only, one could discern some charcoal colored dry staining. Wherever the concrete was intended for vehicular traffic or was replaced subsequent to the original installation the stains did not exist.

I ask that she consider the possibility of two different grades or qualities of concrete being used when the development was built.

One lesser quality intended only for sidewalks and pedestrians, the other, better quality concrete intended for driveway ramps and pads, and that the staining was a result of a filler or undesirable contaminate incorporated into the aggregate that constituted the original sidewalk concrete that was not present in the driveway or newer concrete.

In conclusion, as hard as I tried, I could make no observation that remotely suggested the recent deposition of any form of petroleum oil, from any source, at any location I visited.

Bob Swann MDE-ERD

Saturday, August 18, 2007

20070817 State to investigate mysterious stains in area near airport by Kelsey Volkmann

State to investigate mysterious stains in area near airport

(Arianne Starnes/Examiner) “I just want to know what it is,” Westminster resident Nancy Frick says as she points out black stains on the sidewalk in her neighborhood, where she is worried be jets may be dumping fuel.

Kelsey Volkmann, The Examiner



Residents’ complaints about fuel leaking from corporate jets have prompted a state inspector to investigate the black spots that dot roofs and sidewalks near the airport in Westminster.


Residents say the black substance has fallen onto eight houses along Sullivan Road, Snowfall Way and Bonfire Court.

But Les Dorr, a spokesman for the Federal Aviation Administration, said that without tangible evidence planes have leaked fuel, the residents may be “kind of reaching for something that may not be there.”

Pilots dump their fuel only to lighten their loads to make an emergency landing, and when they do, they are instructed to do so in unpopulated areas and at an altitude of at least 2,000 feet, said Arlene Salac, an FAA spokeswoman.

Most of the time, the fuel dissipates in the air, and with the cost of it, pilots wouldn’t dump fuel needlessly, she said.

Airport manager Dean Leister said few of the aircraft that fly into the airport – mostly corporate jets and recreational planes – have the capability to dump fuel.


Westminster activist Mary Kowalski, an outspoken opponent of a planned runway expansion, contacted the state to request a probe after the Carroll County Health Department determined that the substance probably was not jettisoned fuel.

Kowalski also suggested the spots could be oil residue from jet exhaust. “I think that’s a real concern as well,” she said.

Nancy Frick, a grandmother who lives along Snowfall Way, eagerly awaits results of the state investigation.

Read the entire article here: State to investigate mysterious stains in area near airport

Thursday, August 09, 2007

20070807 Area residents comfort Orphans in Africa by Kelsey Volkmann

Area residents comfort, teach AIDS Orphans in Africa

By Kelsey Volkmann, Examiner Staff Writer, Tuesday, August 7, 2007[1]

For other articles by Kelsey Volkmann go here.

One child was found under the bushes, one in a tire and another on the street. All of them alone. Their parents had died of AIDS.

In Namibia, Africa, along the Zambezi River, where hippopotamuses and crocodiles roam, 4,000 to 5,000 children have lost their families to the virus.

It’s these orphans that Carroll County residents hugged and taught this summer at the Children of Mount Zion Village, an orphanage established by Mount Zion United Methodist Church in Bel Air. Twenty members of the Calvary United Methodist Church in Mount Airy, which has donated to the children for years, traveled to Namibia this summer to provide comfort and teach them science, math, guitar, reading, dancing and drawing. For some, this was a return trip to the region.

“We saw this little boy come in last year as a 9-month-old baby, and he was weaker than a newborn,” said Sarah Dorrance, a Calvary seminary student who visited for the second time this year.

“He would have died. It’s a blessing to now see him running around, hugging and playing games.”

The church volunteers returned home last month, but one, Kevin Meadows, remained behind to teach in a region where more than 40 percent of the population has HIV or AIDS.

On his blog, Meadows describes the orphanage’s location in a region called the Caprivi Strip, an intersection of trade routes connecting several southern African countries.

“Despite its favorable location, scenic beauty and exotic wildlife, it also has one of the highest HIV/AIDS infection rates among adults in Namibia and the whole of Africa,” he wrote.


For other posts and information on “Soundtrack” on Children of Zion Namibia Africa, please click here.

Click here for Children of Zion web site information: 20070319 Children of Zion Namibia Africa information

For more information go to:

For a blog on the Children of Zion initiative, to “Kevin Meadows in Namibia” -

[1] Note this article is not online electronically and can only be found in the pdf version of the paper. Since the article is not available easily, I have taken the liberty to keyboard the article into a MS Word document and place the entire article online…

To find the article in pdf go to:
Under the current edition pull down, go to August 7th, 2007 and then go to page 05-Local

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

20070711 Baltimore Examiner Kelsey Volkmann Watch

Latest stories by the Baltimore Examiner’s Kelsey Volkmann

July 11th, 2007

Pawnbrokers raise concerns - 07/11/2007

Pawnbrokers have raised concerns about a regional pawnshop database police hope will lead to more arrests of thieves and recovery of stolen goods.

Council: Landlords must clean dirty sites - 07/11/2007

An abandoned car rusts on blocks in a front yard. An overflowing garbage can lures rats. Lead paint flakes off a porch.

Long-term treatment center to open its doors in Sykesville - 07/10/2007

The empty rooms have sun-filled windows, pastel blue-and-green decor, plenty of closet space — and plaster ceilings where addicts won’t be able to stash their drugs.

Prescription drug, cocaine abuse surges in county - 07/10/2007

For the past year, state police at the Westminster barracks have seen a surge in Carroll residents snorting powder cocaine.

Quarry purchase casts doubt on future of scuba diving - 07/09/2007

For the past five years, George Carter has taught thousands how to scuba dive at John Hyde Quarry, but he doesn’t know whether the property’s new owner — Carroll County — will sink his operation.

Westminster upgrading 911 dispatch - 07/07/2007

Westminster is dumping its antiquated computer-assisted 911 dispatch for a new system that will help the city better map crime trends and share data with other police agencies.

Carroll residents decry plan to cut down trees by airport - 07/06/2007

Strolling through the forest near Carroll’s airport Thursday, everybody admired the towering trees and lush landscape.

Caterers to feed county jail inmates for at least a month - 07/06/2007

Inmates at the Carroll County jail will dine on food from Martin’s Caterers for the next month or so.

Pet parade makes owners proud - 07/05/2007

A greyhound dressed as a cow with udders, a dachshund in an evening gown and a pug with a red white and blue garland collar all elicited coos from the audience.

Carroll Co. buys $1.25M quarry to ease water woes - 07/05/2007

Carroll County has bought a limestone quarry for $1.25 million to help quench the county’s demand for water.

Farmer found guilty of selling tainted meat, mutilating animals - 07/04/2007

A judge found a Carroll farmer guilty Tuesday of animal mutilation and selling tainted meat from a farm littered with livestock carcasses and a slaughterhouse caked with blood.


Friday, June 15, 2007

20070615 Baltimore Examiner Volkmann Watch

Baltimore Examiner Volkmann Watch

(Stories June 8th through June 15th, 2007)

June 15, 2007

Tech workers rack up most overtime - 06/15/2007
With one specialist for every 900 computers — instead of the state-recommended 300 computers — technology professionals had to log the most overtime hours of Carroll County school employees last year.

Assistant earns more than boss - 06/15/2007
It doesn’t always pay to be the boss. Harry Fogle, an assistant superintendent for Carroll County schools made nearly $14,000 more than his direct supervisor last year.

Teen set to travel to Estonia - 06/14/2007
Roger Voter’s summer vacation will be unlike that of most 17-year-olds, who might sit poolside or maybe even visit Ocean City.

Vandal targets commissioner’s mailbox - 06/14/2007
Someone tried to blow up Commissioner Julia Gouge’s mailbox Wednesday — one day after she voted for a controversial airport expansion.

State police reinstate barracks commander in Westminster - 06/13/2007
It was a false alarm.

Airport expansion moves forward - 06/13/2007
Carroll County commissioners voted 2-1 Tuesday to approve a controversial airport expansion.

Committee to shoot movie on water conservation - 06/13/2007
A subcommittee of Carroll’s countywide water commission hopes to shoot a movie that will inspire residents to conserve water.

Carroll OKs runway expansion - 06/12/2007
Carroll County commissioners voted 2-1 Tuesday to expand the runway at Carroll County Regional Airport in Westminster.

High Street extension opens in New Windsor - 06/12/2007
A new section of High Street in New Windsor officially opened to traffic Monday.

Airport’s night-light, fuel pump broken - 06/12/2007
Commissioners are scheduled to vote today on whether to lengthen the runway at Carroll County Regional Airport in Westminster. But a source familiar with airport operations questions whether an expansion is appropriate when it can’t seem to keep up with basic maintenance.

Westminster’s plan to go wireless stalls - 06/12/2007
Westminster’s plan to bring wireless Internet access to downtown has hit a firewall.

Airport meeting disappoints - 06/08/2007
Residents opposed to the lengthening of the runway at the Carroll County Regional Airport said they were disappointed by their meeting with county commissioners Thursday.

Man guilty of invasion - 06/08/2007
He heard guilty 30 times for crimes that could keep him locked up for 100 years, but Ronald Jerome Presco didn’t show any emotion.

Center plants trees to revive - 06/08/2007
Residents driving down John Owings Road in Westminster have wondered whether a new cemetery has sprung up at Hashawha Environmental Center.

20070614 Roger Voter set to travel to Estonia by Kelsey Volkmann

Roger Voter set to travel to Estonia by Kelsey Volkmann

June 15th, 2007

For other posts and additional information on “Soundtrack” click here: Estonia Paide Westminster Maryland Sister City Partnership and/or Estonia EE.

Also see Volkmann watch for additional work by Ms. Volkmann.

Teen set to travel to Estonia

Jun 14, 2007 3:00 AM by Kelsey Volkmann, The Examiner

WESTMINSTER, Md. - Roger Voter’s summer vacation will be unlike that of most 17-year-olds, who might sit poolside or maybe even visit Ocean City.

The Westminster summer camp counselor leaves Sunday for Eastern Europe as part of a sister city exchange between Westminster and Paide, Estonia.

“I’m going to see how their camp is run and what sports they play,” said Voter, a senior at Westminster High School.

Later this month, Margit Udam, a recreation professional from the former Soviet republic, will travel here to learn more about Westminster’s recreation and parks program.

Voter’s mother, Lyndi McNulty, a custom framer who is active in planting Westminster’s gardens, traveled with Thomas Beyard, city planning and zoning director, to Estonia two years ago in what McNulty said has been hailed as the No. 1 city partnership in the world.

“The American ambassador in Estonia said that, at international conferences, everyone is always fascinated by how often people travel back and forth between Westminster and Paide,” McNulty said.

Recreation and Parks Director Ron Schroers was the first city employee to travel to Estonia in 2003.

Last year, a sculptor and retired professor from McDaniel College went there for a limestone festival.


Tuesday, June 12, 2007

20070611 Recent local newspaper coverage of the proposed airport expansion

A listing of recent local newspaper coverage of the proposed airport expansion

June 11th, 2007

For more posts on “Soundtrack” about Carroll County Regional Airport go to: Carroll County Regional Airport

Kelsey Volkmann coverage in the Baltimore Examiner:

Airport’s night-light, fuel pump broken - 06/12/2007
Commissioners are scheduled to vote today on whether to lengthen the runway at Carroll County Regional Airport in Westminster. But a source familiar with airport operations questions whether an expansion is appropriate when it can’t seem to keep up with basic maintenance.

Airport meeting disappoints - 06/08/2007
Residents opposed to the lengthening of the runway at the Carroll County Regional Airport said they were disappointed by their meeting with county commissioners Thursday.

Residents against expansion petition county lawmakers - 06/05/2007
It was a two-pronged attack.

Carrie Knauer coverage in the Carroll County Times:

Airport expansion: Impact of proposal examined

The much-debated airport expansion plan, which is part of the Carroll County Regional Airport Master Plan, includes a longer runway, new hangars and other amenities to attract more business to the airport and nearby business parks. But some residents... Jun. 11, 2007; scored 775.0

Residents share mixed feelings

On Tuesday, the Carroll County Board of Commissioners is scheduled to vote on the Carroll County Regional Airport master plan, which includes recommendations to build a new 6,400-foot runway north and west of the existing runway. While residents who ... Jun. 11, 2007; scored 775.0

More ire for airport

Protesters seek injunction against commissioners After failing to receive an injunction to prevent the Carroll County Board of Commissioners from voting on the airport master plan today, members of Concerned Citizens United took their protest from th... Jun. 12, 2007;

Runway in need of funds

Airport expansion opponents who met with Carroll County commissioners Thursday walked away from the table discouraged, saying they believe the commissioners have already made up their minds to go forward with the expansion. Ron Buczkowski, Cheri Grub... Jun. 8, 2007;

Westminster Eagle coverage of the airport expansion matter:

Neighbors decry impact of airport expansion 05/30/07 - By Katie V. Jones

The deterioration of quality of life -- whether by pollution, traffic or lack of security -- was the biggest concern presented last week to the Board of County Commissioners at a public hearing re...

Issues related to airport proposal need clear review

05/24/07 - Guest Opinion by Cindy Parr — Chief of Administrative Services for Carroll County Government In recent months, much has been written about the Carroll County Regional Airport's (CCRA) proposed expansion effort.

This letter is intended to serve as a clarification of the facts as they...

News Briefs 05/23/07 - CCPS cuts $8.9 million from requested budget

As the Board of County Commissioners wraps this year's budget process, the public school system acted last week to trim $8.9 million from its initial...

Letters 05/23/07 - Airport debate hasn't been as open as it should be

I appreciate The Westminster Eagle's attestation that the nuances of the proposed airport master plan may perhaps be too much to be adequately ...

Airport options face public

05/16/07 - By Jim Joyner

To build or not to build ... or maybe to build a little or a lot.

Those are the questions being posed for the future of the Carroll County Regional Airport, and they are also the subject of ...

Airport master plan needs to circle the field before landing 05/16/07 - EDITORIAL

Next week's budget hearing on the proposed master plan for Carroll County Regional Airport promises to be high-flying -- the options for upgrades at the airport already have a followin...

Letters 04/11/07 - Residents will see airport expansion impact in taxes

Raise your hand if you own a corporate jet. I rest my case -- so much for an expansion of the airport directly benefiting local citizens.


Dropping a hot potato in the commissioner's laps

04/11/07 - By David Grand

That's how I'd describe the dilemma the commissioners find themselves in, having to choose between expanding the airport's runway for the county's financial gain -- by being able to handle larger ...

No happy landing for Sage study 04/05/07 - By Katie V. Jones

Local residents took the opportunity on Monday to sound off on a recent study on the economic impacts of a proposed expansion of the Carroll County Regional Airport.

Many in the large crowd that...

News Briefs 03/28/07 - Sage to present findings of county airport study

Anirban Basu of the Sage Policy Group will host a public meeting next Monday to discuss the findings of a study on the economic impact of Carroll...

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

20070328 Westminster to sign water agreement with MDE

Westminster to sign water agreement with MDE

March 28th, 2007

Kelsey Volkmann writing for the Baltimore Examiner reports that the City of Westminster and the Maryland Department of the Environment have come to an agreement “an agreement on how much water there is in Westminster’s system and how much water is expected to be after Westminster completes the improvements we have been talking about doing,” Council Member Gregory Pecoraro said.”

The article dated today, March 28th, 2007 can be found here: “Building can soon begin again in Westminster.”


Thursday, March 22, 2007

20070313 Mindless ramblings about peripatetic artisans of the keyboard

Mindless ramblings about old geezers, old columnists, young writers, and peripatetic artisans of the keyboard

March 13th, 2007 – March 22, 2007

Joe Volz writes a column for the Frederick News-Post and I re-read a recent column today and enjoyed it… Old Soldiers Never Die by Joe Volz.

As a columnist Mr. Volz maintains a rather frenetic pace. If I am not mistaken, he writes three columns a week. I write two columns a week and sometimes that maxes me out. I marvel at the folks like Rick Weldon, Joe Volz and Wendi Thomas, who just seem to effortlessly knock out one interesting and well written column after another.

Certainly another writer for which I have always been impressed is the editor of the Carroll County Times, Jim Lee, who if I am not mistaken, writes most all of the 6 editorials a week that appear in the paper and a weekly column…

Then there is Kelsey Volkmann who just seems to knock out several articles a day – all week… and still have time to chat.

But anyway, where was I - - Oh, getting back to Mr. Volz

I do not always agree with Mr. Volz but I try to read his column as often as possible. My favorite Joe Volz column in 2006 was his June 6th, 2006, “The Obit Page.”

I wish I had a link – but then again, I don’t think the Frederick News-Post uses permalinks - - and their archives hidden behind a pay-wall is just really quite annoying, bit involves a scope well beyond this piece… Maybe Joe’ll consider letting me post it.

My favorite paragraph (among many) was: “Perhaps, the amateur obit writers may not match the skill of the late New York quip-witted humorist, Dorothy Parker, who once observed, ‘I don't care what is written about me as long as it isn't true.’ ”

Yes, I’m a huge Dorothy Parker fan.

Jim Lee over at the Carroll County Times has recently ventured into the world of blogs. In one of his recent posts, “Mega-bust,” in which he questioned aloud what you would do if you won the lottery, I wrote in the comment section:

Kevin Dayhoff wrote on March 12, 2007 1:27 AM: "If I were to win the lottery, the first thing I would want is advice; so I would probably endeavor to interview Annabel and Midge from Dorothy Parker’s “The Standard of Living.” Of course things were different in 1941; nevertheless, one can be sure that their guidance would be crucial. Then I would go get a Hoffman’s milkshake and a package of Starbuck’s coffee – and go back to my desk and go back to work. "

I wish I could link ya to the post on the Carroll County Times web site, but the paper does not use permalinks and the post, to the best of my knowledge, the blog entry has long since disappeared into cyber-space….

A recent Joe Volz column involved a human-interest story and I just thought it was a nice read – I guess especially since I had a number of friends who either live, work or went to school in New Jersey.

One of the great joys of toiling as a New Jersey newspaperman for a number of years was that I got to cover the state's great cultural institution -- organized crime.

So, when I moved to Maryland 30 years ago, where the crime is of a decidedly different caliber -- mainly disorganized -- I was distraught.


Down in Maryland, I encountered a bunch of non-violent criminals, like Vice President Spiro Agnew, who had no difficulty getting in trouble with the law. Frankly, their exploits weren't as colorful.


The prevailing wisdom among us Mafia watchers was that mobsters didn't have to worry about Medicare. They didn't live that long, invariably dying in their prime from a lethal dose of lead poisoning.

So, it is heartening to read the latest news from Fort Lauderdale. At least one old Mafia soldier has defied the odds.


You would think that Albert Facchiano, who turns 97 tomorrow and is appropriately nicknamed "The Old Man," would have gotten a little respect from Florida law enforcers just for dodging so many bullets for so long.

Read the rest of the column here and enjoy it: “Old Soldiers Never Die by Joe Volz.”


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

20070319 African orphans make special visit by KVolkmann

Mar 19, 2007

by Kelsey Volkmann, The Examiner

Photo credit: (Kristine Buls/Baltimore Examiner) Nicky Berego, 13, of Namibia, Africa, rides Bucky next to volunteer Caroline Babylon at Petticoat’s Advance, a farm in Hampstead in Carroll County. Nicky is part of a group of orphans touring Md.

Bel Air, Md. - They watched Disney on Ice, shopped at a mall and rode escalators for the first time.

Maryland, after all, is far away from the girls’ home in Namibia, Africa the Children of Mount Zion Village, an orphanage established by Mount Zion United Methodist Church in Bel Air and still operating thanks to donations and volunteers from churches throughout the state.

“It’s a lot for them to take in,” said Sarah Dorrance, a seminary student and missionary advocate at Calvary United Methodist Church in Mount Airy, one of the orphanage’s sponsors.

But the girls appeared at ease recently while riding horses at Petticoat’s Advance, a farm in Hampstead in Carroll County.

Mary Shunk, an instructor with the 4-H Therapeutic Riding Program of Carroll County, praised the teenagers for their riding skills.


Dorrance volunteered at the orphanage last summer and plans to go back in July.

In Africa, “we played with the kids,” she said, “taught, cooked and just gave them some attention.”

Read the entire article here: African orphans make special visit