July11. 2013
Wendi Peters Announces Campaign for Delegate
Mount Airy, MD -- Wendi Peters formally announced her
candidacy for the Maryland House of Delegates, District 4, for the 2014
election. Peters announced her candidacy at the Counties Four Post 10076 VFW on
Main Street in Mount Airy, MD Thursday evening.
Standing before a standing-room-only crowd of nearly 100
supporters, elected officials, and candidates, Peters spoke about her sadness
of constitutional rights being eroded, pockets being raided, and leaders that
gain our trust at election time but disappoint us with their votes after being
In an interview following the event, Peters stated:
"The depth of my municipal experience, coupled with my passion to serve
the community, will bring fresh insight to Annapolis and a way of doing
business that demonstrates compassion for the taxpayer."
Peters served two terms on the Mount Airy Town Council from
2004 - 2012. During her tenure, she worked to improve town infrastructure,
manage growth and retain and expand business investment in the Town. Her commitment
to service includes serving as Chair of the Communications Committee for the
Maryland Municipal League, volunteering as a Sunday School teacher, PTA Board
Member, Vice Chair of Planning Commission, Board Member of Mount Airy Main
Street Association and Youth Mentor.
In 2010 and in 2012 The Daily Record recognized Peters as
one of Maryland's Top 100 Women for her leadership, community service and
mentoring. She was also recognized by the Maryland Recycling Network for
Extraordinary Achievement in 2011, and in 2012 she was inducted in to the Mount
Airy Hall of Fame in recognition of her service and volunteerism in the
Peters is a graduate of Villa Julie College and Loyola
University Maryland and a Fellow of the Academy for Excellence in Local
Governance from the University of Maryland - Institute for Governmental Service
and Research. She works as a paralegal at Ober|Kaler, a law firm headquartered
in Baltimore and is an Associate member of the Maryland State Bar Association.

| 107 Sunset Avenue - Mount Airy, MD 21771 |
Campaign Manager: Zachary A. Peters
Authority: Citizens for Wendi Peters - William E. Wagner,
Jr., Treasurer
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