Will Glyndon Mail Service End in Three Weeks?
"The neighborhood has been in an enormous state of panic," says a community leader. Residents are set to meet with U.S. Postal Service officials tonight.
The future of mail service for many Glyndon residents is uncertain with general mail delivery to the town’s post office due to stop Jan. 30. Most Glyndon residents receive their mail at the post office rather than through home delivery.
“The neighborhood has been in an enormous state of panic as to what is going to happen,” said Kathy Ziese, president of Historic Glyndon, Inc.
A U.S. Postal Service employee told Glyndon residents that general delivery service at the town's post office would not stop, but residents spoke of a myriad of problems with mail service. By Marc Shapiro http://reisterstown.patch.com/articles/glyndon-general-mail-delivery-to-stay-put#c
MD co Baltimore Co, MD co Baltimore Co Glyndon, MD co Baltimore Co issues, Media Patch Reisterstown, US Postal Service, USPS, People Ziese Kathy,
[20120110 Patch Rstown Will Glyndon Mail Serv End in 3 Wks?] [20120110 RP Shapiro Ziese Glyndon 1]
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