Pasted below, please find the Frederick County Growth Management Initiatives press release from January 8th, 2008. The matter of whether or not the Frederick County Board of Commissioners really adopted a new Frederick County seal - is unconfirmed.
Frederick County Government
Frederick, Maryland
News Release
Winchester Hall
12 East Church Street
Frederick, Maryland 21701
CONTACT: Robin K. Santangelo
Public Information Officer
TTY: Use Maryland Relay
FREDERICK, MD – During a press conference today, the Frederick Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) announced several growth management initiatives to preserve and enhance the quality of life for Frederick County residents. Key initiatives include updating the Frederick County Comprehensive Plan, strengthening the Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance (APFO) and addressing water resource and agricultural preservation requirements in recent state legislation.
Under state law, the BOCC has jurisdiction over and responsibility for planning and zoning in the unincorporated areas of Frederick County. Based on that premise, the goal of the growth management initiatives is to better link the pace of residential growth with the county’s ability to provide adequate roads, schools, public safety and other government services, and also to preserve the rural, cultural and historic character of the county.
BOCC President Jan Gardner said, “The growth management initiatives we have announced today may well be the most significant actions taken by this Board of County Commissioners. We feel that the time is right to review and revise the Comprehensive Plan and Comprehensive Zoning Map, as well as to implement long-lasting policies that will better direct our land use plans and regulations in the future. We invite and encourage our citizens to participate in this process with us.”
The water resource initiative as mandated by H.B. 1141 requires the identification of adequate water, wastewater treatment and disposal and storm water management facilities sufficient for current and future county needs. Similarly, the BOCC wants to create an Agricultural Reserve and a more aggressive plan to preserve agriculture and sensitive areas.
The County Commissioners believe that while the initiatives are moving forward, the status quo of existing county land use should be maintained to promote the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community and to prevent certain detrimental impacts. Therefore, today the Board also approved a resolution that initiates a draft ordinance to temporarily suspend subdivision activity to residential zoned properties that have not begun construction.
The proposed temporary suspension of subdivisions does not apply to industrial or commercial developments, residential developments already under construction, or agricultural and resource conservation zones.
A public hearing is required to implement the residential subdivision suspension and hearing dates will be established in January and February.
The BOCC estimates that the adoption of legislative actions to revise the Comprehensive Plan (last updated in 1998) and Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and approve APFO text amendments that add adequacy standards for fire and ambulance facilities, as well as revising standards for roads and schools, will take approximately two years. During this process, Frederick County citizens will have many opportunities for participation through regional meetings and public hearings. The Board anticipates final adoption of the initiatives by the fall of 2009.
The BOCC believes that the existing recorded lots in the county will be adequate to support residential growth for over three years. Current records show that there is a residential housing pipeline with about 3,000 housing units in the unincorporated areas of the county (excluding the municipalities).
Municipalities are not subject to the suspension of the subdivision activity. Approximately 43% of the residential housing growth in Frederick County occurs in the municipalities.
The BOCC has scheduled a meeting to further define the scope of work for the growth management initiatives on Thursday, January 17. The Frederick County Planning Commission will be invited to the meeting.
Questions about the status of subdivision applications related to this initiative may be e-mailed to Permitting and Development Review Division Director Gary Hessong at
For documents and links related to the initiatives, visit
To watch a replay of today’s press conference on the Internet, visit
20080108 Frederick County Growth Management Initiatives press release