Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Md Troopers Assoc #20 & Westminster Md Fire Dept Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Showing posts with label MD co Frederick Co History. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MD co Frederick Co History. Show all posts

Sunday, September 16, 2018

The Tale of the Lion: Our Stories, Our Voices

The Tale of the Lion: Our Stories, Our Voices

Sept. 15, 2018 at the Weinberg Center for the Arts, 20 West Patrick Street, Frederick, MD, 21701

Until the story of the hunt is told by the Lion, the tale of the hunt will always glorify the hunter. —African proverb

The oldest African American citizens in Frederick County, Maryland, share the memories, wit, and wisdom that have shaped their lives.

This documentary film is presented by the African American Resources – Cultural and Heritage Society of Frederick County, MD.

The premiere screening of our locally made documentary, The Tale of the Lion, will be held September 15 at the Weinberg Center for the Arts in Frederick, MD. AARCH (African American Resources - Cultural and Heritage) invites you to join us in celebrating the rich history held in the life stories of our oldest African American citizens in Frederick County. The poignant telling of their experiences from childhood, through segregation, to today is a window to the strength and resilience that have shaped their lives, and our community.

Thursday, October 06, 2011

News from Friends of Kelly Schulz

Delegate Kelly Schulz banner
In This Issue
Bring In-State Tuition for Illegal Immigration bill to Referendum
Interim Duties - I want to hear from you!
Volunteering Decreases Government Spending!

News & Events from the District 
Summer is over and fall is upon us. Other than visiting my son, in boot camp a couple of times I had the wonderful opportunity to spend the summer right here in Frederick County and I had an amazing time!

A very special Thank You goes out to, Woodsboro, Thurmont, Libertytown, Rocky Ridge, Middletown, and Emmitsburg, for hosting the community parades this year and offering a warm welcome. I look forward to the Brunswick Veteran's Day Parade next month.

Thank you to the Volunteer Fire Halls for their long standing commitment to the community at their carnivals, the great food served by their tireless volunteers and the unending musical talent that they were able to offer to the Frederick County.

Thank you to The Great Frederick Fair who, once again, provided agricultural education, community support, dynamic musical performances and an environment to reconnect with the entire County. I was blessed to have been able to attend most of the week even if only to grab a great meal!

I want to also thank YOU! We were able to have real conversations about issues that directly affect you, your family and your businesses. It was a wonderful learning experience that I will be able to utilize over the course of the next several months while in Annapolis.

As we head back to Annapolis for Special Session in a few weeks, I wanted to give you an update on a few major issues facing Frederick and the State of Maryland.
District Office
P.O. Box 563
New Market, Maryland 21774
Office #:  301-304-0619
Fax #:  301-304-0671   
Workplace Fraud Act of 2009

This bill passed in 2009 under the assumption that there is fraud occurring in many business industries across the state. The objective was to locate those fraudulent businesses that were hiring independent contractors as opposed to full time employees, thus not adhering to laws requiring the payment of benefits to the employee or the state (workers compensation insurance, social security, unemployment insurance, etc.).

The actual IMPACT of that legislation is that some industries are being unnecessarily targeted by the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation (DLLR). Audits have been conducted statewide and many businesses are seeing astronomical fines - so high that they may have to close up their businesses in our state.

The issue seems to be that industries (especially the home remodeling industry) have historically hired independent contractors (ICs) based on the work that they needed to have performed at the time of the sale. The laws, as written, are ambiguous as to the definition of the IC at the federal and state level - thus leaving the final determination at the hands of an agency auditor.

A group of colleagues from my committee, House Economic Matters, met on October 5th with the Secretary of DLLR to discuss possible mitigation to this very hot topic. It looks as if we were able to get our point across that businesses are having a very difficult time in this economy and, if we are really going to get serious about creating jobs, then we need to take a very hard look at the current standards. You can be assured that your Frederick County Delegation will be notifying you of any updates as they arise.

Please reach out to me if this regulation is affecting you and your business.
Watershed Implementation Plan (WIP) 
This plan was mandated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a result of a law suit filed by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation claiming that the states within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed needed to all work to develop plans to reduce the nutrient (aka pollution) levels in the Bay. The EPA set a date of 2025 for all states within the area to be in full compliance of their approved plans.

The State of Maryland has upheld this mandate and key stakeholders are working diligently to provide a plan that they will be able to adhere to. However the costs associated with the plans on behalf of all stakeholders, (local governments, agriculture/farming, builders, and homeowners) has proven to be out of touch with their budgets. Additionally, the State has moved up the dates for compliance for Maryland stakeholders to 2020.

There are many concerns with this WIP, but most importantly at this point is to work with the State to move the dates back to the original federal guidelines of 2025. Many legislators across the state are working together to send a message that all counties, rural and urban, will have a difficult time coming up with funds (upwards of $500 million) by 2020. The options need to be fully researched and factored into the future planning of local government activities. Good governance calls for a more in-depth look into the financial capabilities of each stakeholder. I believe that the last thing that we would want to promote is raising funds through additional, or increased, taxes, but that is what the options have included at many of the workshops.
October Special Session: Congressional Redistricting

It is very important that anyone interested in commenting on the map do so by October 11.

The legislature has been told to be prepared for a special session to occur the week of October 17th. The main purpose of the session is to present, discuss and pass a new Maryland Congressional Map. The most recent map that was offered by the state's redistricting committee can be found here:

Congressional District 6 (CD6) will still incorporate the western and central parts of the county (to include the City of Frederick), but the northern and eastern parts of the county are moving to a district mainly comprised of Montgomery County. Needless to say, I am not happy with this solution.

In a press release from the Governor's office yesterday, he has indicated that this map, or a version very similar, will be presented to the legislature on October 17. It is very important that anyone interested in commenting on the map do so by October 11. The link above will bring you to a public comment page. I believe it is very important that those of us in Frederick County that do not want to be divided from our Western Maryland neighbors have our voices heard!

There will be plenty of opportunities for our delegation to speak on this topic in the coming weeks. I would love to hear from you about your thoughts. Remember....our federal representation depends on it!
Recent Maryland Board of Public Works Approvals

On October 5, 2011, the Maryland Board of Public Works met to vote on funds that will be provided through Program Open Space (Community Parks and Playgrounds Program). The following parks in Frederick County have been awarded funds for improvement of their facilities:

- Wetherburne Park  -  $35,000
Frederick, Frederick County
These funds will be used to replace deteriorated wood playground equipment with handicapped-accessible equipment that meets current national playground safety standards.

- Middletown Children's Garden  -  $6,000
Middletown, Frederick County
These funds will be used to develop a children's garden including an arbor entrance and box wood maze. 
The gardens will consist of sections of humming bird/butterfly bush, herb, sensory, rock, and shade. 

If you have any further questions about the Board of Public Works and their activities, please visit their website at or the Program Open Space at
Coming Soon.....

I will have some exciting new updates made to my website that will make communication easier in the future. I am excited about the possibility of simplifying my efforts to keep you informed in a timely manner! More to come soon!!
6773 Balmoral Ridge, New Market, MD 21774 
By authority: Steve Gottlieb, Treasurer


Monday, June 13, 2011

Frederick Gorilla Magazine

Welcome to the Frederick Gorilla

coverThe most sought after, vibrant, high-design, exciting and relevant current events magazine in Frederick County.


The Frederick Gorilla is the most sought after, vibrant, high-design, exciting and relevant current events magazine in Frederick County. With a sharp focus on business, life and politics, The Gorilla is entrenched in the many factions that comprise the city of Frederick, the surrounding county and its various municipalities. The Gorilla has strong strategic business partnerships and unbreakable ties to the community it serves.


Speak your truth.
Seek knowledge.
Decide for yourself.

The Mission

The Frederick Gorilla exists to challenge, inform, entertain and bring together the Frederick community through savvy editorial, interactive communication, outstanding pictorials and strategic advertising. Engaging inclusive editorial that will give voice to the many communities that coexist in this county, The Gorilla will connect relevant content and exciting interaction throughout the Frederick community it serves.

[20110613 sdosm Welcome to the Frederick Gorilla] [20110614 GorillaMediaKitA2.pdf]

Frederick, Maryland, Gorilla, magazine, advertizing, business

Welcome to the Frederick Maryland Gorilla


Sunday, January 09, 2011

Patti S. Borda: Frederick mayor must choose new 'VP' of city

Frederick mayor must choose new 'VP' of city

Originally published December 29, 2010

By Patti S. Borda  News-Post Staff 

Frederick Mayor Randy McClement has a pair of big shoes to fill as a result of a decision by his executive assistant to take a job in Brunswick.

Rick Weldon, who left his job as executive director of United Way of Frederick last year to help McClement, told the mayor on Dec. 20 that he had taken a new job that will start Jan. 17.

McClement said Tuesday he is taking some time before selecting a replacement. "I have to have the right person," he said. "It is the vice president of the corporation."

The executive assistant is appointed by and serves at the pleasure of the mayor. The annual salary budgeted for the position is $82,500, McClement said.

20101229 FNP Borda Frederick mayor must choose new VP of city

Frederick mayor: Decision about assistant likely by midweek | Front Page | By: Patti S. Borda | 01/07/11 | 488 words “I'm still perusing through my head who I want," he said Wednesday.

Site could replace Sagner Park plot's open space designation in Frederick| Front Page | By: Patti S. Borda | 01/05/11 | 395 words Rick Weldon, McClement's executive assistant, said Tuesday that unused open space in the Riverside Park development along the Monocacy River could qualify for the state Program Open Space designation that is to be re- moved from part of Sagner Park. Land surveys and assessments are being done on about an acre near the Monocacy River, Weldon said.

Wrapping up | Editorial | By: | 01/03/11 | 458 words You'll see a rundown of the main stories in Assistant Managing Editor Rob Walters' "Ask the Editor" column Saturday, and also in our story summing up main events in the order you voted on them on Sunday/today.
What's in & out 2011 | Steve Berryman | By: | 12/31/10 | 558 words Let's go with transitions and changes instead. Some are pretty clear; others are more fuzzy!

City expected to extend lease with National Park Service to preserve history| Front Page | By: Patti S. Borda | 12/29/10 | 540 words That would prevent the property at 5 Commerce St. from being used any time soon as a parking garage or another commercial use affiliated with a possible hotel on nearby property, said Earl "Rocky" Mackintosh.

Frederick mayor must choose new 'VP' of city | Front Page | By: Patti S. Borda | 12/29/10 | 419 words Rick Weldon, who left his job as executive director of United Way of Frederick last year to help McClement, told the mayor on Dec. 20 that he had taken a new job that will start Jan. 17.


Friday, December 17, 2010

Frederick County Commissioners define their priorities by Meg Tully @ The Frederick News-Post

Frederick County Commissioners define their priorities

December 11, 2010

by Meg Tully @ The Frederick News-Post

The new Frederick County Commissioners identified their top priorities this week, including reducing the county's unemployment rate and creating a consistent land-use process for businesses.

Commissioners met with division directors during a two-day retreat at Pinecliff Park to identify goals and craft a strategic plan for their four-year terms.

The five-member board is led by Commissioners President Blaine Young. All are Republicans. Four out of the five ran together as a slate.

They worked with the county's top leaders to ensure there was buy-in and consensus on the ideas, Young said.

Priorities will include job growth, predictability for business, public safety, traffic, agricultural preservation/land use, and privatization and sharing of government services.

The only priority commissioners added to the group-generated list was to look into more privatization and sharing services among government agencies.

After developing their priorities, they broke into groups to discuss specific goals.
Some ideas included supporting ....


Monday, December 06, 2010

Steve Berryman Accountable slate Originally published December 03, 2010

Steve Berryman

Accountable slate

Originally published December 03, 2010 

At Wednesday morning's swearing-in ceremony at the Null Building of the Frederick Fairgrounds, a willing slate of four, led by Blaine Young, began their reign as our new Board of County Commissioners.

Among those choosing not to affiliate, only David Gray remained to make five.

This minority voice -- although Republican otherwise -- can be one of good conscience, but was he odd-man-out on this one. On a positive note, the incumbent pledged to hold open town-hall-type meetings on any subject requested, and this at floating locations.


Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Tentacle: Marschner’s Reasons for Retiring

October 28, 2010

Marschner’s Reasons for Retiring
John W. Ashbury
Announcement was made yesterday that Michael Marschner, the Director of the Frederick County Division of Utilities & Solid Waste Management, is retiring from county employ. has received communications from several sources regarding Mr. Marshner’s decision. Below is a letter from Mr. Marschner to County Commissioner Kai Hagen outlining some of the reasons for his decision to retire. We present it without further comment – because, as you will see, it needs no further comment. The letter was posted as an email at 3:18 P.M. yesterday...

People Marschner mike, Enviro, Enviro Solid Waste Man, Enviro Solid Waste to Energy, Media The Tentacle, Frederick Co Issues,

For more information and background, read Joan Marie Aquilino:
/ShowArticle.cfm?mydocid=2861 and here: They were both very informative. 

And for more information: March 5, 2008 Making Trash Go Away – Part One and Two Kevin E. Dayhoff; 

here and here - - and then: 

April 16, 2008 How to Make Trash Go Away Kevin E. Dayhoff...

For a more information on solid waste management issues click here:

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Adam Avery adds ‘Inc.' to ‘Friends of Frederick County' in bid to support development

A new fight is brewing in the politics of growth in Frederick County, this time revolving around how one defines "friend."

Adam Avery of Frederick, host of 930 AM WFMD's "Senior Talk Radio" and an emerging outspoken figure in local politics, announced this week that he is president and owner of a new organization called "Friends of Frederick County Inc."

Avery's new group is intended to be the opposite of "Friends of Frederick County," which emerged in the 2006 election to fight what it considers to be urban sprawl and poorly planned development.

Instead of fighting development, however, Avery said his group will encourage it and highlight the benefits growth brings.

"I found [Friends of Frederick County] to be poorly organized and poorly funded," Avery said. "And I wanted to bring a positive light to the men and women who risk their [financial] lives to bring businesses to Frederick County."

But Friends of Frederick County is not pleased with Avery's move...

LABELS: , ,,


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Gazette - Sherry Greenfield: Adam Avery adds ‘Inc.' to ‘Friends of Frederick County' in bid to support development

Thursday, Aug. 12, 2010

A new fight is brewing in the politics of growth in Frederick County, this time revolving around how one defines "friend."

Adam Avery of Frederick, host of 930 AM WFMD's "Senior Talk Radio" and an emerging outspoken figure in local politics, announced this week that he is president and owner of a new organization called "Friends of Frederick County Inc."

Avery's new group is intended to be the opposite of "Friends of Frederick County," which emerged in the 2006 election to fight what it considers to be urban sprawl and poorly planned development.

Instead of fighting development, however, Avery said his group will encourage it and highlight the benefits growth brings.

"I found [Friends of Frederick County] to be poorly organized and poorly funded," Avery said. "And I wanted to bring a positive light to the men and women who risk their [financial] lives to bring businesses to Frederick County."

But Friends of Frederick County is not pleased with Avery's move...


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Friday, August 06, 2010

Frederick News-Post: Excavated stone building surprises, stumps SHA crew

Excavated stone building surprises, stumps SHA crew
Originally published August 06, 2010
By Stephanie Mlot
News-Post Staff

It's not an old oven.

But that's about the only thing State Highway Administration archaeologist Lisa Kraus said is certain about a small stone building unearthed recently near I-70 and the LaFarge Quarry.

Workers stumbled on the structure while they were setting up a retaining wall before construction on the interstate bridge over South Street begins, said Kellie Boulware, SHA spokeswoman.

SHA workers, archaeologists and engineers watched eagerly Thursday morning as crews removed rock slabs from the top of the previously buried building.

After two weeks spent inspecting the exterior of the 1893 building, Kraus said one question remained: What is this thing? ...


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle: