“Dayhoff Westminster Soundtrack:” Kevin Dayhoff – “Soundtrack Division of Old Silent Movies” - https://kevindayhoff.blogspot.com/ combined with “Dayhoff Westminster” – Writer, artist, fire and police chaplain. For art, writing and travel see https://kevindayhoffart.blogspot.com/ Authority Caroline Babylon, Treasurer
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Sen. Allan Kittleman Announces Candidacy for Howard County Executive in 2014 - by Sen. Joe Getty
Wednesday, June 05, 2013
A Special Announcement from Maryland State Senator Allan Kittleman
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Removal of American flag from Woodbine traffic circle sparks patriotic rally
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
20071030 Special Session update from Howard County State Delegate Warren Miller
Special Session update from Howard County State Delegate Warren Miller
October 30th, 2007
Several folks e-mailed me the update below from Howard County District 9A State Delegate Warren Miller. I’ll bet you will get value from it also:
I wanted to keep you updated on the Special Session in
Warren Miller
State Delegate, District 9A
Once again I need help connecting the dots to make sense of the new O'Malley tax plan. Having looked at this piecemeal proposal several times, many things just don't make good sense. Before I get into the questions, I must commend the administration for orchestrating this whole traveling road show with laser precision. First the Governor endears himself to the community over a casual kitchen table conversation with an average Joe family. Then he proceeds to the rural areas of the state, styling himself as the hero of the
But now the message revolves around "doomsday". How do we go from the kitchen table or the cornfield to doomsday? Well, with Governor O'Malley the path is simple. If the General Assembly doesn't pass his tax increase bills, then we will spiral downward and never see daylight again. He has finally stooped to an all time low and unfortunately, I wish I could believe that he will not outdo himself in the future. He is resorting to tactics of terror, similar to the work of those who choose to push their agenda by taking our citizens hostage and sending us pictures of them in compromising positions. O'Malley has become a terrorist of sorts. He is sending his message of fright to college students and single moms without regard for them at all. He paints pictures of people being thrown out into the streets due t o program cuts and college students leaving college prematurely due to a lack of state funding. Fear is not the motivator that caused this country to rise to the top of the food chain. Fear paralyzes people, families and economies. This paralysis is just the formula for government intervention (another word for interference) in your daily life. If you can't function without their help, then you will do anything to preserve them, including paying tax rates that would make a loan shark blush.
Now time to connect the dots. The proposed tobacco tax is said to be two-fold; first, it will fund some health care projects and bail out some hospitals from bad debt. (By the way, most of this debt is caused by illegal immigrants using the emergency room as their primary care facility.) And secondly, this tax is supposed to act as a deterrent and reduce the number of smokers in
With that said, let's look at another facet of this new tax plan. My health club membership is now going to be taxed. I am not sure why. I see empirical evidence proving that good health is achieved through physical exercise and healthy people cost less to care for overall. So here is my dilemma: If I buy into the notion that the tobacco tax will cause many smokers to become non-smokers (a good thing), what can I expect to happen to the health club members following the same logic? If health club members stop going to the health clubs and they become obese or unhealthy, what fiscal impact can be expected?
The bare bones truth is simple: this is not about health; it is about wealth. Yes, Governor O'Malley wants to play Robin Hood and take from the hard-working and give more to the hardly working. He also wants to make sure that the government continues to grow and gain market share in the affairs of your life. Remember, the goal is for big government to become invaluable to you so that you will gladly pay for them to stay around to help. It has been said over and over, but it bears repeating. We do not have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem. Containing costs has not been considered, nor will it be. The only time we hear about containing costs is in reference to single moms losing job training or college students leaving school to work at McDonalds beca use they could not afford college tuition. And that brings me to my final dot that needs to be connected.
Last year the Governor (yes, this same Martin O'Malley) wanted to give illegal immigrants tuition breaks amounting to about $14,000 per year per student. This ill-fated plan would have cost Marylanders untold millions of dollars. He made the arguments ranging from "we owe it to ourselves to have an educated illegal population" to "an education will keep them from stealing from us in the long run". Now I hear Governor O'Malley stating that if we do not pass this budget, all the state schools will loose millions of dollars and students will go without, or tuition will be raised to ungodly levels. How much worse would it have been if his plan had not been stopped last year? I think that makes little to no sense, but then again, that's par for this course.
I simply don't believe the Governor has a plan. He is piecing together a tapestry one square at a time and hoping he covers all his bases. Unfortunately, this tapestry is just the wet blanket our state's economy needs to put out the fire caused by several years of strong growth. Thanks Governor O'Malley.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
20070907 Fiscal Year 2008 Howard County Arts Council Grant Awards Announced
Fiscal Year 2008 Howard
It is with all due respect that I venture to row in
I have written about the enormous positive economic impact of the arts. The social, cultural, and economic return for every dollar a community spends on the arts is unexpectedly high – and it is a critical economic indicator of a thriving community…
Many years ago I participated in a group show in
September 10, 2007 – Received Tuesday, October 2, 2007 1:27 PM
Contact: Coleen West
Phone: (410) 313-2787
E-mail: coleen@hocoarts.org
The awards were announced at the Arts Council's annual meeting and reception on September 7, at the
Community Arts Development Grants fund day-to-day activities for
Blossoms of Hope ... The Howard
Candlelight Concert Society
Chesapeake Shakespeare Company
Harmony of the Sol
Operating $8,775.00 Little Patuxent Review Project $1,800.00 Misako
Ballet Company Project $1,500.00 Rep Stage/HCC Educational Foundation
Operating $14,999.00 Showtime Singers Project $3,000.00 Sundays at
Three Project $2,500.00
The Jim Rouse Theatre (JRT) Subsidy Program assists community arts groups by partially underwriting theatre rental fees; $14,370 was awarded to the following 6 organizations for FY2008:
Artist-in-Education Project Grants are a partnership between the Arts Council and local Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs) to place professional artists in residence at Howard County Schools to help students foster creative expression; $17,841.66 in funding was awarded to the following 11 schools for FY2008:
Harper ' s Choice Middle School PTA
Baltimore City Arts and Cultural Grants provide funding to key
Center Stage
National Aquarium
Howard County Arts Council grants are awarded on the basis of artistic merit, ability of the applicant to carry out the project, and level of service to the community. Grantees are selected through a competitive process in which applications are reviewed by an advisory panel made up of academics and artists representing a variety of disciplines. Grant award recommendations are then reviewed and approved by the Howard County Arts Council Board of Directors.
The Arts Council ' s grant program is supported through grants from the
# # #
The Howard County Arts Council is a non-profit organization whose mission is to serve the citizens of
Art - Economic Benefits of Art
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
20070619 The past week has taken an horrific toll on public safely personnel
The past week has taken an horrific toll on public safely personnel.
June 19th, 2007
“Nine firefighters died Monday night in a fire that destroyed the Sofa Super Store in West Ashley.”
And we all wonder “Why don’t the newscasters cry…” and agree with HoCo Hayduke who is “in full agreement with David Keelan that this is terrible news:"
Howard police said Pfc. Scott Wheeler, a 6 1/2-year veteran, was working a speed enforcement detail on Route 32 near U.S. 1 when he and two other officers tried to stop a Nissan Sentra about 2 p.m. Police said the car's driver was suspected of speeding.
And even us open and transparent government fanatics agree with Mr. HoCo Hayduke’s last paragraph:
“Wheeler's death follows a few weeks of ego-fueled, voyeuristic stories and "because we can" public information requests and disclosures from the Examiner about government salaries…”
Read the rest here: “Why don’t the newscasters cry…”
Keep the police officer’s and firefighters’ families and loved ones in your prayers and place in our hearts for the dangerous work they do everyday – so that we may remain safe.
References, further reading and Hat Tips:
“Horrible” posted by June 19, 2007 richardgwhite in Charles County Café: National News. “Nine firefighters killed in massive blaze” - Noah Haglund | Charleston.net | The Post and Courier
“Why don’t the newscasters cry…” posted June 18th, 2007 in HoCo Hayduke… “After a week of arguments, I am in full agreement with David Keelan that this is terrible news.”
City mourns 9 firefighters killed in warehouse blaze - Myrtle Beach Sun News