Daily Grind: How is Newt the anti-Romne y?
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December 6th, 2011
Candidate is not the deeply philosophical historian, deeply rooted in a limited government philosophy that he plays on TV.
The Obama-Clinton State Department cozies up to dictators in Central and South America.
The mainstream media would rather search the closets of Robert Bork, Clarence Thomas, Sarah Palin, and now Herman Cain for skeletons rather than it would examine the cozy relationship between the current administration and Solyndra.
ALG President Bill Wilson blasts Attorney General Eric Holder over Operation Fast and Furious gun-walking scandal.
How is Newt the anti-Romney?
By Adam Bitely
Contrary to popular belief, Newt Gingrich is not a limited government supporter. If he is, please produce the record. For every action he has taken in the name of moving the country towards a more limited government, he has taken three actions against it.
Consider the following.
In 1993, Newt Gingrich supported health care mandates, similar to the ones imposed by ObamaCare. He supported such mandates as recently as 2008. Now, as a candidate for office who suddenly saw the light on how damaging such mandates could be, Newt has changed his tune and now opposes them.
On climate change, Newt has a similar story. He famously appeared with Nancy Pelosi in a 2008 television ad urging Americans to pressure government to take action on climate change. Now that he is trying to pass himself off as a limited government candidate, he opposes the government taking such action.
And on government sponsored enterprises (GSEs) like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, we learn that Newt was a proponent of bad housing policy, accepting $1.6 million from Freddie Mac to garner support from Republicans on Capitol Hill in an effort to get favorable policy for the company. Newt claims that he was not paid to be a lobbyist, but he has changed his story several times over the past week as to what exactly he was paid to do. And beyond that, Newt now claims he opposed the reckless nature of Freddie Mac and would, if elected President, work to undo policy that he had a hand in selling.
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Team Obama Spotlight: Hillary Clinton
Video by Frank McCaffrey
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The Fall of Herman Cain: A Conservative's Lament
By David Bozeman
There is not much original left to say. No, it is not fair that the media has taken out yet another charismatic conservative. Yes, the media actively promoted its preferred candidate, Barack Obama, in 2008, with very little vetting and no concern over his dubious associations and radical worldview.
But I'm going to say it anyway. The mainstream media would rather search the closets of Robert Bork, Clarence Thomas, Sarah Palin, and now Herman Cain for skeletons rather than it would examine the cozy relationship between the current administration and Solyndra.
For every American who knows that Herman Cain gave money to a woman claiming to be his mistress, how many dozens don't know that the Democrats are today's true darlings of Wall Street, raking in over $15 million, far ahead of any of the GOP presidential contenders.
To those who remark that Cain has no one to blame but himself, that he fumbled in response to the sexual misconduct allegations, just what is the correct method for mollifying a media hostile not only to conservatism but to its messengers? And then there is this faux concern over his — gasp! — hesitation in responding to a question about Libya.
You want to talk about verbal gaffes like"57 states," mispronouncing "corpsman", outright errors such as confusing Memorial Day and Veteran's Day and rambling sentences of incoherence when unaided by a teleprompter? Look no further than our much-lauded 44th President.
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ALG Editor's Note: In the following featured story from The Daily Caller's Matthew Boyle, ALG President Bill Wilson blasts Attorney General Eric Holder over Operation Fast and Furious gun-walking scandal:
Critics: When Holder loses control, it's 'not good for the country' as 'people end up dying'
By Matthew Boyle
Americans for Limited Government president Bill Wilson told The Daily Caller that Attorney General Eric Holder's loss of control on Tuesday is a sign that he's "got something to hide and he's scared."
Holder lost control of his demeanor on Tuesday at the White House when TheDC asked him to respond to the surge in calls for his resignation over Operation Fast and Furious. "You guys need to — you need to stop this," Holder said. "It's not an organic thing that's just happening. You guys are behind it."
Fast and Furious was a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives program, overseen by the Justice Department, which facilitated the sale of thousands of weapons to Mexican drug cartels via straw purchasers. Straw purchasers are people who can legally purchase guns in the United States but do so with the intention of illegally trafficking them into Mexico.
At least 300 people in Mexico were killed with Fast and Furious weapons, as was Border Patrol agent Brian Terry.
Since most of the facts have come out, 52 congressmen, two senators, three presidential candidates and two sitting governors have demanded that Holder resign immediately over the scandal.
Wilson said Holder's loss of self-control might indicate that's he's dangerously unstable, something that's not a positive quality for the nation's highest-ranking law enforcement official to exhibit publicly.
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