Madoff’s Wall Street empire crumbled in late 2008 after federal authorities were tipped off to his multibillion-dollar Ponzi scheme...
'via Blog this'
“Dayhoff Westminster Soundtrack:” Kevin Dayhoff – “Soundtrack Division of Old Silent Movies” - combined with “Dayhoff Westminster” – Writer, artist, fire and police chaplain. For art, writing and travel see Authority Caroline Babylon, Treasurer
Media Matters: Michael Savage plays Dead Kennedys song "in some respect for" Sen. Kennedy
Wed, May 21, 2008
Even those of us who have never fully appreciated Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy were left wondering that if this was “in some respect for” Sen. Kennedy, we sure are worried about Mr. Savage’s response if he didn’t like the second longest serving public servant in the Senate.
Following the announcement that Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA) has been diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor, nationally syndicated radio host Michael Savage opened his May 20 show by interspersing audio of Kennedy singing "Ay Jalisco No Te Rajes" with clips of news reporters discussing Kennedy's diagnosis and audio from the 1990 film Kindergarten Cop in which Arnold Schwarzenegger's character says, "It's not a tumor." Later, Savage played the Dead Kennedys song "California Über Alles" after stating: "The poor guy's been suffering for years, you know? Unfairly he's been accused of alcoholism, but we see now that it was something much more deep-seated. And so, to cut this out in some respect for Ted Kennedy, here's a tune coming at you from the Dead Kennedys. Go ahead and play it, please."
After reading from the lyrics of "California Über Alles," Savage said, "No gloating today, no laughter, all serious. You don't joke about a man's cancer. I do it, but I won't do it today; it's something I will not do." At one point in the program, he told a caller, "You know I'm playing the Dead Kennedys not to mock Ted Kennedy. It's just appropriate, that's all."
Later in the program, Savage aired a clip of Sen. Robert Byrd (D-WV) offering a tribute to Kennedy on the Senate floor before describing Byrd as "a senile senator" and "a walking psycho." Savage went on to assert, "For years now, Byrd has been blubbering on the floor of the Senate. For years, I mean, to be honest, Kennedy didn't seem sane to me." He continued, "Forget about the drunk stories and all that -- anybody can drink. The guy sounded like he was off for years, I'm sorry."
Savage subsequently aired a clip of Kennedy singing "Ay Jalisco No Te Rajes" before he asserted, "This is running
In February, discussing the death of Rep. Tom Lantos (D-CA), the only member of Congress to have survived the Holocaust, Savage stated, "You're not supposed to talk badly about the dead. I generally wouldn't do it. But in the case of Tom Lantos, I'll make an exception. I think he was one of the most -- he was a scoundrel. And I'll tell you why I detested Tom Lantos. The man survived the Holocaust of World War II and used it as a weapon the rest of his life."
Talk Radio Network, which syndicates Savage's show, says that Savage is heard on more than 350 radio stations. The Savage Nation reaches more than 8.25 million listeners each week, according to Talkers Magazine, making it one of the most listened-to talk radio shows in the nation, behind only The Rush Limbaugh Show and The Sean Hannity Show.
From the May 20 edition of Talk Radio Network's The Savage Nation:
[begin audio clip]
[Ted Kennedy singing "Ay Jalisco No Te Rajes"]
VARIOUS REPORTERS: Our breaking news this afternoon: Ted Kennedy ... Tumor in the left lobe of his brain ... Malignant brain tumor ... This is a malignant brain tumor ... Let me, let me pick your brain -- on probably the area you know best ... He's showing great energy –
Read the entire post from Media Matters here: Media Matters: Michael Savage plays Dead Kennedys song "in some respect for" Sen. Kennedy
Wed, May 21, 2008
Contact information:
Michael Savage
Talk Radio Network
Talk Radio Network
Talk Radio Network
Phone: 541-664-8827
Fax: 541-664-6250
The Savage Nation
The Savage Nation
The Paul Revere Society
Mill Valley
Fax: 415-339-9383
When contacting the media, please be polite and professional. Express your specific concerns regarding that particular news report or commentary, and be sure to indicate exactly what you would like the media outlet to do differently in the future.
Monday October 1, 2007
1. MSNBC Smears Limbaugh with 'Phony Soldiers' Distortion
All day Friday, even after Rush Limbaugh corrected the misinformation, MSNBC promoted a story fed to them by the far-left Media Matters about how Rush Limbaugh had called military personnel who served in
Limbaugh opened his noon EDT radio show on Friday by explaining how he was referring not to any real soldier but a phony one, notably Jesse MacBeth, who became a hero to the left when he recounted how his Army unit murdered innocent Iraqis. In fact, he hadn't even completed basic training.
Nonetheless, MSNBC headlined a 4pm EDT segment "'PHONY SOLDIERS' INSULT; Rush Limbaugh: U.S. Troops Who Oppose Iraq War are 'Phony.'"
At the top of the next hour, Chris Matthews teased Hardball: "Radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh says veterans who support withdrawing the troops are 'phony soldiers.' Those are his words."
Then at 8pm EDT, with "Limbaugh Bashes Vets for Withdrawal" on screen, and briefly "...Phony Soldiers..." over video of Limbaugh, Keith Olbermann teased Countdown: "Comedian Rush Limbaugh tries to back out of his quote: Servicemen protesting the war are quote, 'phony soldiers.'"
2. Sore Loser: With No Thomas Interview, NBC Features Anita Hill
CBS's 60 Minutes got the first interview with Clarence Thomas on the occasion of the release of his memoir and ABC's Good Morning America is in line for the morning show exclusive interview with him to air multiple days this week, thus leaving NBC News out of the mix.
So, the losing network decided to resurrect Anita Hill.
Anchor Lester Holt teased Sunday's NBC Nightly News: "Her story. Justice Clarence Thomas speaks out, and tonight so does the woman who nearly derailed his confirmation. My exclusive interview with Anita Hill."
Though Hill's charges against Thomas look pretty tame through the later revelations of Bill Clinton's actions with women, Holt depicted them as "charges of crude sexual advances" and "shocking allegations." Also, without any mention of the left-wing activists with whom Hill colluded, Holt sympathetically described her as "a reluctant witness."
3. Steph on Clinton: 'Philanthropist Who Happened to Be President'
ABC's George Stephanopoulos put on a sycophantic display in his pre-taped interview on Sunday's This Week with his former boss, ex-President Bill
Holding up the magazine as the two sat in a room at the Clinton Global Initiative meeting, Stephanopoulos touted "this great story in The Atlantic this month about your philanthropy" which "says you're basically re-inventing philanthropy" and, quoting the author, "'history may remember Bill Clinton as the philanthropist who happened to be President.' You okay with that?"
The ever humble
Next, Stephanopoulos oozed that the 1991 campaign slogan of "buy one, get one free" with Bill and Hillary is now "about as resonant as ever" with Hillary and Bill.
4. ABC Lobbies for Liberal Legislation on Time Off; Touts '08 Dem
On Friday's Good Morning America, for the fourth time this year, the ABC program skewered
After lumping the
5. Field Charges that Anti-War Comment Caused Fox to Bleep Her
Actress Sally Field charged, on Friday's Good Morning America, that Fox censored, as part of some pro-war agenda, her Emmy night remark that "if mothers ruled the world, there would be no Goddamned wars."
According to the Flying Nun star, "when it has to do with war at all on Fox, I think they all ran around like a bunch of chickens and started pulling wires, you know, 'Get her off the air!'"
Of course, the actual reason her comments were edited was because Fox feared being fined by the FCC for her use of "Goddamned."
Other edits that night included a profanity and Ray Romano's use of the word "screwing." In fact, Fox allowed several conservative-slamming, non-vulgar jokes to air unimpeded.
GMA co-host Diane Sawyer again indicated that the TV star's edited anti-war tirade at the September 16 Emmys was simply no big deal. Sawyer dismissively observed: "Again, we were saying at the time, everybody in
Agreeing with the implication of American provincialism, the Brothers and Sisters star noted, "And in
6. NBC Gives Springsteen Platform for Litany of Liberal Complaints
Giving a live concert on the Friday Today show, Bruce Springsteen didn't just sing but railed against the past six years of George W. Bush's administration. Although he didn't mention Bush by name, the outspoken liberal rocker didn't need to connect the dots as he hit just about every complaint leftists have charged against the current administration. During his talk-up before his performance of "Living In the Future," Springsteen yelled about "rendition," "illegal wiretapping," "voter suppression," "an attack on the Constitution," "the neglect" of New Orleans and "the loss of our best young men and women in a tragic war."
Check Out the MRC's Blog
The MRC's blog site, NewsBusters, "Exposing and Combating Liberal Media Bias," provides examples of bias 24/7. With your participation NewsBusters will continue to be THE blog site for tracking and correcting liberal media bias. Come post your comments and get fresh proof of media misdeeds at:
A usually-daily report, edited by Brent H. Baker, CyberAlert is distributed by the
The 2,499th CyberAlert. Tracking Liberal Media Bias Since 1996
6:25am EDT, Monday October 1, 2007 (Vol. Twelve; No. 172)
20060329 Media Matters is leaking
Hat Tip Wonkette
Looks like employees for Media Matters have attended the same classes as elected official(s) from the Maryland Town of Mount Airy. In Mount Airy, there is curious phenomena occurring - or so it would appear. Perhaps it is just the vivid imagination of some folks. But anytime there is a confidential/internal memo circulated among staff and elected officials in Mount Airy – it is automatically forwarded to the Carroll County Board of Commissioners, local newspapers and anyone else who may have a passing interest in only one small portion of any particular issue.
In a March 7th, 2006 Frederick News Post article by Katie E. Leslie, Mount Airy Councilman Peter Helt was quoted as publicly stating was has become common knowledge in the public: “Confidential documents sent to council members and the mayor have recently been leaked to the public, Mr. Helt said. Yet neither the mayor or any council member have acknowledged distributing those documents, he said.”
And OMG – there was one really special moment in the Media Matters internal memo: “One rule from the communications shop: TREAT BLOGGERS AS PRESS…”
Perhaps the Associated Press should read this memo.
Please see: 'Only a blogger' in Pajamas Media and also see: MSM Plagiarism Strikes Again – AP Welcome to the Party, by Larisa Alexandrovna.
I have also received a T-shirt for having the Associated Press use my work and not giving me credit for it.
One of many fascinating paragraphs is: “We do not credit blogs!
Meanwhile, thank you Wonkette for keeping us to date with the bathroom etiquette of the male employees at Media Matters.
Most Meanspirited Post of the Day
Hat tip to Wonkette
March 29, 2006
“(Well, so far, anyway.)
Hey, another Media Matters email!
Subject: I can't believe I have to do this again...
From: [Redacted]
Date: Tue, March 28, 2006 10:49 am
To: "'Mmfa staff'"
Priority: Normal
but once again, someone forwarded an internal email to the Wonkette, embarrassing both Media Matters as an organization and all of the colleagues you work with on a daily basis. It's ridiculous enough that email needed to be sent in the first place, and appalling that someone's had the lack of judgment to send it to a widely-read logger. One rule from the communications shop: TREAT BLOGGERS AS PRESS, and communicate with them through the communications shop. If you have a question about that, ask one of us. I hoped, apparently in vain, that this wouldn't happen again. It did. So I'm hoping again. Don't let this happen again.
Oh, Media Matters, come on. Treat us as press? But the press ignores you! We hang on your every internal memo!
Earlier: Report: Male Employees At Media Matters Are Total F**king Slobs
Update: Men at Media Matters Still Total F**king Slobs”
20060104 Male Slobs at Media Matters
Report: Male Employees at Media Matters are Total F***ing Slobs
Hat Tip: Wonkette
January 4th, 2006
“We received a copy of this email from confidential sources at Media Matters:
Subject: Men’s bathroom complaint From: “S———” Date: Tue, January 3, 2006 10:37 am Priority: High
Good morning!
On my way out of the office on December 23rd, I was stopped by someone from the management office. He lectured me about a problem in the men’s bathroom. Despite my protestation that I clearly do not use the men’s bathroom, and thus complete unaware of any problems, he continued on. He received complaints from the cleaning crew that newspapers have been “strewn” (his word, not mine) all over the bathroom. If you bring a newspaper or other reading material, please bring it back out. Thanks!
Media Matters for America
While we’re not surprised that the rending and strewing of journalism is a popular activity at Media Matters, we’d like to remind their staff that the medium is the message and that the message you send to your janitorial staff matters. Also, guys, you can’t let yourself be so blinded by the right that you start forgetting how to distinguish between two types of genitalia. — DCEIVER
Update: Men at Media Matters Still Total F***ing Slobs
Hat Tip: Wonkette
March 27th, 2006
The good people are Media Matter for America: hard at work fighting conservative bias, still pissing off the janitorial staff:
Subject: Men’s bathroom….again
From: [Redacted]
Date: Mon, March 27, 2006 12:51 pm
To: [Everyone with a penis]
Priority: High
I’m sorry to have to send another e-mail about the men’s bathroom, but Jenny was on the receiving end of an unfortunate tirade from the building engineer (wait….assistant building engineer) a few minutes ago about a clogged toilet from this morning. I know that none of you would intentionally “stuff” a toilet, but he seems to think that someone from this office is doing just that. I’m not sure how to suggest to you guys to be conscious of what’s going down there (and I know it sounds ridiculous), but please try. They already hate us, so let’s try to play nice.
Media Matters for America
Guys — you may not think this is a big deal, but we happen to know that Media Research Council keeps their place neat as a fucking whistle — ‘cause you never know when Exxon’s gonna stop by to see how their money’s being spent. You think Soros wants to keep you guys afloat if you can’t pick up after yourselves?
Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA.