“Dayhoff Westminster Soundtrack:” Kevin Dayhoff – “Soundtrack Division of Old Silent Movies” - https://kevindayhoff.blogspot.com/ combined with “Dayhoff Westminster” – Writer, artist, fire and police chaplain. For art, writing and travel see https://kevindayhoffart.blogspot.com/ Authority Caroline Babylon, Treasurer
Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Md Troopers Assoc #20 & Westminster Md Fire Dept Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Showing posts with label People O'Donnell-Tony MD Delegate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label People O'Donnell-Tony MD Delegate. Show all posts
Calls Governors Plan to Increase Spending During Recession Mismanagement and Possible Bailout Financing Spending on our Childrens Children
ANNAPOLIS—House Minority Leader Anthony ODonnell (R-Calvert/St. Marys Counties) today delivered the minority partys response to Governor OMalleys State of the State address. ODonnell characterized the governors plan to increase spending during a recession as mismanaging taxpayers money and the governors anticipation of a federal bailout for Annapolis overspending as putting the burden on generations of Marylanders to come. ODonnell told Maryland Public Television:
Governor OMalley is basing most of his budgeting decisions on getting a federal bailout, a bailout that will be financed not just by you and me, but by our children and our childrens children. The governor is hoping to be bailed out for the mismanagement of our fiscal house with money that the federal government just does not have.
In this difficult economic climate, with Marylands unemployment rate at a 15-year high, the governor has not changed his budgeting approach. Hes planning on more and more spending of our money while ignoring the crisis that we are in. Even before a bailout comes, the governors budget increases state spending by about $800 million and puts us in worse shape.
By this administrations own actions of raising taxes and failing to reign in the growth of spending just before a recession, they have made an already bad situation much worse.
ODonnell also addressed the issues of soaring energy costs that have nearly doubled in the last two years and the need to secure Marylands drivers licenses, a critical safety and security issue.
Many promises have been made yet little progress has been shown on these matters. These issues have bipartisan support in the General Assembly and the wide support of Maryland residents.
Nuclear energy is one example that has to be pursued more aggressively in this state. It emits no greenhouse gases, will help decrease our dependence on foreign oil, and will increase our domestic energy supplies.
Nuclear energy is safe, clean, and environmentally-friendly, something we can all use and appreciate in the near and long term. It is enjoying renewed support in Washington and must as well in Maryland. Labor unions and industry as well as many environmentalists are vigorously supporting nuclear development.
This type of economic development can attract businesses and new good paying jobs, which is essential to improving our economy.
Maryland is the only state on the Eastern seaboard that does not require a legal presence to obtain a drivers license. In fact, Maryland is one of only four states in the U.S., one of only three states in the continental U.S., which does not require a legal presence to get a driver's license.
Citizens should be able to rely on government for safe roads and safe neighborhoods. But in recent years, weve seen increases in gang violence and increases in crime across the state.
One way we can tamp down on these growing problems is by regulating Marylands drivers licenses. This is a critical safety and security issue that also needs the attention of legislative leaders.
ODonnell closed by calling on Maryland to say enough is enough and urges the Governor and the General Assembly to work on solutions that benefit all Marylanders, not just Annapolis politicians.
#### Republican MD Republican Party, YouTube, MD Gen Assembly Opera, MD Gen Assembly 2009 426, People O'Donnell-Tony MD Delegate, 20090129 MD Rep Party response to St of the St address
Kevin Dayhoff www.kevindayhoff.net http://kevindayhoff.blogspot.com/
Vote Against Question 2! BY Anthony J. O’Donnell – House of Delegates Republican Leader and Christopher B. Shank – House of Delegates Republican Whip
October 29, 2008
Over the last few months, the citizens of this state have been bombarded with a variety of myths regarding the slots constitutional amendment. There have been radio and television ads that warn ominously of tax hikes and cuts to education and public safety if slots are not authorized. This fear-mongering ad campaign is financed by a handful of individuals who will make a tremendous amount of money if this plan moves forward. Members of the Democratic leadership have made not-so-subtle threats to unions, community organizations, and other interest groups bullying them into supporting the amendment. Those voicing opposition to the amendment have been demonized. Even if you are in favor of slots coming to Maryland, when you push past the layers of rhetoric and look at this constitutional amendment in its entirety, it is clear that this is not the way slots should be authorized in this state. The House Republican Caucus opposes the slots constitutional amendment because it is a bad deal for the citizens of Maryland and does nothing to address the root causes of our fiscal problems. The House Republican Caucus has a slots plan ready to introduce that does not require a constitutional amendment and allows market forces and local input, rather than political favors and back room deals, to determine the locations.
The first myth that needs to be addressed is that Question 2 is a referendum on slots. Maryland does not have a provision for referenda. Question 2 is not an up or down vote on slots and voting against it does not prevent the authorization of slots in the future. Question 2 is an amendment to Maryland’s Constitution, the primary governing document of the State. This amendment not only authorizes slot machines but authorizes them in specific locations throughout the state. The locations and beneficiaries of the proposed slots plan were decided in a back-room closed process, with no consideration for market forces or the concerns of local governments. Once authorized, any changes to the slots program will require a constitutional amendment. There will be no way to address unforeseen problems that require changes, such as a problem with a particular location, until an election year when the citizens can vote to approve the changes. There is no need to authorize slot machines with a constitutional amendment and failure of this amendment does not mean that the General Assembly cannot come back in January and authorize a slot machine plan that benefits all of Maryland.
The second myth that needs to be addressed is that if the constitutional amendment fails, the only option will be more taxes and draconian cuts to deal with the $1 billion deficit we face in FY 2010. Another myth is that education funding will be enhanced or jeopardized depending on the passage or failure of this amendment. The truth is the constitutional amendment does not bring in significant revenues until 2012. The revenues that will be dedicated to education will be used to supplant monies already spent on education, not to increase overall education spending. The message being sold to the citizens by the Democratic leadership is slots OR taxes – the fact of the matter is, the economic situation, the current deficit, and the unwillingness of the majority to restrain spending will lead to slots AND taxes. In contrast, our slots plan will generate an immediate $850 million in upfront revenue in FY 10 that will fill a significant portion of the structural deficit. Our plan will bring in more revenue overall than the constitutional amendment. The House Republican slots plan, in combination with our budget proposal will not only eliminate any need for tax increases, but will allow for a repeal of the historic tax increase passed in 2007.
What the citizens of Maryland need to know is that this constitutional amendment is a bad deal for the taxpayers. It gives away slots licenses well below their market value to a handful of wealthy, politically well-connected individuals. In these tough economic times, and in the wake of the largest tax increase in Maryland’s history, that is grossly inappropriate and should not stand. The constitutional amendment will do nothing to address the $1 billion deficit and will not prevent new taxes. It allows the Democratic leadership in Annapolis to continue to recklessly spend money with no control or accountability. The taxpayers of Maryland do not have that luxury and neither should their elected leaders. It is time for the citizens of Maryland to say NO to Martin O’Malley, Mike Miller, and Mike Busch. No unjust enrichment for political patrons, no more reckless spending, no more threats, no more fear. The best option for our citizens is to vote AGAINST Question 2!