C. Scott Stone announced today that he is a candidate for State Senator representing District 5. Stone, a former, long-time member of the Board of Education of Carroll County, decided to seek this position because of his experience, competence, proven community leadership, and common sense approach to solving problems.
"The district needs a State Senator who will protect its interests during tough economic times," Stone said. "I will guard the district's interests and work amicably toward resolving Maryland's budget woes."
Stone, an engineer, served on the non-partisan Board of Education for 14 years. Initially elected to a six-year term in 1992, he was re-elected to four-year terms in 1998 and in 2002. His third term on the Board of Education expired in December 2006.
Stone is the 2008 recipient of the Maryland Association of Boards of Education's prestigious Charles W. Willis Memorial Award. Limited to a single honoree annually, the award represents recognition by board member peers of outstanding service at the local and state level, and is MABE's highest honor.
"I have had the honor of representing Carroll Countians as a school board member and as an active member of many community organizations," Stone said. "It would be an honor to continue that balanced representation and strong leadership as State Senator for District 5."
If elected, Stone vows to introduce legislation authorizing community organizations in Carroll County to conduct a gaming contest or casino night.
"I continue to believe that State legislators should support the efforts of community organizations that serve each one of us day-in and day-out," Stone said. "As State Senator, one of my first official acts will be to introduce legislation authorizing community organizations in Carroll County to conduct a gaming contest or casino night."
For more information, please visit http://www.CScottStone.com
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