“Sheriff sets plan for New Year; includes alternative funding and furlough”
Westminster, Carroll County, Maryland, January 7, 2009 ---- Sheriff Kenneth L. Tregoning is pleased to announce the law enforcement strategic priorities for 2009: “Promote Professional Development & Wellness; Implement New Technologies that Enhance Public Safety Communications & Information Sharing; Promote Service Excellence through Maintenance of [Accreditation] Standards; and, Increase Outreach Efforts.”
As with any organization the establishment of new goals is not the challenge, rather it’s their execution - an increasingly difficult task in a declining economy. In considering Governor Martin O’Malley’s December appeal to elected leaders, Sheriff Tregoning submitted a five (5) day furlough plan to the County Comptroller’s Office this past month, thereby returning the 2% salary increase legislated for his position this year.
With local government freezing employee Career Ladder Promotions this past summer in response to falling revenue projections, Sheriff Tregoning said, “I can not justify accepting a salary increase when my employees aren’t receiving theirs.” Likewise Sheriff Tregoning trimmed several projects from the coming year’s budget before submitting it to the Commissioner’s Budget Office for approval, including funding for transitioning deputies to a different model handgun and non-mandated training programs.
However, to insure that employee safety, professionalism and public service are not compromised by funding shortfalls, the office has established “Professional Development & Wellness” as its top priority. With the lowest rate of disability, death and retirement benefits among Maryland’s Sheriff’s Offices, funds for the evaluation of those programs are included as a budget item. Further, the office plans to expand its partnerships with public safety advocacy groups such as the Law Enforcement Employees & Families Association, and the Concerns of Police Survivors.
Additionally, the office will increase its pursuit of grants and scholarships from professional organizations to fund additional training and equipment needs. In fact, the Carroll County Sheriff’s Office was recently notified by the Governor’s Office of Crime Control & Prevention that it had been awarded more than $27,000 towards the agency’s goal of establishing “Public Safety Communications & Information Sharing”, or interoperability.
Contrary to the declining economy, the demand for police services continues to increase, including the incidents of identity theft, computer crimes and fraud. These crimes are costly to the victims, many of whom are seniors on a fixed income. For law enforcement, the investigations are labor intensive as they require expensive technology and extensive collaboration with criminal justice agencies abroad. The Sheriff’s Office will continue to partner with local and state government to expand the use of the use of technology to enhance investigative solvability and operational efficiency.
Likewise, the county’s population continues to increase in both size and diversity – leading the Sheriff’s Office to “Increase Outreach Efforts” not only to share resources with our government and public safety partners, but to define the community’s changing needs and align Office resources to communicate with new cultures, prevent emerging crime trends and close existing cases.
In as much, the Carroll County Sheriff’s Office takes seriously our obligation to provide quality service in a fiscally responsible manner. Until the full impact of budget shortfalls are known, the Sheriff’s Office will continue the cost saving measures implemented this past year, including restrictions on fuel consumption, off-duty vehicle usage and participation in the county’s car wash program. Embracing the challenges that lie ahead, we look towards the continued innovation of our staff and ever expanding partnerships to secure public safety.
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20090107 Carroll County Sheriff sets plan for New Year
Westminster, Carroll County, Maryland, January 7, 2009 ---- Sheriff Kenneth L. Tregoning is pleased to announce the law enforcement strategic priorities for 2009: “Promote Professional Development & Wellness; Implement New Technologies that Enhance Public Safety Communications & Information Sharing; Promote Service Excellence through Maintenance of [Accreditation] Standards; and, Increase Outreach Efforts.”
As with any organization the establishment of new goals is not the challenge, rather it’s their execution - an increasingly difficult task in a declining economy. In considering Governor Martin O’Malley’s December appeal to elected leaders, Sheriff Tregoning submitted a five (5) day furlough plan to the County Comptroller’s Office this past month, thereby returning the 2% salary increase legislated for his position this year.
With local government freezing employee Career Ladder Promotions this past summer in response to falling revenue projections, Sheriff Tregoning said, “I can not justify accepting a salary increase when my employees aren’t receiving theirs.” Likewise Sheriff Tregoning trimmed several projects from the coming year’s budget before submitting it to the Commissioner’s Budget Office for approval, including funding for transitioning deputies to a different model handgun and non-mandated training programs.
However, to insure that employee safety, professionalism and public service are not compromised by funding shortfalls, the office has established “Professional Development & Wellness” as its top priority. With the lowest rate of disability, death and retirement benefits among Maryland’s Sheriff’s Offices, funds for the evaluation of those programs are included as a budget item. Further, the office plans to expand its partnerships with public safety advocacy groups such as the Law Enforcement Employees & Families Association, and the Concerns of Police Survivors.
Additionally, the office will increase its pursuit of grants and scholarships from professional organizations to fund additional training and equipment needs. In fact, the Carroll County Sheriff’s Office was recently notified by the Governor’s Office of Crime Control & Prevention that it had been awarded more than $27,000 towards the agency’s goal of establishing “Public Safety Communications & Information Sharing”, or interoperability.
Contrary to the declining economy, the demand for police services continues to increase, including the incidents of identity theft, computer crimes and fraud. These crimes are costly to the victims, many of whom are seniors on a fixed income. For law enforcement, the investigations are labor intensive as they require expensive technology and extensive collaboration with criminal justice agencies abroad. The Sheriff’s Office will continue to partner with local and state government to expand the use of the use of technology to enhance investigative solvability and operational efficiency.
Likewise, the county’s population continues to increase in both size and diversity – leading the Sheriff’s Office to “Increase Outreach Efforts” not only to share resources with our government and public safety partners, but to define the community’s changing needs and align Office resources to communicate with new cultures, prevent emerging crime trends and close existing cases.
In as much, the Carroll County Sheriff’s Office takes seriously our obligation to provide quality service in a fiscally responsible manner. Until the full impact of budget shortfalls are known, the Sheriff’s Office will continue the cost saving measures implemented this past year, including restrictions on fuel consumption, off-duty vehicle usage and participation in the county’s car wash program. Embracing the challenges that lie ahead, we look towards the continued innovation of our staff and ever expanding partnerships to secure public safety.
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20090107 Carroll County Sheriff sets plan for New Year